The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Wealthy are Motivated to drag the United States into Communism as a matter of wealth preservation and the inability to compete fairly 01 31 2015

The Wealthy are Motivated to drag the United States into Communism as a matter of wealth preservation and the inability to compete fairly 01 31 2015

What did we see after at attack on the United States?  Not preparation of the American Citizen to arm themselves but in fact just the opposite!  More gun control!  911 was an excuse to put forth more gun control rather than what the correct action would have been to arm the citizen for a legitimate threat on the Homeland!  But what did we also see domestic spying on the U.S. Citizen and also (our Eagle is crying) a President from a wealthy family advocating torture!

What is the hidden agenda they are following?  Dragging us into Communism as a matter of wealth preservation and control!

And I could go on about how the BATF rules are completely ridiculous and consistent with that principle.  For example if a young man buys a "receiver blank" for an AK-47 or Ar-15 and drills the holes just right and welds the rails on it he then has to pay the BATF $200.oo.  What does that amount to?  Punishment for his American Ingenuity!  The wealthy want that all farmed out to China where George Bush Sr. was ambassador to!!!!  In effect they have to pay for their own skills and engineering!  That is horrific!  Not only that if they do not they can be charged with a felony and end up in prison?  Now Sensenbrenner talked about a built o dissolve the BATF.  But that appears to be more of a blocking action.  In effect saying you want to do something and not following through on it so that no one else tries to do it!  Same goes for the Bill a Republican wanted to put forth that invalidated all Federal Gun Control Laws.  They are all Unconstitutional!  So that person makes his own gun and then he has to pay a markup fee to the BATF that makes it more expensive than if he had just purchased it!  It goes right along with my Lesbian comment in the article before this one today doesn't it!  Wanting everyone to believe that you can provide everything that they need so that they never desire to achieve anything themselves and are thwarted from it!

Had he have bought one with the holes in it already he would have had to gone through a registered gun seller which is called an FFL.  However because it didn't have holes in it he didn't have to!  But the blank could still be sold to him!  Even though when he is finished making it with his own two hands he has to pay $200 or risk felony imprisonment?  Do you see how this is subjective entrapment of normal American young men?  That is God awful!  They should have had to have registered the product in some way before they were ever allowed to complete the purchase if you wanted to keep a rule that was Unconstitutional in the first place! 

But when you see the hoopla of who is or isn't running for President realize that each and every single one of them has that same sick motivation! 

Now here is how the sons of men learn!  We learn at a very young age the physical and engineering world.  So indeed these laws are really an attempt to invalidate any of the significance of our skill levels.  A responsible man knows how to make something so that it doesn't injure him!  He knows what is safe and what isn't!  George Bush had none of that manliness!  And to think of all the legions of young wealthy males that supported him!  People like that have no place in the United States!  But again the whole concept of limited liability was set up just for them; it was a matter of wealth preservation too!  And it is Unconstitutional because it is the equivalent of giving someone a title of nobility; read the Constitution if you are not dyslexic like the other 43.5 million Americans who don't mind having the wool pulled over their carp sucking mouths!

If you think Jeb Bush is any better than that;  good lord what a horror you are!

We never hear that you need to arm yourself because their are mentally retarded drug addicts out there!  Or that the son or daughter of an alcohol or other substance abuser can be one of the most dangerous people that you ever meet!  But that is what we should have been told!  The reason we were not told it is because that is who is in power today!

It would be a totally different country if we cut off trade with slave labor planet polluting China!

Have education standards of achievement gone up with children having cell phones?  No!  They just get more awful and awful because of them!  No one remembers how the "pagers" were first introduced to facilitate drug dealing.  And then of course when everyone gets addicted and their children are dumb as doorknobs because they can't raise them themselves; then we hear that drugs should be legalized! 

My mother is elderly and there was an Italian man in the paper who went to jail for child pornography and drugs.  She couldn't figure out why they went to jail for looking at that.  My answer to her was two fold.

1.  If you could only visualize what would be being done to those children it would make you cry it was so horrific! Think of innocent faces being victimized; again consistent with George Bush advocating torture isn't it!

 2.  You would never want someone like that living in your neighborhood because they were so creepy!  The motivation to action follows the horrific desire doesn't it!  How old are they?

Of course if they had normal workshop interests good ole George would have the BATF storm into their homes because they didn't pay the $200.  And a lot of those BATF rules are about the same as that one!  They kind of sand away at the creation of American Men!

So they created rules about a judge determining if someone is mentally ill or not?  First and foremost they should have been applied to people like George Bush advocating torture or even Oprah and her clitoris lacerating experimental school in Africa.  Do you see why we need wealth redistribution today in order to preserve the Constitution?  Look at what these nuts do when they have money?  When you think of Deportations do not limit your idea of the Concept to Mexican, expand it to Germans, Italians, Africans, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, etc!  Why?  Because there are subgroups of these people here who cannot live among us without being in direct conflict with the United States Constitution!  But what is that sanding away at the creation of American men really amount to?  It is Consistent also with the preservation of a concept called Monotheism!  Which really means the jealous male sissy can't stand it that there are males that are far more intelligent than him!  It means that the child who has no personal identity is allowed to think like it is one of us whether it be male or female!  If you have money instead of being something you get to be someone else along with others.  And the victims of that medical fraud are labeled schizophrenic!  Cute isn't it!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 31 2015 at:

How far would a Lesbian go to attempt to prove to a female that she could provide EVERYTHING she ever needed? 01 31 2015

How far would a Lesbian go to attempt to prove to a female that she could provide EVERYTHING she ever needed?  01 31 2015

If the truth were known a lot of very successful people would be living in trailer parks.

Thomas Paul Murphy Copyright 2015

Originally published on 01 31 2015:

Degradation of College Academia 01 31 2015

Degradation of College Academia 01 31 2015

It started with mass binge drinking at Frat and Sorority parties.  And what is a College football game or for that matter Professional Sports?  They are excuses to drink and get drunk!  Excuses to use a drug of escapism that is a depressant and also the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western Hemisphere.

But what is the main point I want to make here.  If they are paying a college athlete $10,000.oo a year to attend college you know that THERE IS NO WAY THEY ARE GOING TO FLUNK HIM!

What does that mean?  It means he isn't EARNING a college degree!  So I would propose that any college that paid any athlete to attend should lose their charter in education!  Why?  By default they are an academic fraud and a misrepresentation of what higher knowledge means!  And by the way every single psychiatry drug that people are put on has the exact same effect, it negates the worker of the higher mind where higher knowledge comes from!

