The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

In Accordance with our Mandate to have a Militia all military bases should be open to the public for target practice on their ranges. 01 12 2016

In Accordance with our Mandate to have a Militia all military bases should be open to the public for target practice on their ranges.  01 12 2016

People using them can be assigned a behavior rating by fellow range users.  If you are not behaving correctly on the range you don't get to come back or have your rights to use it cancelled for a period of time and then test. 

Under this provision some who currently use our military bases would indeed be excluded from using them; based on a behavior rating.

Why the behavior rating?  There are some things in life that need to be taken very seriously.  Aside from what the drug legalization fairies want you to believe, there are some things in life that need to be taken very seriously.

New ranges should also be created just like there were Army Reserve bases that one of our Presidents had torn down.  Who did that?  It was either Reagan, Bush or Clinton; a quick internet search did not yield the answer.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2016
Originally published on 01 12 2016 at:

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