The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Original Israelites were Muslims just like Iranians are today

The Original Israelites were Muslims just like Iranians are today
Israel and Judah were separate countries.  The Jews always say how they wanted to go back to Israel.  How do we know the original Israelites were like Iranian Muslims today?  The Muslims ban alcohol as Iran does.  From the passage of Nehemiah in the Bible,
Also in the book of Genesis we learn of God’s Covenant with man.  God stated that he would never again destroy the world by flood but first he made the conditions precedent that man must not eat of the flesh with the life blood still in it.
The book of Genesis has the best moral lesson for humanity ever!
And when I read that passage of Genesis and the Bible recently.  I came to the conclusion after reading the accounting for the blood as part of the covenant as well as the repetition of one of male and one of female going onto the ark, that Noah might have been fleeing Cannibals!  And there are indeed many seas, and large peninsulas in that region.
But another part that draws a corollary to the accounting for blood is that per the Egyptian Hieroglyphs the land of Edom where the Romans recruited King Herod from shows that they were scavengers that lived off scraps from the land. And it was stated that Edom means red and that it was founded by him and that he was born red all over.  Now that is consistent with a  baby being born that had a mix of Rh- and Rh+ blood types; the allergic reaction.  And we know that the Rh- blood type has a more prevalence of being gay. It is very interesting in that they have their own characteristics and their blood type is unique.   Now this brings up a very interesting gestalt with regard to Holocaust!  From my looking at the index of my St. Joseph Bible it reads that a holocaust is an offering to God.  And there are several passages in the Bible that mention this.  But getting back to Edom.  Those offerings to the God in the Bible were stated to have the blood drained from them!  So if God wants an accounting for that blood what does that mean?  We never see the face of God in the Bible.  What am I getting at?  What did they do with the blood that they drained?  Did they leave it on the outskirts of town for the people of Edom to drink out of the sand analogous to how we get oil from coal shale.  But I have made this point before but I will make it again.  Was that a form of making the people in the village dependent upon the community and its leadership because if they left they would encounter zombies that drank blood and indeed had genetic anomalies from that?  But more to the point was it part of a ritual to create those with the mind of the beast that were not part of the community so that those on the outskirts would not pose a threat to the community because one could just take one look at them and see that they were screwed up and therefore one had not conscionable objection to just killing them in defense!
And I have a little more to relate to you about the story of Noah from the Bible and when you read that story think of it in analytical terms that you then have to piece together later, like you are Colombo!  After Noah lands on shore, and here we might have had a time disjoint in order to prove a point, after he lands on shore after the flood is over.  He grows a Vineyard.  After his sons cover him up for sleeping naked after drinking, he curses one of them for all time!  What is the Bible telling us in a very concise manner here?  That alcohol creates hatred among family members!  It creates violence in families.  Now per my memory that sons name was Cain!  Same as the son who killed his Able brother!
The reason that everyone wanted to go back to Israel was because it was such a peaceful place!
Now somewhere in here I have to add another feature to this article and that is debunking the French Paradox!  The French have a high instance of Rh- bloodtype!  We know that the Rh- they also have a completely different psychology to them!  Now I have nothing against the French what put me on the trail after them was the FDR’s family money came from Opiate trade with China.  And FDR was of French English descent.  England being a foundation of the Roman Empire!  We just saw a giant drug bust from Italy coming into the United States a week ago.  But that French paradox came to the Conclusion that the French were heart healthy because they drank wine!  I don’t believe that study to be accurate because we know that they have a high prevalence of Rh- bloodtype!  And that study was used to propagandize the sale of alcohol in the United States!  The Pamako which is translated to works of the flesh, witchcraft and pharmacy industry makes the highest profit margins on the sale of drugs that are used to mitigate the symptoms of those that hear voices in their heads; and one of those giant companies is based in France.  France also had a history of imprisoning innocent people in dungeons!  So we cannot attribute that heart healthiness to alcohol!  Why not because all factors have not been taken into consideration in the study!
And we know that the original Israel that the Jews make a claim to today was not a drinking nation!  How do we know that?  From that quote from Nehemiah were he warns those citizens of danger when the nation of Judah was bringing its wine presses in!  He told them not to serve food on those days (meaning to those people!)  A subtle way of saying we don’t want you hear because you disturb our peace!  And people do get violent and aggressive from drinking but more to the point their children are born with mental retardation.
And that Nehemiah warning is consistent with Iranian and Muslim views!  And genetically archaeologists say they cannot tell the difference between a Jew today and a Palestinian!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 22 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

And is Edom really Eden?  Whereby it was a big trick if you left Israel to visit there because the cannibals would get you?  Here I am in the greatest place off all until you see the red skinned people with beady eyes running after you from out of nowhere!

 Nehemiah 13:15 “In those days I saw people in Judah treading winepresses on the Sabbath and bringing in grain and loading it on donkeys, together with wine, grapes, figs and all other kinds of loads. And they were bringing all this into Jerusalem on the Sabbath. Therefore I warned them against selling food on that day.”  
And that is how I read that!

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