The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Employment is Pirate Corporations versus Unions 03 16 2014

Employment is Pirate Corporations versus Unions 03 16 2014

I haven't thought of it this way in some time.  Perhaps the voice knows what I want to think and say and doesn't like it!

But here it is anyway.

After WWII and FDR many more Company's were granted Corporate Status on the grounds that it created employment!  But if that were true then we would not have seen the rise of the Unions!

Employment is either fair employment to our rights or it isn't employment; but more akin to slavery!

Now I am not saying that Unions are fair.  But as long as you have the Corporate Status you need the Union to balance it out in the effort to protect the Constitutional Rights of the American Worker.

The Unions arose because the Corporate legal status is a complete work of fiction!  It is about the same work of fiction that is represented by some religions! And it is also unconstitutional for Congress to make a law that respects religion!

Fictitious business entities therefore are part of a Pagan religion!  That makes them something we are not to believe in!

And how many of you feel if only a Corporation would hire me?  What a bunch of baloney.  They are likely to put you out to pasture without a penny on or before retirement age.  And not only that as a recent General revealed they have ways to kill you that cannot be detected.  So you are not going to win!

Monty Python depicted it best with the old European men manning skyscrapers of Corporations as if they were Pirate Ships and heading over to the United States to concur us!

The Constitution is the exact opposite of Limited Liability for management of a Corporation!  The exact opposite!

Sure they created employment but immediately we found out that we needed another entity to protect the rights of the worker because of the Pirate Immunity the Corporation granted itself!  And in the War between the Corporation and the Union the Corp wins because it controls the purse!

So, (I have written about this before) the way to defeat that is to have an entity that combines the best of both and eliminates the worst of both.  And that is indeed employee owned companies!

Now that Pirate and Burial Group mentality never believed that workers would organize effectively to manage a company!  Nor did they believe that an owner would have the personal strength to grant wage equality and not squeeze the employees so that he can't support a family.  So if the worker of an employee owned company can't support a family it means that is because of the Corporation and also Health Insurance another Pirate concept!  And then we also have inflation as a matter of control of who owns the resources.  One of those being monopolizing energy policy through oil ownership,.

On Health Insurance!!!  Many people don't realize that in United States history the colonists rose up against the British in Revolution because the British tried to TAX us on TEA!  We had the TEA PARTY and through it all into the SEA off the British (English) Boats!  Then the British came after us with Guns!  And that was the Revolutionary War!  What is Health Insurance?  It is that same type of undue TAXATION!  The Financial Industry making money by convincing you to pay for health insurance while at the same time controlling the cost and effectiveness of Doctor service!  The New Tea Party did their best to confuse the issue by calling themselves the name of their greatest enemy in history!

It was also the United States Navy as the Reason that the British were defeated in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War! Enter the Englishman FDR to Presidency and his background in the Navy!  And you see that the British have infiltrated the United States Navy!  Not only that they tried to concur the United States Navy in WWII by not telling us of the whereabouts of the Japanese fleet in the Pacific as they approached Hawaii.  And one of the weapons that the British Developed was the Magnetron Generator!  It can be used to incapacitate the mind of a human being!  FDR had a hand in the Development of the U.S. Navy!  One after the other radio operator in the U.S. Navy fleet went insane.  We are extremely lucky that Japan did not win Pearl Harbor and take over the United States!  It could have happened very easily.  Those same Magnetron Generators are used to make human beings appear incompetent and put on psychiatric medicine.  Here is what one looks like!

They are also used to control employment!

