The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Breweries and the Human Conscience 02 01 2014

Breweries and the Human Conscience 02 01 2014

Despite the fact that we know that alcohol is the leading cause of mental retardation in the western hemisphere we really see no response from the alcohol industry that indicates it has a HUMAN CONSCIENCE with regard to the matter!

And it likely has to do with this,

"Once they are born that way.
They don't have a choice.
Nor an independent voice."

So I would indeed want to research who own the Breweries, Wineries and Liquor Factories in Germany before WWII and also before WWI.  What religion were they of?  Did they escape the bombings without a scratch?  What evidence do we have that their families just continued business as usual during the war?

Now that would be very interesting and telling.

Now lets say that two different families are born with a mental defect related to alcohol.  And neither really knows the cause.  However the one that owns the brewery has been ruthless from the beginning of time whereas the other family does not know why they are the way they are and are trusting people.  They would both be miserable and blame the normal people for their problems.  In fact those who had the worst mental defects would blame everyone else entirely.  And maybe it isn't a game of blame at all maybe it is just their lack of human reason and human conscience as a result of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.  We know that alcohol is the leading cause of mental retardation in the western hemisphere, but in addition to that could there be a subgroup in that spectrum that do not have a human conscience or human reason because of that and have adapted to that condition as best they can?  And what happens when the abnormal believe themselves and their families to really be normal?  It is really all the self justification they need for whatever they do despite the fact that they are really mentally defective!  Okay does that bother anyone besides me?

And to round out the article what semblance of Human Conscience have we seen from the Alcohol industry for the products that they sell that are the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western Hemisphere.

And maybe they come to view the world and people outside of their own families in an entirely different way when they have to cope with a family member or their own lack of intelligence?  In other words they project how they treat that family member and the frustration they experience with that family member and the self identification they themselves have with that family member...they project how they treat that family member unto the entire population of a country!

And maybe when they feel inferior they project that onto whomever they can get away making a victim of!!!! And hence that is the origin of pagan monotheism!  If you only have one victim for a great many you are not likely to be caught for your missing human conscience or missing human reason!

And what is it really like this pagan monotheism?  It is not always a projection of inferiority is it, sometimes it is like the dog that is mad that you did not take it with you and you left in the car!  It is mad because it was not allowed to experience life with you, it is mad that it was not allowed to be one unified mind with you!!!

And it makes you wonder how many children were really raised more by the family dog than their parents!

And if you are born that way what sense of social conscience do you have to change what is wrong for a better future?  About as much as that dog that chews the furniture when you are away from home!! Right?  He doesn't have a sense of human conscience with regard to the matter!  He is helpless to even the slightest awareness of the problem?  Don't believe me?  Try and explain it to him?  He doesn't care and can't understand, all he really wants is to be one with you the next time you go for a ride in the car!  That is a high maintenance breed isn't it, with many needs that have to be attended to in just the right way so that they are not offended!  That dog believes it is more important than you are because if it believed anything less it would be completely miserable!  It takes a lot for granted because the pilot of the car allows it too?  No, because the pilot of the car has it as a pet it believes that it is more important that it is?  As John Boehner stated, "We are going to get something out of it!"  But having that dog that is dependent upon a human being makes that human being feel like they have a purpose?  And indeed it gives them a sense of love through companionship.  But isn't that really a replacement for something in your life that is missing?  So should not the rule be when you get married the dog or cat goes?  And if we took away all your little poodles would the homeless have food and warm shelter?  As that discretionary income was instead used to feed them?  What am I getting at?  Maybe something the Pope knows too?  These people care more for their dogs than human beings because as adults they could not find true love!  They actually like to pretend that the dog is a person don't they!  Now isn't that a sign of a break from reality aka evidence of psychosis? And maybe the way that they interact with the dog is a real sign of the type or person they should have found to marry in order for them to be well adjusted and happy without the need for a pet.  And how about this, "Son I can't give you the parental love that you need so I will instead give you this pet."  That is a cop out isn't it?  But I do see the validity of it because it takes the focus of the lonely child away from its own problems as it instead is made to care for something living.  How many people would object to marrying a woman that told you that her plants had to come with her and be part of the marriage!  Plants are something to take care of too!  You'll never hear this one will you,"Honey you love your vegetables more than you do me!"

The words, "Don't tread on me," come to mind!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 01 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

Just came home from picking a family member up from a party and sat and ate some fruit and nut mix while I typed.  That is how I go about this; impromptu.  It's just basically me and the voices, but it is much better when it is just me!  And sooner or later somebody else's dog is likely to give me a stroke and death so I do what I can while I am here with you.

And perhaps that is how we should judge one another?  You knew very well or had knowledge that Alcohol caused mental retardation and a host of other human miseries and disease but you chose to ignore it.  How long do you think the human species can survive with that kind of belief system?  You knew all those things were wrong but no one could stop a single one of you!

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