The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

If Coal is a Fossil Fuel does it mean that the dinosaurs were killed by a Mercury Asteroid 03 12 2014

If Coal is a Fossil Fuel does it mean that the dinosaurs were killed by a Mercury Asteroid 03 12 2014

A Mercury Asteroid would be very dense and could travel very fast.  One it hit the earths surface it would atomize to mercury gas that would kill everything?  And being that heavy it would also be traveling through space faster.

Now is Mercury attracted to other Mercury on a quantum gravitational field effect scale?  Whereby, the more....

Being that heavy it would also destabilize the tectonic plates the world over with a ripple effect.

And Fossil Fuels contain mercury!  So it was infused into when they died through the mercury vapor?

So is it safe to say that it is the extinction element? And we should be doing everything in our power to contain it?

Do we even know what a baby with a Mercury birth defect looks like, how their brain malforms?  There is enough in one fish to do that to one!  So we would be seeing that on a mass scale now.  And we are seeing brain defects on a mass scale.

As you look at the physical birth defects can't tell me that the brain doesn't suffer first and foremost, absent any physical defects!

But if autism is caused by undo folds in the placenta that strangles the baby inside the womb then those forms are a physical birth defect just like in the pictures!  Flesh contorting in order to contain and "sequester" what should not be in it!

Makes the start of a song:

There's a Goblin at the helm
And he's taking us to a dangerous realm.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 12 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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