FDR was also of French nationality.  Nowhere on the globe is the RH- bloodtype more concentrated than in France!  And what do we know is true about the RH-?  They are less sensitive to pain!  There was a psychological study whereby one person pushed a button and shocked the person sitting across from them.  They were supposed to do it only to a level consistent with what the other person just set the dial at!  It rapidly escalated until the device had to be turned off.  Now can you imagine how that study would be conducted if one of the participants was RH- blood type?  Now what are the broader implications of that!  I am just going to state it without doing the logical proof.  The Rh- is less human because it is less sensitive to pain!  Humans care for one anther and that is how we differentiated from the monkeys' in evolution!  We only wanted to be around those that cared for others like we do others!  That is the nature of society and human civilization.  It is also what affords a person to consider themselves to be Godly as the Puritans did!  They can sense the pain of others and don't want them to be in pain!  That is humanity!  The Rh- amounts to a sadistic element in and among humanity!  They might even lack a human hippo campus!  The Rhesus monkey is a far more social animal than the Baby rendering Gorilla that has his bastard apes raised by a few females!  The English Druids worshiped the Monkey!  Winston Churchill was a member of the Druid Society!  I wouldn't doubt that FDR was one too or a member of its United States equivalent.

Barrack Obama has family roots in Kenya.  We know that people from India migrated there from India!  And that once there they were in conflict with the British who FOLLOWED THEM THERE!  The British desired to conquer India and they did!  But some fled to Kenya like the Puritans fled to the United States.  Which brings up the next point. The Confederate South, Southern Oil and those who betrayed other black people in Africa and helped take them prisoner onto slave ships to the United States!!!!  And how indeed does Communist Cuba that was supported by Russia play into the slave trade into the United States?  We don't hear of that history do we!  It is foreshadowed by considering Cuba Communist today!

OKAY BLACK PEOPLE!  You think I am completely nuts on my RH- blood type issue?  Napoleon Bonaparte of FRANCE wanted to kill every black person on earth and was near successful.  Not only that he used the most sadistic means possible to do so!  Let me connect those dots for you France being Rh- and Napoleon from France, and Napoleon being sadistic, FDR from France.  And FDR's New Deal plan was based on the principle "One must surrender their individuality for the sake of Industry!"  Nothing can be more unconstitutional than that statement!  FDR was also aligned with blacks who believed in the Vondoon religion that could implement such a concept.  And were those blacks really Rh- blacks?  I would not doubt it.  Now a man named Gallo (That is a French Surname worked for Litton and was accused of creating the aides virus.)  In his defense he stated that the Aides virus had been around a lot longer than that.  Is the aides virus caused by an Rh+ human being being exposed to or having sexual relations with an Rh- person?  And what did Jesus Christ a Jew state?  Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees.  Leaven means yeast.  And there are a great many cofacters that Yeast, Viruses and Bacteria have in common!  Satan might indeed have been the first victim or carrier of the aides virus!  Not only did he not have human immunity but he also did not have a human soul!  Which brings up the next point, if you do not have a human conscience or human reason meaning soul (formed by a non-defective hippo campus) how can you have human immunity!  You can't!  There is an implied connection of spirit to body or mind body connection!  And that is indeed what the India Indians, not all of them mind you, believed in.

And when we think of the European Union perhaps it is best to think of them as colonies of people formed under Rh- leadership!  Wine was the cause of the defeat of blessed Israel and it is the drink of the French!  You can look up that quote from the Bible!  And perhaps Peter Sellers portrayed the sickness of the French with both the psychotic personality he was juxtaposed against the Chief Inspectors jealous frustration at Inspector Clusoe's progress and means of progress and also the wax dripping face costume he used to infiltrate a French Castle with.  Now Joan of Arc freed those who were being tortured by the French in such places.  That psycho Chief Inspectors personality is represented by the Type A personality of Corporate management today!  And one more think about Cursoe and Jews!  Clusose had the demeanor or archetype of "God is with him."  It really means that he had Rh+ human social ways.  And that is exactly the same concept that Joseph who was sold into slavery in the Bible to Egypt by his incestuous brothers and Father Judah was said to have had.  They liked Joseph a Jew as a slave in Egypt because the Pharo stated "God is with him!"  And the prefix Pharo comes from Pamako meaning witchcraft medicine etc.  Pam meaning "All" and Ako meaning like Older brother!  So if ineed all the Jewish Pharos (yep I boldy stated it) and Jewish Pharisees were all like their older brother then they would indeed have an affinity for an Rh+ person like Joseph?  Now I don't know what blood type he was but the argument doesn't have to be validly proved on that basis.  Just to say that he was a Jew and had more humanity and hence viewed as having God with him by those who were less human.  And that is a less human concept, of slavery and also keeping a prisoner in your Rh- negative managed French Dungeon!

