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"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 1, 2014

How to defeat Imperialism! 02 01 2014

How to defeat Imperialism!
Thinking in comparison or vernacular defeats them because they do not have their first person frame of mind to begin with to form this type of thinking and learning.  Because they think in terms of second person frame of mind, someone else, they cannot learn and form analogies of learning on their own thoughts and memories!  This is why they burnt the Irish Literature which was based on Vernacular meaning the language of the common people!  You will see them attempt to argue by analogy but it is never analogy that really fits, is it!  It is odd from the point of view of someone who wants something to be a certain way that it is not in reality!

How can you compare anything and learn if you do not have your own frame of reference of mind, you can’t!  Hence you create a world where you are highly compensated to play child’s games, which brings up the Super Bowl to be played tomorrow!  I might watch it, I used to love to play that game as a child!
So the way to defeat imperialism and also learn is to express yourself in accurate and verifiable comparison!  Those who do not have the ability will hate you for it and seek to black ball you; same thing as burning Irish Literature!
They cannot argue based on substance and their counterarguments are formed from the point of view of someone that is standing on a narrow ledge on a steep precipice; and that is why the exert so much emotion behind them!
In effect the best way to defeat them is to expose their flaws of reason through satire.  And I did indeed hear a man say that exact same thing on the radio the other day, the satirist have the most accurate rendition of history.
You might like my one and only novel titled “The Voyage of the Cauldron Skipper” by Thomas Paul Murphy,  It is available in Paperback and Kindle form!

And the goal of the human race should be that every single child has their own independent and responsible mind developed in relation to their own personal experience!  To have your own human conscience and human reason is the exact opposite of the goal of FDR Eugenics and Psychiatry!  So they are really anti human being principles.  Look how far in the wrong direction they have taken humanity!  What exactly is that?  Instead of having its own mind it wants to be part of a unified mind?  The human being is defined to be the exact opposite of the unified mind!  We are not part of a collective we are independent and individuals.  To be part of a collective or unified mind means that whoever the leader is runs off the cliff in fear because he cannot stop and you have followed him as your leader when you should not have; hence the unified mind is an animal disaster or mass death in the making!  And that is indeed what Imperialism amounts to, following that one person who should have never been your leader!  So in our modern world we have the job of keeping these people responsible and accountable for every single one of their actions until the point whereby they denounce that ability! 

Those who are proponents of the Unified mind are not Compatible with living in accordance with the United States Constitution and will always be in conflict with us!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 01 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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