The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The greatest envy comes from creations based on our heart and that is something that cannot be stolen even though they try 09 04 2014

The greatest envy comes from creations based on our heart and that is something that cannot be stolen even though they try 09 04 2014

It's about the same principle of hitting an Olympic Skater in the leg with a pipe before she goes out to compete; it really means you can't compete!

That was an Irish gal they were jealous of wasn't it!

To attempt to steal it would mean that it (whatever skill it is) is something that you could never legitimately be!  And those high paying jobs in society were meant to go to those who had the legitimate talent!  And the integrity of that concept is the basis of civilization.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 09 04 2014 at:

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