So what would such a University make that we need more than the spoiled fatuous?  A great place for the Homeless!  But it has to be accurately and responsibly supervised in order for it to be maintained!

If you agree that ANY University in the United States who pays an athlete to attend should permanently lose their charter to be a school in the United States then sign this petition.  The loss of charter means that those grounds can never again by used as a University.

So here is the petition!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 31 2015 at:


Friday, January 30, 2015

How is animal drug testing (psychiatric and other) any different than a serial killer first torturing small animals (like squirrels) before progressing to humans 01 30 2015

How is animal drug testing (psychiatric and other) any different than a serial killer first torturing small animals (like squirrels?) before progressing to humans?

What would be worse would be the psycho that started off torturing humans; because they gave us no warning as to their abnormality? No clues of animals with limbs excised or eyes removed left anywhere!

Cognitive Countermeasure:

When the percussive sound of the voice wakes you up say to it with your mental voice, “Isn't there a squirrel that you could be torturing instead of me?” What this does it reveals to the psycho that is talking to you just what it is and what its true nature is!

What is the next form those Ger-mans (Ger is the Hebrew word for strange)...George Bush, who shamelessly defied our Constitution and nationally advocated torture.... make a mandatory High School Class, “How to torture small animals?”

The point being all serial killers are said to have started torturing small animals.

I also believe that Native Americans, some Hispanics, Haitians (perhaps Obama as he is stated to believe in traditional African Religion) still torture animals in the United States; including deer. One day out in Waukesha I saw the remains of a deer in a large black plastic bag by the shore of a commonly frequented public lake. Did your neighbors mother give her daughter a book of witchcraft to study as a young girl like mine neighbor did? So you can also lump the cryto satanic in with that bad element of our world.  So when England supported the Native Americans against the colonists this is really what they were supporting? 

I have to ask, I just have to, “Did Dr. Phil or Doctor Oz advise Oprah when they lacerated the clitorises of little girls in an experimental school in Africa?”

But back to experimenting on animals in order to develop drugs, if you look up the history of Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer you see that is exactly how it started! So if you are from Wisconsin and a hunter you would think getting at the source or a problem would be important to you.

But the purpose of this article is really me stating outright that I see absolutely no difference between someone that experiments on animals for the development of drugs and a serial killer. When I was an associate Specialty Chemical Analyst at First Analysis I met one such man who was the Vice President for a Specialty Chemical Company that did animal testing. I will just make one comment, “He wasn't one of us!” ….and all the people I worked with there were exactly like him.

So I am going to start a petition to outlaw all animal testing! The reason being is that it is really an “alibi” and the toxic side effects from the drugs make them something no human being should ever take; the reality being we would be better off without the people who engage in and support such activities! To be honest there are likely Africans who would not welcome them either!

How do we know it is an alibi?  Because the pharmaceutical companies largest profit margins come from psychiatric drugs and the side effects are horrific and have proved to be deadly!

Thomas Paul Murphy Copyright 2015

Originally published on 01 30 2015 at:
The Declaration of Independence spelled out the problem with the Native Americans about as good as it has ever been stated!
"He (the King of England) has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions."  It means he hired them with alcohol and tobacco to commit horrific genocide of the first Americans!

It is either the Bible or the Quaran that makes the statement, “And we fortified him (Jesus) with our Holy Spirit.”

It is either the Bible or the Quaran that makes the statement, “And we fortified him (Jesus) with our Holy Spirit.”

It really means that the mentally retarded talked to him in his head doesn't it!

It is really cute isn't it! Devastates American families and runs up a tab of trillions of dollars in National Debt!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 01 30 2015 at:

Who would cause you to hear voices 01 30 2015

Who would cause you to hear voices 01 30 2015

Who would collude to participate in you hearing voices? Anyone who believes in this phrase the priest speaks in every common Christian mass, “Unless you eat of this flesh and drink of his are not one of us!”

Destabilizing the corrupt is not destabilizing the United States but, just the opposite of that! It is the strength of our Founding Fathers and how they wanted us to be!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 01 30 2015 at:

The Mother is forcing the Son to perform Fellatio on the Father! 01 30 2015

The Mother is forcing the Son to perform Fellatio on the Father! 01 30 2015

You wonder where some adult males of apathetic and insulting faces come from?

Have you ever seen a woman talking to the unborn baby in her womb? In fact they (science/media) told all women that they should do that! (Isn't that the greatest contradiction of how things should never be, (science/media???) One doesn't know what it is talking about and the other can only relate to what it is talking about in a language that they never want to have to explain!!!!!

But the reason they want the mother to talk to the unborn child is because it helps imprint the child's brain!

See where I am going with this?

So the mother does that for awhile and the proceeds to perform fellatio on her husband. Has she not just imprinted that unborn son to be a homosexual that performs fellatio? The Mother is forcing the Son to perform Fellatio on the Father!

Okay I am supposed to beg off saying that the Jewish religion is based on a female genealogy table. And I want make mention to the veiled language of fellatio as a reward in the Bible either. Or that the son's of Aaron whom Moses ritualistically slaughtered have recently been found to have a different ancestry than the first humans from Adam. Read the book of Leviticus in your Torah. You sort it out!

I am reminded of what I heard an old Italian women said once, “That woman is for fu7king and that one is for marrying.” It makes me wonder if women who perform fellatio should not have a hysterectomy to prevent the instance of the psychotic son; that has a very hard time fitting into civilization!

Doesn't it create a homosexual identity that the son will struggle with all his life? And you've seen how mean kids are? Is that why a bully goes for the groin? Because he has a completely feminized soul; is it his odd attempt to strike out at men in the world for having to be part of performing fellatio?

The first thing a whore momma teaches her son is how to perform fellatio!

Now what if you advocated that women should not perform fellatio while pregnant? If you did that then the man would claim that he gets to see other women in order to satisfy himself wouldn't he! And then we get more illegitimate children who will never have their minds imprinted by a loving biological father!

Imprinting or brain entrainment has long been a valid principle in psychology. Can you see who in our world might want to inverse imprint from a son of a man; and cause them to hear voices in their head? Cute isn't it! Who is it that would want to join with the mind of a normal and legitimate adult male more than anything else in life? Schizophrenia is medical fraud, the symptoms are real and horrific however the cause of it makes it medical fraud!

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2015

Originally published on 01 30 2015 at:

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why we don't have any meaningful forms of Prohibition or Drug Prevention 01 29 2015

Why we don't have any meaningful forms of Prohibition or Drug Prevention 01 29 2015

Because the last time we had it the holocaust followed!  So that must be the great fear that prevents it and leads to the increased spread of drug use at the same time?

