The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, March 1, 2014

How many sons wish their fathers never drank 03 01 2014

How many sons wish their fathers never drank 03 01 2014

Have we ever read statistics on that?  If I do a quick search will I get meaningful data and results?

That quick search does not yield statistical data that answers that question.  And perhaps some sons of fathers that drank don't realize how better off they would have been if their father had not drank.

And the other question that their is likely no statistical data on is, "How many fathers wish that their sons had never drank?"  So I am going to run that search term into Google.

Again no data just horror stories.

Now let me ask you if this ever happened to you.  Your life is going well and a friend comes along and somehow you find yourself drinking when you really had no interest in doing so.  You weren't really pressured into it.  But somehow at some level you were cajoled into it?  And I have had plenty of people try and cajole me into drinking.

When I worked as an equity research analyst for a large investment firm we ate expensive meals with management a lot.  At one sitting with the President of a company that made carton sealing tape, I was not drinking I had ordered something else.  And that President told me that he didn't recognize that!  He knew very well what it was tea or something like that because he was sitting next to me when I ordered it.  I also had a friend in college tell me that it didn't look good that I wasn't drinking.  And I had another friend that didn't make it through college tell me that when I wasn't drinking I was grumpy.  I also had a friend in High School make sure that my beer cup was never empty!  I don't believe any of us in the United States should have to put up with that!  But sometimes it is very subtle!  Like Tom Sawyer tricking someone into painting the fence for them without them knowing it even happened!

My grandfather started drinking while my father was in WWII and he died in a snowbank.  My father stopped drinking when he was at a wedding and insulted someone.  And I know who he insulted.  And to tell you the truth I understand why.  But the point is that some people shoot their mouths off and when you come back at them in defense they are absolutely crushed.  I have had a woman tell me that sometimes criticism is deadly; meaning that I need to tone it down.  Which gets me to the next point, who is it that grows up without having to face constructive criticism?  Must be a dream world to live in.  A pampered and spoiled life!  What am I getting at?  You may think you are an absolute nothing because of the way that people treat you.  But you will find out rather quickly that you aren't when you give them constructive criticism!  You will find out in this odd world that your opinion really meant something to them!  And you know the people that I am talking about?  They joke around unabated!  They really have no idea when they are offending people or how.  In fact they believe it is tough love!  All you have to do is let them have it once with one sentence and they are done with that!  Just one truthful sentence of what you believe! You have broken their delusion of self.  In fact it might even be said that you rather quickly exorcised an evil spirit from them!

Now here is another concept I was thinking of.  I had to ask myself why that gaffiest people in the world would want to become famous.  And the answer that came to me was this, "Because fortune follows fame!"  To me fame was always something a spoiled child vying for attention was!  It was immaturity!  And hence I never wanted to be that!

But to conclude this article, with all the money wasted in the United States on research, with $17 trillion in debt, you would think that there would be data on those questions!  But they were never asked were they!  Now why were they never asked?  Because those who became famous were the exact archetype of the paragraph in bold above.  And I could ask the question what interest do you have in getting a friend drunk? And I know the answer but it is one that they would like to have someone like me committed for!  The reason they want to get someone drunk is because they are dependent minded to them and don't want to be.  So lets suspend the disbelief and ask the question if you could have been born without a mental defect related to alcohol would you chose that or would you still seek to live a life of a dependent minded person?  If you still would want to be dependent minded you are the worst horror the world has ever faced.  If you would rather have been born without a mental defect then you know what action and position you should take in order to be true to yourself as a man.

And the question becomes a larger issue when daughters ask and mothers ask it?   And I am getting a little off topic here but what do we know about drunk drivers?  It is the first time offenders that kill people in car accidents isn't it!  Now if you are a man you know sum certain what the solution is to that problem!  If you aren't a man you will argue in the same manner as those in the paragraph in bold above.  Canaanites; named after a brother who killed his successful brother out of jealousy or to free himself from being dependent minded to him?  It is prehistoric isn't it!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 01 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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