The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Scott Walker just mislead America 11 04 2014

Scott Walker just mislead America 11 04 2014

The reason those recent immigrants came to America isn't because of fair opportunity, it is because of the Government program called EB5. They came here with Eb5 money. For all we know communist countries just gave it to them! (That would make them spies?) And with that EB5 money they bought a piece of American soul and destroyed a little bit of our freedom in the process. George Washington warned us against this!

Scott say's he wants us to be for something rather than against it as Washington is. That seems very vague to me. He doesn't seem to get that when you declare an opinion you are automatically not for another. So that is complete rhetoric.

Independence from the Government not dependence on it? You would have to eliminate the function of the Central Intelligence gathering Agency; for that to happen! He doesn't believe in that!

The average attitude of the Wisconsinite that Walker appeals to can be summed up with this phrase, “If we feed our kids beer it is good for the state!” You can't feed them alcohol, have born incompetent vegetables and expect to eliminate dependency.

The level of sycophant local media commentary is appalling! That speech sounded like Ronald Reagan? Every decision that Ronald Reagan ever made was spoonfed to him by a fortune teller who attended Vassar University?

Rebecca Kleefisch the best lieutenant Governor in the nation? You have to be kidding me! Do you know what commentary like that is, wishful thinking propagandized as reality. And perhaps that is what the whole shebang was tonight!

As I look at Scott Walkers two son's I think, “Those are two boy's that will never have to work a day in their lives!” And that brings up the next point about working America. America isn't going to work when we have political leadership that went into Politics because they couldn't work and didn't want to work! It is a pipe dream! And here is another issue with them! People who know that imposters in our Government will always prop them up to success in our country never really have to work at the level the rest of us do! They have an insurance policy based on that power. What that means is that they do not work fairly and respect other workers in the workforce. It is personified by Rebecca's voice, a nasally spoiled whine designed to defeat rational argument.

So what can we expect in the next 4 years? Every week they will ask Scott Walker questions about Presidency! And what did he indeed say directly to the media interviewer. Something to the effect of I don't have to worry about it when I have people like you asking me that question all the time! And what does that really amount to media kissing up like that? It is the spoiled child placating its parents in order to get something it wants, that really makes it a form of begging doesn't it? That sycophant behavior is a transitioned to adult form of begging! And what purpose does it really serve at this point? What purpose does it serve for Scott Walker to mention the word Washington a dozen times in tonight’s speech? It is slight of hand, it is gypsy takes the focus of any responsibility he is supposed to have in the next four years for Wisconsin. “Scott your not going to go to work tomorrow like me either are you,” the interviewer might as well have phrased the question that way!

I am all for everyone realizing the American dream to their own individual human potential. Scott Walker is for something far different than that! In effect wishful thinking falsely portrayed as reality! What happens is it can catch up with us and ruin freedom worldwide faster than you can ever realize! Now that is the true lesson from History. Not references to grandeur of speeches written for Ronald Reagan to read. I know what some of you think. World leadership is all one clique? What you need to have first and foremost in your mind is, “There is no honor among thieves!”

And look how quickly Mary Burke conceded defeat? She was just a place holder wasn't she! Someone given the opportunity to compete for Governor as a spoil sport to prevent competent citizens from legitimately entering the race for Governor! In a game of strategy controlled by the wealthy!

That EB5 money is really here to establish foreign manufacturing of United States intellectual property!  So it is a drain on our freedom! But you don't see it for what it is!  And Scott can't legitimately comprehend the meaning and future impact of anything he said in that speech!  What it creates is a Kingdom of the wealthy in the United States along with Scott Walkers alluding to wanting to end Social Security to the rest of the country!  Washington, Washington, Washington Scott mentioned in his speech.  Washington warned us about foreign countries with corrupt inhuman Governments and therefore about people just like Scott Walker!  They know that printed and not earned money put them in office!  And that is indeed who they dance for!

To say that you can be for something without being against something is a complete delusion!  It is something you like to believe about yourself because it isn't true!  It is the way a sloth likes to think!

They actually believe that if they hurt the poor they win in life?  A lot of peoples happiness doesn't depend on money!  If you want to get right down to the crux of the issue some of us are happy because we have our own minds and always will in contrast to those who want to defeat that freedom!  The freedom to be an individual!  The freedom to not have to give fatuous speeches garnering all the worlds attention as a construct of happiness?  You can't be happy by attempting to convince everyone else that you are!  It doesn't work that way!  If you are happy you don't need to convince other people that you are!   Most of them know it and are spiteful and envious because of it.  And the vicious circle goes round and round until all copies of the United States Constitution are confiscated and burnt!

Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

originally published on 11 04 2014 at:

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