The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

If Humanity came from Africa where they all had kinked curly hair 04 02 2014

If Humanity came from Africa where they all had kinked curly hair 04 02 2014

How did I get my straight Aryan blonde hair as a boy?  Explain that?

And in spite of me being negative on the Germans from Ger being the Hebrew word for strange therefore the meaning being strange-men.  I have always prided myself in my German Aryan Heritage.  My German Grandmother was diagnosed with Schizophrenia.  Her Surname was Roth.  I am going to have to say that on that side of the family she was the only true Aryan or human being!  All the rest had dependent minds!

Oddly enough I remember hearing a true story about a young boy growing up in movie town California he had blonde hair and all the rest had dark hair.  And he always wished that he had dark hair too.

So I do indeed wonder what hair color women prefer.  And it would also be of help to me to know of national demographic statistics as to what type of woman prefers blonde hair. 

Say what you want about WWII and Eugenics but the end result is that there are very few Aryans with straight blonde hair left!  Some have blonde curly hair and that doesn't qualify.

And perhaps the wise blonde haired ape Cornelius from the Planet of the Apes explains it best or the Aryan Charlton Heston Character that comes back in time in an attempt to save the world but he isn't successful!  Honest to God as you look around at all the indoctrinated idiocy today don't you start to feel helpless as if you are in the shoes of Charlton Heston in those movies?  And what did they do to him?  One of the earliest forms of psychiatric the metal stirred rod lobotomy.  They make an incision and stirred the brain with a metal rod until the person can no longer say anything coherent or understand.  And that is exactly what they did to Rosemary Kennedy but she was believed to be mentally defective from oxygen deprivation at birth.  Instead of someone that was highly competent as the Character Charlton Heston played.  I just need to step back and ask why they did that to Rosemary?  She was already defective.  Could the reason be that because she was born defective she had the ability to make people hear voices in their heads?  That has to be it!  She was more psychic because of that because her hippo campus was the cause of the defect and therefore her mind worked from the outside world in as I believe those who are psychic do.  So indeed once again I have proved that the mentally defective represent the Satanic.  And hence they are used as a tool to demonize mens minds in order to steal the future of them?  And indeed Kennedy made a similar remark, Once one man's rights are compromised every human beings rights are?  It was something exactly like that!  And when you watch a highly paid black woman on television saying that it is not considered gay for men to have sex with one another; do you not see the justification for that stirring?

Just my stream of consciouness!  I like it better than anything else.  So please don't seek to deprive me of it or stir it.  I wonder how many people have the literary ability to write from stream of consciousness? It has to be a rarity!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 04 02 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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