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 29 2015 at:

The only thing Financial Institutions Contribute to our society is deferred and unrecognized Liablity 01 29 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

When God Speaks to Israel and tells them all the land in the United States belongs to them will you have a problem with it 01 28 2015

When God Speaks to Israel and tells them all the land in the United States belongs to them will you have a problem with it 01 28 2015

Who are we kidding?  I hear voices all the time telling me to do this and that which would be very dangerous to me!  Do I use that as criminal motivation and alibi?  No!  I just know better!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:

The Psychotic Mind bases all its thoughts on Sex 01 28 2015

The Psychotic Mind bases all its thoughts on Sex 01 28 2015

Now that is what they used to say.  And it is still true to some extent; but some clarification as to the cause of it being true needs to be articulated!

The reason the psychotic mind is fixated on sex is because the mentally defective minds only connection to the world of men is through what is called "The Holy Spirit!"

Are human minds warped because of the connection of the mentally defective to their holy spirit?  They sure do try to!  And it also opens one up to control via demonic possession!

The mentally defective want you to DISSEMINATE as much of that holy spirit as you can!  It is like a life force to them!  But what does it do to you?  The Bible states it best; "What does the desire for the sloth hole do to a man?  It killith him!"

So is the psychotic mind really psychotic without that connection to its Holy Spirit?  If there were no mentally defective that needed their minds inverse imprinted from normal humans would any single one of us be either psychotic or hearing voices?  No; I declare!

What I am getting at is the psychotic mind is directed to sexual thoughts via demonic possession from those born mentally defective!  Why again?  Because the defective minded only make the connection to the world of men through DISSEMINATION from our Holy Spirit!

And there might indeed be a genetic lineage that fits the above archetype to a Tee!

And is it normal to think about sex?  Yes.  But if you hear voices you might have to clean up your thoughts in order to avoid being demonically possessed by a mentally defective person who would love nothing more than steal your skill set as the voices of  a heathen tribe chanting to you prevent you from using them! They trade places with you but they do not legitimately fill those careers and professions as responsible human men would!  That is why they needed limited liability!

So here again is the petition!  And I don't blame you if you think this is all crazy diatribe banter!  I don't care!

This business structure, not of men, has no place in our United States Democracy or Republic, whatever you want to call it!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:

Should a person who cannot raise a child be allowed to have one?  How do we determine ahead of time who can't raise their own children?  Does it have to do with crime ridden neighborhoods or a family history of crime or drug abuse?  An Milwaukee Italian newspaper once declared that all American Italians were related.  That means they are all tied to the organized crime that started the drug use, boot legging, prostitution, religious fraud, Priest molestations.....,  how else is one supposed to see it?

Any American Adult who has entered the Corporate workforce knows there is absolutely no difference between networked crime and organized crime!  Networking being the who you know principal!  Do you know how I view that principle from experience, "Who would have ever wanted to have known them!"

Easy Black Cadillac Credit 01 28 2015

Easy Black Cadillac Credit 01 28 2015

My father was a hard working man.  He would never buy a car on "time," meaning a loan.  Back in the 1970's you would see Cadillac's driven all over the place by Blacks.  We thought that they bought them on "Time"  but today I think it was that and Church proceeds.

But let's assume that they were bought on "time."  It is extremely interesting what happens when we do because the Automobile Manufacturers created their own lending units to lend money to the very people that bought their cars.  So what happens when we get our first black President of the United States? 

All that funny money loan amount for Cadillac's bankrupted our Automobile industry and the general taxpayer had to pay it back!

And who is it in Corporate management in the United States?  I have found them all to be snooty because of an inferiority complex, English and English!  The same ones that gave the Indians tobacco and alcohol and helped them fight the colonists in war.  The same ones that laundered drug money from Mexico coming into the U.S.  The same ones that, here we go, aided the slave owning Confederate South in the Civil War!  What conclusion do you come to from that contradiction?  That they hate white American freedom and everything that it means and find it a threat!  We already know that they find the literate a threat to their race because once upon a time they burnt all the books of Ireland!

Here is what you also don't know!  Any and all of those pipelines coming through the U.S.?  They would love to cause a natural disaster with them just like they did with the undersea oil well in the Gulf of Mexico.  It is like a bug headed race that has kept looking for trouble with us!

Easy Credit?  We also saw them fraudulently rig the London Interbank Offer Rate to cause the mortgage crisis.  Some accounts have it that Adolf Hitler's main problem with Germany was the manipulation of the Stock Market.  So perhaps Israel needs to address questions like that in the accurate, proper and manlike manner! 

Black people and brain defective white people are about the same, "Where is the normal white person we can bother today!"

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:

How would you destroy a Russian Tank if it came rolling down the street of your village 01 28 2015

How would you destroy a Russian Tank if it came rolling down the street of your village 01 28 2015

A well regulated militia is required by our Constitution!  Essentially that means drug free men of sound mind.  Is there a munitions locker in your village with weaponry capable of destroying a tank?  Such as depleted uranium heavy caliber weaponry?  What about a Russian Hinde helicopter?  Are their surface to air shoulder held missiles in that weapons locker?  No!  But that is required by a Constitutional well regulated militia!  Are there neighborhoods in your city, Milwaukee for instance, that should not have such a munitions locker and do not have sound men to form a militia?  I would say yes!

Just because you don't like what our Supreme Law the Constitution does not mean that you have the right to contradict it in law! In fact the contrary is the case!

For you to have armor piercing bullets is indeed a felony offence per Federal Law!  And that contradicts the full meaning and intent of the United States Constitution; the Supreme Law!

I write this after reading a local newspaper article that praised an American woman who was a Communist in WWII.  Communism was really a manner for the wealthy to enslave the human work force!  They experimented on people too!  Horrific!  Labor camps too!  It was another instance of a small group of people promoting a form of Government as happy land, whereby when you get there the rules are quite different!

Can I tell you that I can sense what the evil mind wants to do already?  It wants to create a series of attacks in the United States whereby it can indoctrinate martial law and use our own military force to evict and ruin us!

How to destroy a Russian Tank if it cam rolling down your street! You are not even allowed to conceive of how to do that; per Federal created law which is the exact opposite of the Supreme Law the Constitution!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:


Whitefish Bay propoerty values and A Movie at Northridge Mall 01 28 2015

A Movie at Northridge Mall 01 28 2015

20 years ago you could see a movie at Northridge Mall and never have any fear.  Everyone around sat quietly in respect of one another watching the movie.

Then just to the west of the mall apartment complexes went up where black people lived.  The crime rate went straight up and it became a bad neighborhood.  You could no longer go and see a movie and then the entire mall was boarded up and closed.  It has been that way for what seems like 25 years.

