The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Stock Market Fraud 01 08 2014 UPDATE #2

Stock Market Fraud 01 08 2014

Pooled ownership of shares facilitates price fixing by collusion and borrowing of shares to the market maker by the pooled owners.  The pooled owners are compensated for rent on their shares!  While the market maker shorts to sell to the new buyers.  And that new buyer is always considered the small investor public.  Hence they get no where!

All forms of financing and ownership should be based on fundamentals and not personal relationship.

Stock buying should really be a person free concept.  Like replacing a modular part on a machine.  Hence it takes the corruption out of it.

The way it should work is that a company that wants to go public lists their assets and business prospects in a standardized form; and if there is ever found to be any lying or fraud they are guilty and go to jail.  If the company goes bankrupt within five years the buyers get their money back.

Buyers and sellers should be matched via computer.  And if that doesn't work then the concept becomes that all corporate profits are all part of America!  Hence they flow to the treasury!  Then the country votes on meaningful infrastructure projects with lasting benefits far into the future!  And the treasury allocates money to those projects.

In this manner all could be fed and housed.  And the individual can indeed make and sell products and also write and sell, etc, what ever individual trade he is in.  However when it is a corporation the profits become the body of the Government with pay caps to Corporate positions so that there is not a disparity between the person actually doing the work and the person that wants to view the Corporation as a miniature monarchy or kingdom where he can willfully abuse workers rights and evade our Constitution!

When one of the largest and most prominent banks in the history of the United States, (currently DBA JP Morgan Chase) has just reached a settlement to pay the Government over 2.5 billion dollars in relation to the Bernie Madoff ponzie scheme it means that they were participant in trying to detonate the Democracy of the United States.  Even one of these settlements should have been enough to bar such bank and all employees from ever participating in the banking function in the United States ever again! But last year JP Morgan was forced to agree to pay $20 billion for legal cases filed by the United States Government.  The nature of that fraud could have bankrupted the United States Economy and sent us into a genocidal Great Depression whereby our Constitution would have been eventually blamed and discarded as a weaker and more corrupt form of Government took hold.  To give you some idea of how JP Morgan could benefit the United States Economy; they have $2.5 Trillion dollars in assets.  That is likely enough to get the United States off of Foreign oil entirely and on Clean Electricity based on Solar Energy produced by photovoltaic Solar panels.  And the ignorance of the American public with regard to the potential of solar electricity to right our economy and democracy is; mind numbing!  So we have a numskull Investment Industry misinforming a numskull public.

JP Morgan and all of its bankers and family members should have lost their rights to participate in the Financial Industry for eternity after the stock market crash of 1929!  That should have indeed been the remedy as well as confiscation of assets and forfeiture of profits from recent transactions!  The Stock Market crash of 1929 was really the wealthy of the United States performing a scorched earth policy because absent alcohol, we had Prohibition at that time, Americans sobered right up and saw through what the Bible calls, "The Money Changers!"

The very institution that was responsible for competently lending for the United States in order to promote growth and prosperity has betrayed us it is an Extremely Serious Crime!  And you might say, "What is the worst that can happen?  We will all be evicted?"  That isn't really responsible thinking either, because what will happen to you when you are not excepted on foreign shores or soil?  So the impetus then becomes on your part to promote change and fairness very rapidly less what you would believe to be the worse case scenario happens and it ends up being far worse than you expected!

Now with regard to the Money Changers I have to make two important points with regard to the Catholic Church!  The Catholic Church does not believe in Jesus Christ for two reasons from my reading of the Gospel of Mark last night.
Here is what Jesus Christ said and did when he found business establishments in his temple/church:

For profit Catholic Hospitals, Insurance Companies, Cemeteries, Funeral Industries, Investment Companies, even Catholic charities (money changers) even advertisements on the back of a Church brochure, Even little league teams that are sponsored by Business  all are the exact equivalent of the money changers setting up shop in the temple while he was away!  He would abhor every single one of them!  He would also abhor for profit Catholic Universities and as a matter of fact any of the above based on the precepts of any religion he would abhor!  Hence the establishment of such institutions! Mark 11:15
“They came to the temple of Jerusalem, and on entering the temple area he began to drive out those selling and buying there.  He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. He did not permit anyone to carry anything through the temple area.  Then he taught them saying,“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples’?  But you have made it a den of thieves.”
The chief priests and the scribes came to hear of it and were seeking a way to put him to death, yet they feared him because the whole crowd was astonished by his teaching.  When evening came they went out of the city.”  (Implication was to plot against him where the crowd would not know?”

