The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Oriental Homosexual American George Takei from Star Trek is supporting Mike Honda 03 15 2014 Subtitled "Homo Space Commander" update 3

The Oriental Homosexual American George Takei from Star Trek is supporting Mike Honda  03 15 2014  Subtitled "Homo Space Commander"

Did Star Trek ever have homosexual or Lesbian episode?  If not so, why not so?

Because there is no way to do that and put them in a favorable light! No legitimate writer could put the burden of that on their mind!  Saving a non reproducing race over a human being race?  Raising men with the minds of women?  Raising women with the minds of beasts?  Those were touched on either!  And I guess we still like the television series anyway don't we!

How about this one  for the title of a science fiction series, "Homo Space Commander"  He rapes and sexually molests boys and men smaller than him and puts him in his Homo Space Prison!

That's right little boys and girls if you say anything bad about Gays and Lesbians you will be going to "Homo Space Commanders" prison.  By the way I see one across from Home Depot on Port Washington Road today.  Also located near the UW Milwaukee Extension back in there as well as Outpost foods, the meat packing company, a warehouse, a tavern, and the Military Reserve Center, and a fruit distribution center.  (They will find a good source of employees to pick wine grapes for them won't they!)

Seems like Homo Space Commander is in the Real Estate Business too?  And of course he has "Nature Lesbian" as his loyal sidekick doesn't he!  What happened to good ole Elijah!

And both Homo Space Commander and Nature Lesbian live off the souls of human beings minds that were demonized in the practice of the Vondoon Religion!  And that is the underlying religion of the United States!   If you don't think that a heroin/opiate addict like what FDR's family money came from is a vondoon victim then you are wrong!  And hence that is the connection between the Southern Democratic Party, FDR and Organized crime that overthrew Prohibition!  FDR's family money came from Organized Crime!

But Homo Space Commander would keep that a secret wouldn't he!

Hey!  Homo Space Commander has rights to, doesn't he?

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 15 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

And it was the South that sold boys to have sex with in the Civil War!  It was also Italian Americans that brought over the Pedron boys from Italy in order to have sex with them on the street corners of New York, and gain a criminal minded foothold in the United States?  Just to tell you who is who!

And of course the way you segway into a new television series like that is by Homo Space Commander taking over the Enterprise!  The Enterprise being a metaphor for the Corporation? That brings up a new term we are going to hear in the future, "Homo Incorporated"  of "The Incorporated Homosexual"  or even better, "The Incorporated Lesbian"  TIL for short!  Don't you know the archetype of a TIL already?  We might make it more colorful, "TILLY" so that when we insult one under our breath they can't claim we were trying to rob the Cash Register Till at the Nature Lesbian Store.

You want to teach little boys how to read give them a copy of this to read!  They will love it!

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