People always say that black people get the blame for this and that!  Well that is their fault!  Who are we kidding!  That was their fault!

To be fair however I will also allocate 10% of the blame to lowlife whites who indoctrinated them into drugs.

Would I go and see a movie in Whitefish Bay?  No!  That is spoiled rotten white children today!  So that is part of that 10%.

The South Side of Chicago has very large houses and it used to be a nice neighborhood.  Once upon a time all the Jews got up and moved away at once because they couldn't stand it anymore!  Now those large houses are still there; however it is slum and drug dealing ridden.

The property values in Whitefish Bay where I live appear to be coming down!  I think the same exact thing is going to happen here!  What has facilitated this?  Integration as well as special education and we will also through in what I labeled the bad 10% element above!  I want to say Italians that cannot learn.

Some day will I move away before it gets too bad?  Likely.

Now as I was driving to lunch today three black boys chased each other in the street in front of the high school and also the house where Jim Higgins an editor for the Milwaukee Journal lives.  I believe that they might be friends with his son.  But they found it fun to stage a fight seen where their were fake punches thrown.

What do I think of that paper?  I was told that back in the 1970's they didn't want to emphasize local crime incidents in the paper, you know how slums are formed through infiltration of drugs from Italian organized crime!  I was also told that there was a space between the buildings of the two newspapers that formed into on that is it today, whereby reporters would be black jacked on the head!  Do you see how and why I view networked crime and organized crime as the exact same thing?

So I am letting you know what exactly you have to look forward to in the future, that you voted for it and you brought it on!

People of class don't want to put up with that and they are indeed what forms the integrity of neighborhoods and not ill gotten money!  And what does class mean in the world of the sloth minded?  Someone that can learn and think for themselves!

There are a few pockets of places in Wisconsin where you can go and the people act normal like they did 35 years ago.  But they are few.  It has to do with a generation wanting to not work within its true means but instead be networked hire and indeed be given high salaries for jobs they should never have been hired for!  And it reaches the highest level of our United States society!  It will eventually bankrupt our currency but what other motivation would those who cannot live and compete in fairness have throughout history?

What kind of a man can't go to a hardware store, buy a piece of wood, cut it so that it matches a fence slat, prime it, paint it white, and nail it on the fence rail in the right place??? Literary ability isn't based off a direct personal reaction to a second persons  mind.  Indeed many want to define themselves as elite when they do not possess true literary ability.  And what do they become?  Anyone who has true literary ability is a threat to their race!  It amounts to species regression.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:

And perhaps it is this.  How does a black person react to a learning environment?  Do they resent it?  How do they react when negative expectations are created for them?  How many can rise above that in mental maturity!  And that right there might be the crux of the entire issue!  But when we hear voices we know that they never earned their money, aren't capable of it and won't be in their lifetimes!

And there is anti-Semitism on the rise.  I have to ask the question, does some white people having the black gene make them exactly the same as the archetype I described above?

The Jews believe in the Old Testament.  And that is the Book of Leviticus.  We are learning that the Sons of Aaron have a different ancestral DNA than men who came from Adam.  Was it Moses that parted the Red Sea and freed the Jews?  In the Book of Leviticus Moses ritually killed the first two sons of Aaron in a drawn out matter for something they did wrong!  We also see in that book that a great juxtaposition is made between the Son's of Aaron and the Israelites!  Moses seemed to favor the Israelites over what is termed the Son's of Aaron.  And Moses was a Jewish leader, albeit if not their God!  It is very interesting.  And I don't know that there are any religious scholars who interpret it per its intent?

A monkey would create a distraction of noise and then laugh because you can't remember something 01 28 2015

A monkey would create a distraction of noise and then laugh because you can't remember something  01 28 2015

Isn't that what every BAD kid in a classroom does?

Isn't that really a form of bullying the classroom and human learning structure?  It is a spoiled objection of having to conform with a quiet human learning environment!

Are their bad people who dominate classrooms and then later on in life can only think if there is noise?  In other words it can only remember if it relishes in the memory of a thought of a human being not being able to think because of frustration and distraction of noise it caused them!   Isn't a competent and responsible human being just the opposite of that?  Do you really think the human race has a future with that?  Be honest!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:

One bonus article The similarity between Jeffrey Dahmner and the Roman Italian Emperor Caligula 01 28 2015

One bonus article  The similarity between Jeffrey Dahmer and the Roman Italian Emperor Caligula 01 28 2015

Caligula's favorite form of torture was to bound a man upside down and chew off his live testicles!  That is about what we heard the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer did!

But what is the implication with regard to those who would sexually torture and victimize boys as members of the Italian Roman Catholic Priesthood?

They should be executed before that networked group attains so much power that it compares to the Roman Empire! We already see it to day with wealth funneled to the management of corporations and the public mocked about employment!  Limited Liability is the equivalent of nobility status!  It is the equivalent to divine right.  It is illegal per our Constitution to grant a person a title of nobility!  Hence every corporation is Constitutionally illegal!

A Catholic priest told me that Jesus Cross was different that it had a seat on it.  He also said that the body was never found.  To me that reads like when you go to an amusement park and put your head in a hole of plywood that has an image of a clown painted on from to have your picture taken!

It is almost like he went up there and sat in order to make the two criminals crucified along side him curse at him, like he was mocking them in the seat!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:

So here is a petition!

Was Barabas really Barnabas who was double crossed by Jesus?

The following is a good read.

Why you SHOULD believe in WHITE SUPREMACY 01 28 2015

Why you SHOULD believe in WHITE SUPREMACY  01 28 2015

Because it was white men who wrote the Constitution and established the rights of freedom other nations were supposed to follow!

Now the whites in power and wealth today are the exact opposite of that original white supremacy that cared about the rights of all people!

So indeed all white people are NOT the same!

But it was WHITES who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution! And they were far different than Germans or English or Russian whites!

And lets be very clear it is also bad whites who seek to destroy freedom!  They like to think they are the equivalent of the founding fathers?  Not even close; they are the exact opposite!

Ask yourself what caliber man is a savior?  Does that man really look out for your safety or is he drawing crime into your life?  Big difference isn't there!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:

China and India populations booming while the white college educated in the United States hear voices and are medicated and our population remains constant with Hispanics a growing portion 1 28 2015

China and India populations booming while the white college educated in the United States hear voices and are medicated and our population remains constant with Hispanics a growing portion 1 28 2015

The Threat of the Brain Damaged 01 28 2015

The Threat of the Brain Damaged 01 28 2015

To watch and see a disconnect between "The consciousness and the eyes."

