The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, February 17, 2014

If Kevorkian Were Around there would be 1/3 fewer gun deaths 02 17 2014 updated 4 times

If Kevorkian Were Around there would be 1/3 fewer gun deaths 02 17 2014

There would also be a lot less deaths from heroin overdose or not?

The cause of gun violence are those that were BORN mentally defective!

And therefore the way to remedy that is to issue far less marriage licenses?  "Do you plan on drinking at any time while you are married and expecting to conceive a child?"  Nor marriage license for them.  Also we should have required a special license to purchase alcohol!  Because the purpose of marriage is to have children those who obtain a marriage license would forfeit all rights to purchase the drug alcohol; known to cause birth defects.  And the number one birth defect it causes is mild to severe mental retardation.  Dyslexia is a form of mental retardation and 20% of Americans have it today! So if you eliminate the birth defects you eliminate gun violence!

This nation values freaks far more than it does normal people today!

1/3 of those deaths by what is misnomer-ed to be gun violence are really suicide.  And we cannot term that violence!  No normal person harms themselves, so again it is the mentally defective.  And I have just proven that 33 percent of gun deaths are caused by the mentally defective!  I would go on to make the claim that all acts of gun violence are caused by the mentally defective!

And those 1/3 of all gun deaths are caused by suicide you can thank your lucky stars they did not kill you to?  What is the quickest way to diagnose a mentally defective person?  It is the desire to substitute drugs and alcohol for personal achievement!

Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 02 17 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

She wants to be able to blame something else for him killing himself, other than; he was born mentally defective, the way she raised him or the male she married!

If her will would be allowed to continue none of use would be able to eat with sharpened steak knives, because her son saw us using one and how it cut and he killed himself with it!

A woman should need to be married and have a marriage license in order to get pregnant.  Therefore that child is a licensed birth.  All unlicensed births are not to be kept!  And your option though instead of not keeping that child you can move to a third world country because that is what that activity amounts to and not the Standard of the United States.

And if a married woman has a Down's syndrome type of child she will not be allowed to keep it or she can have that same third world country option!  She can try once more with that same man after not keeping that first child, and if the second one is bad that is grounds for divorce on either part.  If fact the instance of a second Downs syndrome type child would null and void her marriage license or the ability to marry again in the United States.

Which brings up another good point, you have to have a license for everything today except the most important thing there is; having a child!!!!  That doesn't seem right to me!  How come if you have to have a license for all that other stuff you don't have to have a license to have a child too????  Are there some people that should not be granted a license to have a child?  Absolutely!  A drug user for example!  A child molester would be another example.  Now I know that this doesn't make any sense to you but it does to me. 

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