The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 18, 2015

Humor: How the imbecilic works 12 18 2015

Humor:  How the imbecilic works 12 18 2015

To do the exact opposite of what you were told to do, screw everything up and then claim it was because you did exactly what you were told.

And part of the problem is that it is assumed that you have the same conscience as men do when you are given orders, but any of us who ever had to work with you know it is the furthest thing from the truth.  You aren't expected to apply any constructs that don't relate to manhood in what you were told to do!  And you should not be expected to apply any constructs that don't relate to manhood when you are given an order.  You are assumed to have knowledge of human common sense.  But that can't be assumed of you!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 12 18 2015 at:


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