Now some of us divert our consciousness from our eyes when we are concentrating!  But the brain damaged do this in a very different manner!  There is a willful and negative emotion involved!

Whereby that individual is "instilled" with an evil intent.

A woman on a reality crime show referred to the worst instance of the criminal mind of this manner as the person "person going into full psychotic mode!"

When I look at a person who is accused of being a serial rapist of over two dozen women over 46 years   I come to a conclusion that what I am seeing in the divergent eye pattern is,  "It might even be demonic possession by the animal mind of a Gorilla!!!!!!!!!!(of that person)"

Watch how it shows no sings of guilt for its crimes, but rather....a gleaming and irreproachable gloating!

What are other instances of this I have seen?  In other professions?  The look of psychotic frustration when you ask a question!

To that bad person to ask a question means you are questioning their authority!

Do you know that is exactly what the founding fathers of the United States wanted us to do!!!!

The reality of the interaction is that you were just trying to self inform in order to maintain a conformity of personal knowledge!  But that is part of the higher thought process that the mentally defective do not have and abhor?  To them it means that they are one level lower than you doesn't it; based on their reaction!

What does that black man in the first paragraph feel so confident?  Because he knows a great majority of whites in power and money support him and are of his same cognitive framework!  But just look at it?  How can someone like that be so successful while victimizing so many women over a period of 5 decades if there were not white blacks?

There should never be one race that is the beneficiary of a normal human beings mind being demonized and tortured from them!  That isn't humanity!

And again look to see how that consciousness comes back after their was a disconnect from it and the eyes!  If it is a psychotic mask you might be in danger!  If you feel the hair stand up on the back of your neck it means the same thing!

What is going on there?  Because that person is mentally defective an animal like regressive spirit has easily demonically possessed them in complete conformance with their mindset!  What I am getting at is the brain damaged are the perfect blank template for that!  To do the bidding of the devil!

Here is how they are DE-Created!  Good God sign it!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:


Dyslexia Defined 01 28 2015

Dyslexia Defined 01 28 2015

"To ruin a young adults mind with alcohol because yours was ruined at birth!"

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 28 2015 at:

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

So the United States Gives Billions to Foreign Countries so that Millionaires from those Countries can Immigrate to the United States under the Eb

So the United States Gives Billions to Foreign countries so that Millionaires from those Countries can Immigrate to the United States under the EB-5 program?

By default they are creating jobs in the United states by giving billions to foreigners to use that money to come here?

Am I the only one who see's through that?

It is easier for a foreigner to be successful in the United States than it is for a white American!

We got that degradation of the United States from George Bush!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 27 2015 at:

Beer Barron Economics 01 27 2015

Beer Barron Economics 01 27 2015

1 Beer Barrel = 31 gallons

There are 128 ounces of liquid in a gallon. So that equates to a total of 31 x 128= 3968 ounces! Now if you divide that by 14 once cups you get, 283 cups of beer in a barrel. Now the total retail price of those beers at an event would be about $5 times 283= $1415.oo

I have to wonder if grains were not originally bleached out white so that the beer looked more like benign water?

What is even more interesting is that it takes 1500 gallons of water to produce one barrel of beer!

The price of a barrel of beer is $80.oo

A statistic on the internet put the cost of a gallon of tap water in Wisconsin at 5 cents. So .05 *1500=75 dollars!

Our 3 month water bill a year ago had a charge of 47.67 fore water usage. Does that mean we used 953 gallons in 3 months? 47.67/.05= 953 gallons? So if you flush the toilet 6 times a day times 90 days and it therefore uses how many gallons per flush? So it probably is a correct number! But doesn't it seem like that is too high a number for your water usage to be? That the toilet should be a lot more efficient than that?

The price of a barrel of beer is $80.oo

Apparently we as citizens of the United States are Financing the water that goes into their profit margins! They cannot be being charged the same amount as we are? But perhaps that 1500 gallons takes into account watering all the grains too. But it really doesn't matter does it! The cost is still the same in terms of opportunity cost for feeding the poor with the water to grow vegetables instead?

But what is the cost of the grains in a barrel of beer? I am betting if they sourced it right maybe $20 at the most! But that is just a guess!

1415-20=1395 1395/1415=98.5 percent profit margin.

But wait! You don't use 1500 gallons of water at home per month and your water bill is much higher that the cost of a barrel of beer of $80 isn't it? How much would 1500 gallons of water cost you if you wanted to make a barrel of beer and factored in that amount?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western Hemisphere. In Wisconsin parents of a mentally retarded child get $80,000.oo in assistance to take care of it!

It also has to be the leading cause of blindness, violence, attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, death from car accidents and workplace accidents!  You can add in diabetes and cancer too!

I am also going to tell you that normal human beings minds are demonized so that the mentally retarded can be imprinted from them! What is the cost of that to our Country? Trillions upon trillions!

What is the cost of a human soul? Do you want to factor that into beer production? How much is one worth to the devil? When you don't cover your costs of production and the liabilities that you also create you haven't earned a dime have you! So the next time that you see some arrogant heir to a brewery, winery, distillery or bar restaurant or liquor store, or sporting event where it is sold; just realize that they did not earn their money! It is complete welfare to the wealthy! Doesn't that bother you? The concept of Welfare to the Wealthy?

When I was in High School (circa 1982) there were two holocaust survivors who came to speak; and I listened! They had nothing good to say about beer and alcohol! Do you know what they know that I also know too; it is the cause of meanness!

My father served in WWII as a combat medic!  If the Jewish Federation really wanted to get to the bad roots of WWII they would research the German Beer Barron's in the United States and psychiatry and Schizophrenia as medical fraud!  Do you see how the search on that path is going to be given up  because of a conflict of interest related to money and family relations?  We also don't see you going after Italian and Japanese "Nazi's" from WWII!

When you sit down to watch the Dr. Phil show can you quickly sum up the theme of every single show? It is “meanness” isn't it! All of those family type problems are related to meanness!

I want that meanness gone! I want it gone!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 27 2015 at:

Cognitive Countermeasure 01 27 2015

Cognitive Countermeasure 01 27 2015

Use your mental voice to ask the following question, "How do you cope with your own meanness?"

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 27 2015 at:

The Constitution Requires a Militia to be well regulated 01 27 2015

The Constitution Requires a Militia to be well regulated 01 27 2015

What does that imply with regard to a militia that harms civilians, indoctrinates drug use, and has rampant cases of sexual assault?

That Militia isn't well regulated!  The United States President to an oath to protect the United States Constitution!