So if the Catholic Church does not believe in Jesus Christ as I have just proven what right do they have to exist?  What basis do they have as a religion?  "That we are indeed anarchists; meaning we go diametrically opposed to Jesus Christ and his teachings?"
2.  The Catholic Church also has the belief that our bodies will be restored upon death.  That is indeed part of a motivation to sell Protection insurance as King David did!  Why?  Because everyone knows in their heart that their bodies will not be restored so they make sure their loved ones have enough money when they are gone by buying Life Insurance!  And isn’t it usually a big man that comes to your house to sell it; and he has the mouth of a boob and likely brags about how he got the job when he came home from military?  It creates fear in that man’s heart that his wife will end up with a goon like that because she has no money upon his death.
Jesus disciples were not very smart at all.  In fact you constantly see him chastising them because they did not know or understand the scriptures.  That is likely what got him sold to be crucified?  He constantly tells them that they are greatly misled.  Mark Chapter 12:25 he tells what the resurrection really means and it is not what the Catholic Church is a proponent of in their belief system, Mark 12:25 “When they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but they are like angels in heaven!”  It means that the souls of the good are eternal and that of the primate pagan have no chance in life after death, because they had no true substance of their own.  The disciples thought that they would be resurrected to have an earthly body again and Jesus corrected them.  The comparison would be someone calling a person that could not follow instructions or read directions a dumbkoff!  People often use the term angels have wings as if having to reduce it to terms that a child might be able to relate to so that the thick headed get the point that it is a ephemeral or above in the spirit concept.  But the Catholic Church teaches it the opposite of Jesus Christ.

Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 01 08 2014 at:

Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

Another very interesting point with regard to the Kingdom of Heaven is that Jesus also accused the Pharisees? or barring people from the potential to ever enter that Kingdom.  He really meant that they were poisoned in their brains hippo campus so that they could not learn and remember and hence have a soul that would become eternal!  He was very pissed at that!

One more very important point to make.  Jesus life was very different after his baptismal.  It appears that it was a traumatic event for him because he wandered through the dessert for 40 days and 40 nights afterwards.  But more to the point he starts to speak in third person after wards.  But not in just third person but like a suicidal robot that is speaking the words of that local king.  Mark 10:45 provides the best example, "For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to give his life as a ransom for many."   It appears that upon that traumatic baptismal that he was indeed demonically possessed by the King?  Ransom for many almost is a slip of the tongue that started out to say RANSOM for MONEY!  I don't believe Jesus believed in giving his own life but rather to keep on teaching and spreading the word.

And one more very important point to make.  Leaven is indeed yeast.  As you read these chapters in a Gospel they kind of continue on from one thought stream to the next.  Yeast is also present in the mouth and it was sometimes used as a fermenting agent.  But here is a definite WARNING gave to his disciples or maybe it was indeed to the Pharisees themselves in direct insult, MARK 8:15, "Watch out, guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod."  Just to make a fine point on this I have known people whose breath has smelled God awful!  And when you get a whiff of it it can indeed make you sick beyond belief, if not even to a state of mental confusion, and it is caused by a yeast fungus called Lichen Planus (to be inclusive other leaven based illnesses like Candida!)  And alcohol is indeed a delivery method for leaven!  Not only that I have speculated that the combination is used to breed human beings to be a certain way.  For example the alcohol causes oxidative cell near death at which point the Leaven of others mouths is opportunistic in a viral fashion with regard to cell regeneration!  I could go on in detail about how and why the Jews sacrificed children that were non-responsive in Gehenna, but that story is for another day.  The implication is that there are two parts to demonic possession, the fungal infection to the body as well as the demonic possessor.  And indeed in Mark 9:28 it tells how Jesus could not drive out a demon and then the symbolism of what is written next in Mark is that it was sacrificed in private.  One might also conclude that when Jesus wet his fingers with his own saliva he and stuck them in the blind mans ears that it was a good yeast versus bad yeast cure.  And I am not going to get into what some of a certain sect of a denomination look like in comparison to others.  Or I might make the statement that the current pharisees look like they might be afflicted.  And hence it would be of great service to all of humanity if mouths were swabbed for such diseases and proper treatments were prescribed!  And those who are afflicted with that disease will find it very painful when that demon is driven out of them; but not too bad- like the yelp described in the Bible.  And afterwards you will not believe how healthy you will become!  You will praise those who put you on that detoxification program.  So I guess I did indeed say it.  But I might add the way a child is raised contributes to whether they will experience that real live germ based sickness or not; that is why it is hard to shake.  I think this or similar influence of foreign DNA to him had something to do with the trauma and wandering of Jesus Christ after his baptismal. 


And if you ever hear a priest give a sermon he will always have a look of gleam in his eye when he says, "And he went willingly to his death!" As if the Priest is bragging?

But that is all for now, got work to do.

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