The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Internet Web Browser Improvement: A "Root" menu button that takes you immediately to the home page of the website you are on 02 27 2016

Internet Web Browser Improvement: A "Root" menu button that takes you immediately to the home page of the website you are on 02 27 2016

In effect it truncates the web address to get to the homepage.

So if you had a long Ebay sight address such as this:

Hitting that "Root" menu item immediately takes you to this:

"Did they stop thinking for themselves at some time or did they ever think for themselves at any time in their lives?"


"What are you going to do with your life?"
"I am just going to wait until the Holy Spirit of Jupiter the Father falls on my head, and then I will just get to be him?"

Isn't there no better definition of a homosexual than that?  Just wait until the Holy Spirit of a man descends upon your consciousness?  That is the reality of how miserable they are and were raised to be! It does know good for that mother (and father) to attempt to deny and hide the shame that she caused.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2016
Originally published on 02 27 2016 at:

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