The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Communism in the United States today is 02 18 2014 updated 02 18 2014 updated

Communism in the United States today is 02 18 2014

"We all live together now because some of us are not as smart as the rest and we don't want everyone to know!"

There is a great danger to any nation when the wealthy are outdone by newer generations of healthy and intelligent children from the middle class!  They fear the loss of power and wealth when this happens and will go to great lengths in order to prevent it from happening; just as an animal fights to the death when it has been cornered!

The we all live together form of Communism we face today is facilitated by Surveillance systems that were developed through the funding of Homeland Security and Defense spending!

Don't worry if you like communism there are still communist countries in the world today and you will find plenty of work there.  You don't belong in the United States if you are of the defective mindset!  This country is to good for you and you bring in down.  And when you bring the United States down you bring the whole world down with it because the United States was the leader of the Free World.

And that word FREE is something that a Jewish man like Joseph Lieberman who is at the upper echelons of Homeland Security should have had a lot more respect for; because the Jews were enslaved a great many times in world history!  John McCain too should have known better, but he might be being controlled to this very day from being tortured in Viet Nam!  And Lindsey Graham also of Homeland Security looks like he might have been born with fetal alcohol syndrome!  He too takes great delight in making a mockery of the United States Government as does the bastard adopted son Newt Gingrich and the Presidents nepotism son George Bush and his brothers.

So if we did indeed clear cut and fire the United States military and intelligence community would we be able to find good men to hire to fill their shoes if need be?  The best thing to do would be to just eliminate the payroll to them!  Take the trough away from the pigs!  But then would then indeed use their connections to orchestrate another attack on the United States?  The answer to that is that we would need to deport them and every person of non-Caucasian skin color as well as those whites of the satanic mindset, organized crime, Wall Street, Banking and Insurance Fraud, religious fraud, health care fraud, Education fraud!

We also need to defund the banking industry and grant full and continued ownership license in perpetuity to honest people living in their homes who are not of the Satanic mindset!

You want to play games of Communism then you are going to learn the rules and discipline of Communism as the rest of us return to Freedom and Democracy in the United States!

And what you will find out is that you will be much more happy living in a Communist Country than you are here in The United States of America the Land of the Free!  That freedom and aptitude are a constant threat to your personal identity and you will not be allowed to project that hatred of self unto human beings anymore!  We are not one big circle of sitting monkey's in the United States!

And what is the secret drive behind communism in the United States, it is a group of women or coven wanting their children to be raised by one gorilla tribe leader in a communal setting!  That is why the communal setting is needed and where the form of Government gets its name from!  Anyone remember the United States tanks firing on the David Koresh compound?  Anywhere in the United States a human being is hearing voices in their head for the benefit of the communist minded is indeed the equivalent of someone being kept captive in a David Koresh compound! And the answer to that is you should have never had a child with a man whom you didn't want that child to be exactly like in every single way!  So if that woman is you, you do not belong in the United States of America!

This guy was a real piece of work (derogatory), as are a lot of you today! He was dyslexic and therefore mentally retarded and also a victim of pederasty!  If you want to know what kind people are going to be sprouting up all over the United States with your free and legalized drug program just read the biography at the link below.  He can be said to be the quintessential mental birth defect child of alcohol drinkers!  He used the name Davidian after the Jewish King David of Israel who was a serial rapist that ran a protection ring.  So there is your Jewish Connection to Communism!  Now you don't like that it is true and neither do I, and I wouldn't write it if it weren't a true horror!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 18 2014 at: www,
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

Mentally retarded adopted name David Koresh was essentially King of the Commune!  So here we have the missing link of Communism being the Equivalent of Monarchy!  And from studying David Koresh and others like him we see quite readily that he wants to take the best from both worlds because he does not fit in either!  His birth name was the English Surname Howell!  Which leads me to ask the question who financed him to build that compound???  Great Britain?  Now Congress in the United States can indeed elect a King!  However what you will find is that it will end up reverting to someone or transitioning to someone of the mental capacity and ill motive of David Koresh!  From this analysis comes a ready understanding of the reasons the United States has had conflicts with both Monarchies and Communism!  Now in the United States we have a legacy business structure that was adopted and put in place in the mid 20th century from our affiliation with England in WWII, it is Corporate America which was essentially born from pirate activity given limited liability by the monarchy!  And when you research the Bible you will come to the conclusion that Slave Master is the equivalent to the use of the term God in the Bible!  Now look at the gestalt comparison between the word GOD and CEO you might not be able to tell the difference on an eye chart at the ophthalmologist.  The three letter abbreviation looks the same and indeed carries the same function as well as undue credit for achievement.  And that has been one of the greatest enemies to the United States today.  Per my memory before WWII you could not automatically incorporate but after you could.  Now this brings me to the point of the brave armed service men of the United States when you entered the military you did not have the shield of limited liability for your years of service, for example you readily faced the liability of being shot and killed or disabled in service!  Now I actually do respect you substantially more than corporate America because of this and I forgot to mention that in the last article.  However some of you were of so low standards of men that you did not even belong in the United States Military!  That should not serve as a dumping ground for the mentally defective in the United States.  It should never be allowed to get that far.  And nor should power be allowed to be accumulated by United States Corporations!  And just as I mentioned how an animal fights when cornered if we actually saw that the minimum wage was raised to the point where a normal hard working man could earn a living you would see legislative machination after financial machination and threat of war after war declared in an effort to defeat the American MAN! 

The answer is really that if you cannot read in the United States you are a threat to our democracy and should be deported to a communist country!  Also if you are the bully child that molests other children in the classroom you will never fit in with our democracy and our values and should be deported to communism!  As should the drug dealer, the human trafficker and the child pedophile; and those of their support network; including legal representation!

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