So today we have France at the heart of the EU.  And we also have Russia on the other side.  The U.S. shouldn't get into this one but if we do we send all Rh- negatives and members of corporate management, plus drug dealers and child molesters plus those espousing Rh- gay rights to fight that war that they caused or supported!

Do you really believe that your son should fight for the rights of a Homosexual in a War that starts with a foreign country?  Is that something that the United States would fight and die for?  The right of one man to be dominated by another?  The right of one male to suck on the penis of another?  The right of one male to sodomize or be sodomized by another with male anatomy? Think about it!

And what has Barrack done?  1. He has given us a mandatory Health Insurance which is a TAX just like the British tried to Tax us! 2. He has desired to take away our Guns, just as we used them to defeat the British,  It is an impeachable offense for a United State President to even mention Gun Control. 3. And I also believe that our Navy has been infiltrated and taken over by British Spys.  Why?  Because it is the main force we used to defeat the British in the History of the world.  Our Navy likes to zap whales with force waves and also we are going to find out that members of the United States Navy have participated in the medical fraud of creating Schizophrenia like symptoms on United States Citizens!  It has always been a medical fraud with horrific and real symptoms that are artificially created.

And people ask me how can you prove the Rh- is less human???  It has to do with having a non defective hippo campus and being able to synthesis facts to come to a conclusion based on forming a mind that can filter fact from fiction and fantasy!  The ability to trace every thought in your head and confirm or deny its authenticity between imagination and reality!  Comes from a non defective hippo-campus.  Both my father and mother were born during Prohibition, my father more so. And my father didn't drink!  Just a tiny bit of alcohol to a woman bears a lot of negative damage to a developing baby in the womb!  We will never hear the Rh- French comment on that!  They believe that Liberty means the right to drink wine and have mentally defective psychotic children that will envy other children because the only conclusion they could come up with is ,"God is with them and not me!"  that is the biggest lie you could tell a child or the world!  And what does it prevent?  It prevents the mentally defective from having to believe they are mentally defective!  And the Pro life movement is part of the satanic agenda too!

And some of our World Conflict can be thought of being incited by Island nations dominated by Pirates?  A king really being a man who pirated a whole nation?  And it is amazing how control and ownership of key United States companies has transferred to England.  Such as Oil and also I believe battery technology is being thwarted.  If we had a rechargeable AA Lithium battery we would have less environmental pollution and need to spend less money. So right there is the proof that current Corporations do not have a Goal of benefiting America in any way!  There is no reason a AA rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery cannot be made!  The only reason it is not done is to keep wealth and therefore control and domination of the United States concentrated to those who were raised to believe in a delusion concerning themselves!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 16 2014 at:

Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy
Always check back for updates to articles.

By the way most of India that the British concurred were Polytheists!  The belief in many different Gods gave them the perspective to think about things from counter perspectives and develop the Independent thinking mind!  That is something that the monotheists or mentally defective Loathe!  It is humanity to think about things as if you were in the shoes of another person and that is the framework that Polytheism provides.  Monotheism concentrates power to the point where a King is allowed to assume dictatorship in the role of the Power concentrator or Union of Church and State!  And that is a big Constitutional NO NO!

I wish I could type all I hand write for you!

Should the U.S. side with Russia or the Ukraine and Europe?  I am only on whichever side proves and States publicly Schizophrenia is Medical Fraud! So we stay out of anything the world over until that happens!  And it would be a great source of personal shame to many so it never will!  But that is a principle that is worth Americans going to war and dying over!

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