Should some members of our military which has been substituted for a well regulated militia be executed in order to protect the Constitution before it is too late!

A well regulated militia should never engage in actively or passively violating United States Citizen rights!

Thomas Paul Murphy
copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 27 2015 at:

How to Lose Weight Business/ Invention Idea 01 27 2015

How to Lose Weight Business/ Invention Idea 01 27 2015

 I was reading the Book of Leviticus in the Bible. It states that you should cut the fat off the meat and then burn the fat because it has a sweet smell pleasing to God! And next someone will say they did as I (or rather the Bible) told them and burnt down their house and it is my fault! You need some sort of little metal vessel with a metal lid to do that? Surprised they don't sell them in stores! Aha! And that is my next business idea that some faction of our society will steal and profit from!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 27 2015 at:

Steven Spielberg Identified that there is now a Facebook Page that Identifies Jews and their Geographic Locations 01 27 2015

Steven Spielberg Identified that there is now a Facebook Page that Identifies Jews and their Geographic Locations 01 27 2015

Just out of curiosity I would like to compare that data to that of the geographic location of those who are demonized by voices in the medical fraud of Schizophrenia.  Is there a positive correlation?  Is it substantial?

The horrific impact on families of the affliction is untenable!  And the costs to our Democracy alone are in the trillions of dollars!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 27 2015 at:

India Can't Be Trusted 01 27 2015

India Can't Be Trusted 01 27 2015

The United States gave them nuclear technology to build electric power plants with and the first thing they did was use it to develop nuclear missiles!

Anyone who has ever had a cold call to them with the hopes of getting credit card and identity information knows that is an India Indians voice!

They are also in our banking/ corporate investment industry today and participated in the mortgage fraud by rigging the London Interbank Offer Rate.  Some of the British banks that are present in the United States laundered drug money coming here from Mexico.

They have pilfered corporate coffers of Koss Corporation in Milwaukee and spread the money around like gypsies through expensive gifts.

And indeed their was one out East that forged over 10,000 autopsy records for court proceedings!  That amounts to an act of genocide of United States Citizens doesn't it!

They believe in a religion whereby they desire to join with a "higher consciousness", and that is a cause of the medical fraud of schizophrenia!

We should not be giving them any radioactive material or technology.  They have enslaved people from their own population!  They worship the rat in the belief it is their ancient ancestor!

Let me ask you this.  Is it fair that they are allowed for their population to boom to well over 1 billion whereas we in the United States attempt to remain at a responsible level 312 million. What is going to be their only course of action related to feeding those 1 billion people?  We are seeing the tip end of it already with fraudulent phone calls!  They are also part of the marijuana propaganda machine in the United States!  It causes delayed mental development, AKA mental retardation!!!  THEY HATE US!

The British labeled them WOGS, Wiley Oriental Gentlemen!  Think of that every time you hear the voice of one calling you on the phone and asking you for your credit card!  A red flag should be going up with you right away when you hear that India Indian voice!

I don't like to be a racist but the abuse on our Constitutional Rights is adding up!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 27 2015 at:

Penal Colony United States Rules 01 27 2015

Penal Colony United States Rules 01 27 2015

All queer (homosexual) “males” will be required to wear yellow skirts or dresses held up by yellow suspenders. If they have the deadly aides virus that suspsenders will be required to say so in big text lettering. If they are married it must say “1/ (the number that are in the marriage)”

For dis-ambiguity a HETEROSEXUAL can never be defined as a male who has the desire to directly touch, fondle or victimize the groins of other males (commonly known as sexual molestation). Institutional castration and unicing are to be omitted from the classification. This can indeed be considered that “Due Process” has been made with regard to any crimes against humanity they commit!

All lesbians will also be required to wear pink skirts and dresses held up by pink suspenders. And if virgin boys want to give chase to them that should be permitted.

These penal colony laws are designed to shift the stigma away from those who hear voices in our society and put it squarely on where it is more deserving!

We have a Constitutional Right to know who is queer in our country per the definition in the paragraph that starts out as “For dis-ambiguity.”

Anti-semitism is said to be on the rise too! It should be noted that Adolf Hitler recruited “Butch” type homosexuals to carry out atrocities because they were the only ones willing to do horrific things. This addresses that issue!

Also anyone who commands or engages in the act of torture will also be required to wear the yellow dresses and suspenders with the label torturer on the suspender. Again “Due Process” has been served.

Would I ever write one single word of this craap if I wasn't hearing voices?  No!  And the voices do not have to speak to me!  I had a complete one week silence period back in the year 2000 when my German Beer Barron neighbors went on vacation to North Carolina!  It is medical fraud!  So who commits it?  Only the mentally defective from alcohol.  And new scientific evidence indicates that homosexuality is caused by a defective serotonin regulation gene.  This writing isn't even mine! It is from that which got up very early in the morning, the witching hour, to demonically possess me!  It violates my Constitutional Rights!  It is an attempt to discredit normal Americans and make criminals out of victims!  My natural mind absent the voices is normal, calm cool and collective!  What a horrific influence on humanity those who create and foster the medical fraud are!

I am not going to mince words!  I want that MEANESS weeded out of our population!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 01 27 2015 at:

Monday, January 26, 2015

A Simple Poem 01 26 2015

A Simple Poem 01 26 2015

You have learned a lot from me today.
How do you intend to use it,
To help good people,
In a positive way.

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 26 2015 at:

The Importance of Books that are Interesting for Boy's to Read 01 26 2015

The Importance of Books that are Interesting for Boy's to Read 01 26 2015

A boy doesn't want to read a book about some old woman's fixation with dancing slippers!  You have to give a boy something he likes to read!  Now, I gave my book to a Police Detective (a man) to read and he told me that he could not put it down!

Why is it important to teach boy's to read?  So that they don't become effeminates groomed to perform cunilingus!  That is a very bad trend in society and leads to weak willed men with poor decision making capability.  This is a nation of men!  Not, queer minded drug dealers!

You give a boy a book on dancing slippers to read and the ogre class kid whose father was a drunk that sits next to him will beat the h3ll out of him because he is dependent minded; and doesn't want to have to have all those sissy dancing slipper thoughts bopping around in his head!

So I recommend my book to all boys and men of all ages!

You want your son to know how to read so that he is able to obey our laws!  You don't want him to be executed at a young age for murder or overdose on heroin someone gives him do you?  Ever ask yourself why women tend to live longer than men?

