The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, May 3, 2013

Did the and does the settlement of Beer drinking Germans in the North post the Civil War

Did the and does the settlement of Beer drinking Germans in the North post the Civil War pose a great threat to our Democracy and the Union?

Has the North become much like the Confederate South was in the Civil War because of the spoiled Bottlemutt offspring of them?

It would seem to be something that is working against progress in the United States!  It would seem to be a ploy to defeat our Democracy!

Have those of German descent posed a Great Threat to the entire world?

That pyschiatric and Eugenics literature was prevelant in the South, New York (New York Stock Exchange), Wisconsin and California!!!

No better way to establish Axis forces in the United States than the fact that they were here already!

Just ask yourself what mentally sound and healthy person finds the initiative and ambition to label, medicate to zombification with the highest profit margin drugs (psychiatric) ever?

No normal human being would initiate the program on other people!  These are Blood Money Americans!

I say that and I myself have German Heritage, but not that German heritage!

Ask yourself to compare the son of an Alcohol to that of two non-drinking teachers.  They might not look very different but there is a Great Cognitive Difference!

That Swine Bottlemutt race is going to wreck this country.

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 05 03 2013 at:

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