The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Go to an eye Doctor and they want to know if you had Schizophrenia in your history 04 08 2015

Go to an eye Doctor and they want to know if you had Schizophrenia in your history 04 08 2015

Would not it be more relevant to the health of a democracy to ask:

1. Dyslexia
2. Attention Deficit Disorder
3. Mental Retardation
4. Down's Syndrome
5. Autism
6. Cretenism
7. Dwarfism
8. Was either you father or mother an alcohol user.
9. Homosexuality- because it is linked to a defective serotonin receptor gene.
10.Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
11.  Have you been diagnosed to have a non homosapien DNA brain cognition such as Denisovan or Neanderthal?
12.  How about what the FBI said Russians Putin has Aspergers?

They don't want to know any of that.  They want to know if you have had schizophrenia and then they want to needle you about it or put you on the defensive about it.

Every single Civil Servant in the United States should be required to take an oath that they do not have non homosapien based DNA cognition such as Denisovan or Neanderthal.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published 04 08 2015 at:

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