The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Anyone who drinks alcohol does not fear God 12 16 2015

Anyone who drinks alcohol does not fear God 12 16 2015

Because man was made in the image of God.  Hence that is how God made man to be!  Alcohol does not create a man that is made in the image of God.  Hence those who do not fear God will indeed face the wrath of God.  They should have feared God and not created man not in the image of God.  For man not created in the image of God cannot survive in the long term.  Only man created in the image of God has the potential to survive and not become extinct.  For man created not in the image of God is not creation but destruction of the image of God.  Once again God represents creation.  To go in the opposite direction from that represents destruction.

God did not create man in the image of God in creation in the hopes that someday he would not become in the image of God.  More to the point; God did not create for the purpose of destruction.  God did not create in order to satisfy a will of destruction.  For God's will is creation and not destruction.

To create man not in the image of God means that you do not fear God.  It means that you do not fear creation.  It means that you do not worship the creation of God.  Do you feel that you possess the ability to create as well as God did?  You not in the image of God feel that you are equal to God?  Doesn't that really doom you to nothingness?

What do you see when you look at nature?  Do you see it as Gods creation?  Or do you feel it is your creation to modify in any way you please?  When you defy Gods creation do you believe there is no punishment for you? To defy Gods creation do you not make the world susceptible to destruction?  Creating the waste of Carbon Dioxide did you believe you were God or Gods creation.  The image of God as Man knows that you are not.  The image of God as man would not seek to defy Gods creation.  He would fear God and seek to put things back into a stable state.  What is that?  It is just the common sense every Man should have.  But that was not created in the image of God doesn't seem to have that.  Now I could provide example after example like the Carbon Dioxide was, but what is the point?  You don't believe in that. So indeed I will wait for God to show you the errors of your ways.  I mean like how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.  I mean like how God created the great flood!  God did that in those days.  But today it is a little different isn't it!  Man not created in the image of God created the conditions precedent to destroy all of us by defying God.  In  other words you defied God and destroyed yourself in the process.  Perhaps God isn't done with you?  Perhaps God will put you in eternal purgatory to serve as an example to those who would seek to defy God?  Perhaps God was putting you to the test?  Waiting for the destruction of that which seeks to destroy?  That which seeks to create need not worry because it is the spirit of creation.  That which is the spirit of destruction is destined to be segregated due to its own negative energy to a continual state of self implosion!

Thomas Paul Murphy

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