The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, March 7, 2014

How much does the Texas Economy and wealth depend on Oil 03 07 2014

How much does the Texas Economy and wealth depend on Oil 03 07 2014

Enough to circumvent the United States Constitution?

I believe so!  And that means many crimes doesn't it!

That is what would seem to be driving all the modern decline in the United States!  In terms of education we got massive failure from Bush who was from Texas!  We got the war in the middle east from Bush from Texas!  We got the illegal immigrant influx into the United States from Bush who was from Texas Oil.  Kennedy was killed in Texas.  Barrack Obama is said to be from Oil money and we had the orchestrated failure of Solyndra a Photovoltaic Solar Cell company run by India Indians in the United States?  Then it wasn't too long after that that we also had the Sikh shooting and also the bilking of a Milwaukee Company by India Indian woman.  And Barrack pronounced Pakistan like an India Indian person would.  But what India has to do with the oil other than that I don't know.  Probably because they are against Polytheists- who were the same as Puritans and Jesus Christ.  Yes India has many Gods.  But the Sikhs believe in finding a connection to a higher consciousness.  That essentially means that they attack a human being who has their own mind and make them hear voices in their heads.  Hence they are put on medicine that limits their higher brain function and Monotheism in terms of the perspective of a lazy minded or defective minded person that lives off of an annuity stream is maintained! And did the Sikhs start as a function of Great Britain imperialism?  Great Britain had to have been Monotheistic for many reasons, 1. the kings religion being no separation of church and state.  2. The Druid Worship of the monkey!  Worshipping a monkey is essentially a religion!  To worship means religion!  To worship a monkey isn't Polytheism.  It is perhaps the worst kind of unification of church and state there could ever be!  And the Lutheran religion best exemplifies how a monkey would behave if it looked like one of us, "It doesn't matter what you do in life as long as at the moment of death you ask to be saved!"  We also have the worship of the monkey principle with Corporate management being shielded from liability via a work of complete legal fiction!  It isn't that it can't be successfully challenged in court, it is that those who are in court will stonewall any legal conclusions that condemn it even if all very true.  Or more to the point those who run the courts would deny anything was proved when it was!  That is indeed how someone that worshipped a monkey would behave!  Which brings me to the next point, what does it say about a person that worships a monkey?  What conclusions can we draw about them?  Very simply that they believe the monkey is equal to or better than themselves?  One more point all those who have inbred in order to maintain wealth start to look like monkeys don't they!!!  So they all get together and celebrate their monkeyness and have a Tea Party!  Most people think boy oh boy I wish I could be invited to a fancy party!  Believe me you wouldn't want to go!  And what comes to mind with me is, "How many people can we fit back on Monkey Island!  Sounds like it would be a great name for a movie, "Monkey Island!"

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 07 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

And related to the last post and this one, one wonders if Three Mile Island in the United States was indeed a stunt to ward off the spread of either nuclear energy or one layer behind it coming up to bat, solar energy?  And also the same goes for Chernobyl; I think of this as I see the oil supply lines from Russia into Europe!  So Putin would have his hands in this dirty oil pot too!  And I doubt that he engineered all that oil transportation infrastructure to Europe without help from Monkey Island or our Bush South!  Bush south plays and interesting Gestalt in my mind.  Like those who were kicked out of the Garden of Eden waiting and watching!  Waiting for an opportunity for revenge?  Waiting in the bush south.

And yeah I know it seems paranoid.  But here is what you don't know.  The Satanic believe that they learn everything they need to know in life by stealing one human soul!  Who cares about all those academic standards we know as much as so and so there whose mind we split.  There is a great difference between a good man whose mind you split and the minds of those who split it.  They were never really like that person like they thought themselves to be because that person was a human being and wasn't mean!  It is a mean thing to do!  And hence it cannot survive.  Why not?  Because that type of thinking is not based on love as the human race is, it is based on hatred.  And hatred does not sustain society, civilization or a semblance of humanity.  A good mind is one of those things that you can't truly steal because you can never have a good mind if you steal one, because you are always thinking like a thief and not the good man!  So that is really monotheism!  In contrast to Polytheism where you would like to see that everyone has a good mind and does not behave like a monkey!

Now let me ask you this,  who is it that would likely traumatize human beings and create more cases of mental illness in the world than a people that worshipped monkeys?  So that is who the suspects are!  And England was indeed founded by Rome.  And I could get into Canaanites here too.

But lets say this, the Ukraine wanted to have Europe on its side?  What they don't know is that they would be rushing into the hands of a monkey thinking they would be saved?  Doesn't sound like a smart idea does it!  So maybe indeed after considering Putin and oil and therefore him having the likely goal of seeing that Solar based electricity is thwarted...maybe I am on the Ukraine's side?  Anyhow I don't believe anything major will happen.  Most of the events in our world I view as meaningless distractions that incite public unrest in our daily lives!  And in terms of War that is indeed genocide in the name of monotheism?  The brave being the ones who would be monotheist killed by either friendly fire or the other side knowing where they will be, because the monotheist does not have their own soul but instead seeks to kill all human beings that can think for themselves, so that it can lead an easy and peaceful life like a dog sleeps under a tree in the midday of summertime?  It only wants to think when you are and it seeks to defeat your ability to think because it does not have that ability?  Someone starts thinking and it is like a red alert that rouses the beast from its grave!

I actually like writing this stuff.  Why?  Because it gives me a feeling of freedom.

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