The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hitler was so jealous 03 09 2014

Hitler was so jealous 03 09 2014

Hitler, who did not make it into art school because they said he was a voyeur, was so jealous of the art that depicted deranged people that he had it confiscated in order to be destroyed.  Some of it wasn't!

But I too have seen the face of satan as Hitler was!  I have seen people become so jealous of things that I have made and created that they started to cry!  That crying was from personal frustration of knowing what they can never accomplish!

Now my Eighth Grade Catholic School teacher always stated that Hitler was very smart!  I really have to ask if it was his own intelligence!  Smart people don't need to take amphetamines!  Do you know why, and you are going to love this!

"They have no need to keep up with THEMSELVES!!!!"

 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 09 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

Nor do they need or desire any drug like cocain or alcohol, pot or meth, or whatever it is!  Why?  Because they love their own human minds and their rewards come from the process of achievement through something called Thinking!  There own thoughts satisfy them and make them happy!  And here is where the beast will try and betray a person's memory from remembering just exactly how things really are!  The beast want's you to deny your own life's history!  And hence when you refuse to do so the beast wants to put you on medicine or use other means of distraction so that you can not use your higher mind that is based on your memory! For a simple example, You catch the frisbee that wins the Frsibee that scores the winning point at the end of the Fribee football like game.  You do so be securing it with both hands and pulling it into your chest!  The beast will come along and call you "Mo Frisbee"  Meaning you were a homosexual to the frisbee!  Mofris!  Oddly enough that is the proper way to secure a football!  And probably the best time would be when you are in the endzone and a pass is headed towards your torso.  You pull it in so that it is far less likely to be fumbled!

But anyhow the archetype of the jealous beast cannot be grouped into any one title such as a specific religion!  But it can more or less be thought of as the bartenders son or daughter!  The odds are pretty high there!

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