The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Padrone 05 19 2013

Padrone 05 19 2013

I have been awful hard on Italians.  So I am going to do a switch up.  In the early history of the United States there were Padrones and Padronis.  A Padrone was  a man (likely not a woman) that was involved in human trafficking to the United States.  They lied to parents and potential workers in the countries that they brought laborers into the United States from, Italy, Greece and Mexico to name a few.   Once in the United States they were essentially the equivalent of slaves.  Some were even kept in prison camps.  They had contracts that they had to pay back and never could.  They had to buy food at higher than usual prices. (Why see that as price fixing in grocery stores today.)

Some of the Italian boys were even put out on the street to play a musical instrument.  There would be a child found dead on the street and no one would know how it happened.  The workers were called Padroni and the human traffickers the Padrones.  But what I would like to know is; what happened to those who were formerly involved in being Padrones in human trafficking?  What are the lineage members of their family involved in today?  How do they earn their money and are they paying their fair taxes?  Have they somehow transitioned to become modern human traffickers?  Did they ever stop in the gap of time between then and now?  And we had to create many labor and immigration laws to address the problem.

I am not your father or your mental Padroni.  And no U.S. Citizen should ever be!

A Padrone had to be someone that the Italians trusted.  Therefore was he likely an Italian himself.  And was organized crime started by Padrones or Pedronis that no longer trusted America because of Padrones.  And who are the Padrones or human traffickers today?

Could Padrone's be of different nationalities?  Could we have a Governor in power in the United States today whose family legacy had Padrones in it?  Very simply, we ought to be able to find out who those early Padrone's were in U.S. History.  If the FBI isn't even good for that it is crooked!

It is important today and does bear relevance today because their is quite a bit of human trafficking and there are also too many illegal aliens here!  Does anyone serving in public office today have a legacy of Padrone's in their family lineage?  You would think that Homeland Security, the Secret Service, the CIA would have it in their database?  And tell me this, how can anyone working at any one of those agencies deserve a paycheck when we have 11,000,000 illegal aliens in this country today?  How can they have deserved a paycheck?  How????  How???

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 05 19 2013 at:

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