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 26 2015 at:

Milwaukee State Normal School 01 26 2015

Milwaukee State Normal School  01 26 2015

That is where I went to college.  It is now called The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.  I learned this as on public radio today they were discussing an American Communist named Mildred Harnack who was beheaded by Adolf Hitler.  The commentator of the radio stated that Hitler never believed that Nordic Aryans would betray him!  Hitler didn't know the extent of the broad scope of the defective mind related to fetal alcohol syndrome!

Mildred thought communism would solve poverty!  Social Security helped that a lot in the United States.  While in Communist countries people were worked until their was no cartilage left between their bones and they dropped dead! (For the benefit of the Communist Wealth Class,....Putin has 9 homes!)  So that was what Mildred lost her life for?

What else did Mildred Foster?  Communist Chinese being worked until their is no cartilage between their bones to manufacture goods imported to the United States!  Who benefits from that?

1. Not the American youth that are coddled and sissied; they all want to play childhood games for a living and be worshipped for it.
2.  Not the American Citizen; they do not make any money from that!  It all gets eaten up by Corporate Management and a Financial Market system that churns the publics money to nothing.
3.  Do we get products that last?  No!  All that stuff is junk!  In fact China Creates millions upon millions of tons of toxic electronic waste every year!
4.  Is more money spent for education because we receive cheap Chinese goods?  No quite the contrary is the case.
5. What about the one planet environment?  Those American businessmen have evaded both U.S. environmental and workers rights laws by producing and importing from toxic polluting China!
6.  What about American Manufacturing?  They are undercut by that Corporate U.S. insurrection with connections in those foreign countries!  Not only that they cannot find employees!
7.  Oh and here is the worst thing she did!  She legitimized the one mind for all principle of Communism in the United States that is psychiatry and why Literate American legitimate Normal human beings hear voices and are made ill by the attrition of them!

So why the emphatic "Normal" in "Milwaukee State Normal School"  It is drawing a comparison to that which isn't normal; isn't it!

Things are not what they seem to be!  Know what  you believe in!  Do you believe in yourself or as yourself as a shadow of a once normal human beings mind?

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 26 2015 at:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Local Paper that was just bought out has the Obituaries at the back of the Business Section 01 25 2015

The Local Paper that was just bought out has the Obituaries at the back of the Business Section 01 25 2015

I see that a lot of young people are dying.  Also the paper has an English ownership feel to it.  In England they call the porch or small backyard "a plot."  I put that together with the obituaries at the back of the business section and it seems like a motive to me!  "We are up and running in the BUSINESS of DEATH here!"  "Blood money!"

I created this petition a while back, so that no "Plots" can go on unrecognized!

Sign it if you agree that all obituaries in the United States should show the exact cause of death!  Young people should not be dying in the United States like they are and we need to put a stop to the causes!

Maybe the provision will prevent someone else that you love from passing away early too?

I believe that many who die young are victims!  Whether it be from indoctrination into drugs, commercial propagandization of unhealthy lifestyles, etc! 

Increasing that Public Awareness shines a very bright light on the problem!

I consider that there are no secrets concerning me in this world!  I hear voices! You should not be ashamed either!  Did your loved one hear voices?  You have nothing to be ashamed about them!  Nothing!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 25 2015 at:

It tells where someone came from but not what it encodes for

It tells where someone came from but not what it encodes for

Is it just a marker?  No...;

Romanian, Common gene in the oil rich Middle East...

There were Jews who sided with the Romans.

I research this as one of the friend of one of the meanest men I have ever met in my life is featured in a Journal Sentinel article today as a Philanthropist!

They both know very well that Schizophrenia is medical fraud!  The symptoms are real and horrific however the cause of it makes it a medical fraud.

Aaron versus Levite?
Moses versus Aaron? Moses was brother of Arron. 

But wasn't it Moses who was likely a baby of an Egyptian woman and an Egyptian slave, left on the shore and then quickly retrieved?  It suggests Moses and Arron were not brothers?  At least not by same mother and father?

And who was it that did not release the Jews until they admitted to having the same mind as him as King?  How else does one know the meaning of another's dream?

I have an philosophical affiliation with Levite when I read the Bible.  Will have to read about Aaron.

What this is suggesting is that Arronites or Cohenites did not come from the Male Y first human being ADAM Y like the rest of us?

Joseph, son of Judah, was King of Egypt for those who are Biblically illiterate!


He did his Doctoral thesis that proved some sort of nonrandom behavior of plasma or ionization or something like that?

What we have might be the basis of Ganzfield dynamics technology involved in creating and fostering the medical fraud of Schizophrenia?

The absolute meanest man I ever met in my life!


As I look at that group of 1000 that came to the United States from Great Britain I have many questions to ask about them just as I do of the 1600 Nazi's in Operation Paperclip.

Has the rise of the petrochemical industry and the animal and human experiments done using the chemicals that man created helped humanity?  No!  It has created wealth for the few and an environmental liability that is untenable!  How many birth defective have been created by this industry by those who don't behave like men in the first place?  It is unbelievable!

For those of you who abhor animal testing the relationships here are worth investigating.  Animal testing is fraud, the results are falsified no matter what they are so that pharmaceutical chemicals used in targeted genocide of normal humans  (from Adam) are sold for high profit!  And that is another petition there!  Should everyone who is ever put on an antipsychotic be truly informed of the actual life expectancy of someone on it versus the normal and healthy population?  The data is out there and tens of thousands die young every year from it.  But it will never be stated because it is like handing over a statement that proves ones own guilt!

I believe that the Y_Arrons are not able to form their own human reason or human conscience.  Particularly the human conscience.  So again what is the Y Arron encoding as it relates to brain development that is different!

And I don't expect you to understand what this article means, it is more for my personal research.


What is also very disturbing is that that article revealed that the Jewish lineage follows the Mother!  Does that not really make it a race of women; or women centrists?  We see that thinking and the pity for horrific criminals abound in our country today!  But what does it mean with regard to them?  It means that the mother is more important than the father!  Here is where I have a big issue with this!  A son needs to be imprinted by his fathers brain because it is 10% larger and wired differently!  What happens when a son is imprinted by a females brain?  He is always wondering what men are really thinking?  And that patriarchal burden is then put on victimizing real men and women for their male human reason and conscience in the medical fraud of schizophrenia?  To the female minded everything that was born with two legs, not matter how deformed the brain is can be imprinted with a normal human beings brain to some degree of comprehension?  And that man's (or good woman's!) Constitutional rights are completely nulled and voided are they not!  It is an act of complete envy and hatred of the human race (Adam Y) isn't it! 

They don't act or have the emotions of men!  Instead they are like mean hags!

Copyright 2015
Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 25 2015 at:

And to be fair there are some Cohen's and Smiths and a Dorkas Lincoln in my family geneology!

