The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The "Village People" have been "In the Navy" since 1979

The "Village People" have been "In the Navy" since 1979

FDR's wife was a Lesbian.
FDR got polio from a stay in BRITISH COLUMBIA!  FDR was in the Navy too!  If FDR's wife was a Lesbian what are the odds he was a homosexual?  Both him, Hitler, Stalin.  It would appear that Rh- more likely to be homosexual has caused all of the worlds wars or been at the center of them?

Churchill another Englishman stated that the English Navy was Sodomy and the Lash.

Perhaps Bill Clinton was wrong with his don't ask, don't tell policy?  Why?  Look at how many sexual assaults there are in the military today?  That many is indicative of a widespread mental defect!

The NAVY should have never been a place for those who hated the rights of human beings!

Why do I write this?  Because there is a population of mentally defective that do not have their own identity and they are the cause of people hearing voices.

Now were the leaders of Scientology in the NAVY too at one time?  It is stated that Scientology hates psychiatry and that they also use technology.  So why would they hate psychiatry?  Because it is impossible to be someone else, when you don't have your own identity (Actors), when those someone else's are medicated so that their higher brain function doesn't work!  It is impossible to assume the identity of a human being and make millions at the movie theater when that person is medicated!  Instead you need them to be healthy so that you can torment them.

Perhaps my High School Humanities professor stated it best with regard to torture.  What do they always say when they are torturing a human being, "You dummy you made him go unconscious!"

It has to do with Voyeurism!  And Adolph Hitler was indeed labeled a Voyeur and rejected from the Art Institute he applied for.  It might serve you very well to identify and expose the Voyeurs in your midst so that they are prevented from causing a Holocaust?

If a person where to believe themselves to be Phil Silvers that would be a sign of mental illness?  But when a person believes themselves a woman in terms of sexual relations when they are really a man that is neither a mental illness nor a mental defect?  And how many American's would believe themselves to be Number 23 for the Bulls?  Nothing wrong with that either other than the delusion is broken at adulthood and the drug problem an epidemic because of it.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 16 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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