The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, July 3, 2015

A Career Professional Supreme Court Judge not having any concept of the Unity of the American Family!

A Career Professional Supreme Court Judge not having any concept of the Unity of the American Family!

We already know that they chose a career over family!  That is what the high paid professionals (women?) do.  But in this case it clouds their judgment and legislation that relates to the American Family!

They have no basis of understanding; again they chose a career over family.

I think we are seeing a lot of that negative influence in the legislature today!

In fact they are so ashamed of their shortcomings and incompetence that they don't want you to know how they come about making their decisions!  They want all that communication between them to be secret.

What could the real reason be?  They don't want you to know that they are second person cognition and dependent minded?  They don't want to give credit where credit is do out of culpability!  So that is a root based problem.

I believe that the career professional supreme court judge should recuse themselves from any and all issues related to the American Family.  Basically that means that they step down completely because they have missed the crux of every single issue.  In fact they demonstrate a willful lack of intelligence as is related to the origin of our Supreme Law of Land.  First and foremost a Supreme Court Judge must have respect for that!

Somehow they don't belong here but instead of admitting that they attempted to make our country conform to their poor personal character?

Men are not afraid of having their thought processes known.  We are not afraid to divulge about how we come to the conclusions we do.  So what is that which wants to cover its tracks in Government?  The only reason you would ever want to do that and create laws to indemnify you is because you are criminal minded and corrupt!

What am I getting at?  Just look at what they are doing and you can see that they were not able to think about issues as to all repercussions.  They are not able to ask themselves; why would I be causing a lot more problems than I am solving.  And hence that is the logic of creating a string of lies to cover ones tracks.  We already know how the criminal minded alibi changes in the exact same way once facts come forth that expose for lying about a material fact!  That is what we are seeing here with the snake attempting to squirm its way out of trouble?

You are what you are.  You should not be ashamed of it.  If you are so ashamed of your aptitude in Government you don't belong there!  It is important!  It isn't just about you having a high paying job and being able to drink with a socialite class.  The criminal mind never believes that there is anyone on earth that can see it did something wrong!  That is what is called a mental defect!  Too much of that incompetence in Government creates Civil Unrest!  And that is an impeachable offense!

And talk about incompetence in professions?  Has a Investment company ever made a small investor money.  Now I am getting into another article about how quickly the wealth of the United States could be wiped out if indeed our General Health and Welfare were taken into account per the United States Constitution.  But I will write that another day.  It is two articles back.

When they don't belong in Government they resort to corruption and favoritism.  Same as Corporate America does.  Corp meaning a body.  A body without an intelligent and responsible head to guide it?  Where are those heads?  They are on the shoulders of those tormented and labeled schizophrenic.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 07 03 2015 at:

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