All Philanthropic Trusts Should be dissolved with the proceeds going to the consumer 01 25 2015

All Philanthropic Trusts Should be dissolved with the proceeds going to the consumer 01 25 2015

Why?  Attribution of that wealth should be considered to be made directly from the United States Constitution!

The opportunity and creation of that wealth came from the Constitution and the Freedom it represents!

We will never know whether the charity money of trusts or other annuity type royalties will be distributed consistent with the belief system of the original seminal force that thrived under the laws and therefore opportunity provided to them by the United States Constitution!

But we do know that homelessness, drug abuse, suspect use of military force, and crime have flourished!

What the United States needs to guard itself against more than anything is miniature pockets of wealth comprising power structures that are contradictory to the United States Constitution!

And every President who is sworn in office takes an oath to protect that Constitution!

Whatever that service of wealth purports to be addressing can indeed be handled by the United States Constitution; given that Truly Competent individuals are elected to Government!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 25 2015 at:

Do you have feelings of worthlessness that are validated by a lifetime of illegitimate achievement and personal ineptitude 01 25 2015

Do you have feelings of worthlessness that are validated by a lifetime of illegitimate achievement and personal ineptitude 01 25 2015

If so sign the way to clear the way for the next generations to thrive and prosper!

For once in your life do the right thing!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 25 2015 at:

There should be a worldwide ban on the construction of multistory office and apartment buildings 01 25 2015

There should be a worldwide BAN on the construction of multistory office and apartment buildings 01 25 2015

Why?  I believe the percussion from the construction has the potential to loosen what will always be previously unknown radium deposits into the water table!

Because I believe this to be the cause of a liability that is of such great magnitude that it is financially insurmountable I believe all current high rise buildings should be deemed publicly owned.  It has to do with the accounting provision of matching assets with liabilities and income with expenses.

Pile driving to strengthen the foundation.  Heavy equipment transportation where it wasn't before.  Dynamite usage.  And this goes along with the concern we have for "fracking" too!

I also do not believe apartments are nice places for people to live!  People should have their own homes!  I also condemn the Financial Districts in the United States where high rises were built because they were also "participant beneficiaries" of the fraudulent rigging of the London Interbank Offer Interest Rate that caused the Mortgage Crisis in the United States!  That could have led to genocide from starvation do to economic depression.  Those buildings should have never been built!

Sign the Petition if you agree with me!

Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 25 2015 at:


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Felons, Gun Control and Road Rage etc. 01 24 2015

Felons, Gun Control and Road Rage etc. 01 24 2015

I believe that a felon freed from the confines of prison has every right to have a gun as the normal citizen does! Why? They are just as likely to be a victim of road rage and lose their life to it as the rest of us are! They are also just as likely to be a victim of armed robbery too.

You cannot limit their right to protect themselves from death!

I believe it can only work 3 ways.

  1. They are in prison where guns are not allowed.
  2. They are given the death penalty because we determined that what they did was so horrific that they can not be reformed in a drug laden (alcohol too) society. I believe that all drug dealers, sexual victimize-rs of children and pimps should mandatorily the death penalty.
  3. They are released from prison with re-assumption of all United States Citizen rights!****************************************************************************'
    As long as I am on crime. I believe that white collar crime of a certain level ($100,000.oo) should have the exact same sentencing as an armed robber of a bank would get. A sick minded banker could rig the mortgage rate like they did the LIBOR and cast the United States into another Depression which is genocidal because of starvation???

The point is you either live among men that you can trust or YOUR Constitutional rights are violated. Alcohol is the cause of every screwy head their ever was! That is the cause of prison recitivisation (sp?) that should be eliminated!


Also Gamma rays were discovered to be EMF radiation in 1910. What would the effect be if irradiated crop seed was delivered to farmers? The crops would not grow and the sun would bake the land. Could something like that have caused the Dust bowl?

And as you see microwave cell phone relay towers littering the land do you ask yourself, if the microwaves were triangulated or penatuglated (however many) on farmers fields could they cause loss of crop and then loss of farm; to a Right Wing Republican faction?


And what about making upskirting a video a felony. I want to say boy's will be boys. But I also have to ask a question about the perversion and entrapment of a nation. There used to be Playboys and Penthouse magazines on the shelves. Not any more. Why not? Does it have something to do with the dependent minded and the Holy Spirit being cast far away from home? Does that mentally defective class not want that to happen? I believe that is true, however I can not articulate any better than that at this time. But it has to do with the ability to control the men of our society.

The other day on Facebook someone posted a picture of a man performing cunnilingus on a woman. Do you know what I think about that? What man would let a woman wrestle him down in spirit or body like that? What man would empower a woman in that manner over the rest of us. What kind of a pansy resorts to that to get a woman? What kind of pansy sons and daughters are they likely to have! Who wants to hang out with a pansy who is dominated by women like that? And you always hear how Italians make such great lovers because they really know how to please a woman! They also beat their women away from the lifeboats of the sinking ships as fast as they can! You also hear that there is a high rate of homosexuality in Italian families. Does it have to do with DNA damage due to wine? Is that same DNA damaged what led them to form organized or networked crime?

But on the up-skirting. They don't really do it to satiate their own sexual perversion do they! Instead they like to circulate it in an act of hatred based on envy of the victim don't they! So here we have a dichotomy, is the case boys will be boys or is it sick hatred. In the case of sick hatred I believe the kid should get the death penalty. In the case of boy's will be boy's all you have to do to a normal kid is talk to them and tell them why it was wrong and then they know better the rest of their life! Not so with the sick kid! The sick kid will be sick its entire life; in my humble opinion!

Okay but lets get real with the issue! What about women who are forced into pornography by poverty or by violent men or just plain criminal minded imbecilic “family”? Should that not fall under the same punishment in all fairness? What does it really amount to? Slavery! Sexual slavery! What really bothers me is that our society failed these women!

The other day on the radio a Korean women who was adopted in the United States,(as a girl?) was fighting so that people in the United States could never adopt again (from Korea.) Adoption bothers me too! We have also failed those women in society! I mean it really bothers me! Why? It has to do with the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes! Do you have the ability to truly comprehend what life would be like if you were put in that persons shoes? Having said that I believe that the barriers to entry in becoming a judge or lawyer are far too low and based on the wrong principles! I believe a much better legal system could arise if it were based on the principle of victim justice. Our legal community really minimizes the impact crime has on victims! The money follows the defendant doesn't it! The money should not follow the defendant! So that bothers me too! The money follows the defendant looking for handouts! This establishes organized or networked crime doesn't it; the handout from the money made by crime to the lawyers? