The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, March 3, 2014

No Red Blooded American should ever have to go to War for inbreeds 03 03 2014

No Red Blooded American should ever have to go to War for inbreeds 03 03 2014

If we end up getting into WWIII with Russia over the Ukraine or Iran or Syria no Red Blooded non defective minded American should ever have to go to War to protect Inbreeds, those born defective or Gays and Lesbians.  All of the above should go to the front lines first!  And the same goes for ALL the Royal Family in England the next time they rattle their pipe and point the finger.

Those inbreeds in the United States are a relic and legacy from the Civil War!  And they have mal influenced our Constitution far too much at this point!  About 10 of the last 10 United States Presidents have come from the former Confederate South where incest and inbreeding was common!

I'll tell you something you don't know about the inbreed,  they aren't nice people that respect the rights of Human Beings!

Homeland Security has tapped all of your phone lines and listens!  It is the inbreeds listening to the activity of the Human Beings!  Homeland Security would have been far better off and the nation far better served if we had created a national DNA database whereby we could readily determine who the inbreeds are!  Hence the inbreeds, which are known without a doubt to be mentally defective, would head off to war first!

Now the Conservative Party states that they are the ones that are fiscally responsible!  Fiscally just means money!  What a hypocritical contradiction and therefore delusion of belief to reality!  We learned this from Cathy McMorris Rogers statement about how the Republican Party is really fighting for the rights to the Down's Syndrome Children.  That creates an economic hardship on the United States!  And economic hardships often lead to war!  And there is the great mental defect of the Republican Party isn't it!  It is not Conservative that the normal American should have to foot the Bill for $80,000 a year to take care of those children.  Nor is Conservative that a child like that will need a Special Array of teachers to attend to its special needs at a costly price to the rest of us!

You can tell they are looking to get us into another War!  If so we can end that real quickly by sending the inbreeds first!  Draft the inbreeds first!  You will never see another War anywhere in the entire world if you do that!  Or you might just see one final war whereby the inbreeds take care of their own special needs by fighting each other!  That inbreed is never going to pay down our $17 trillion in national debt and hence the currency is going to end up being worthless.  And when that happens they will blame it on the very thing that they willfully ignored that could have prevented it from happening; The United States Constitution!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 03 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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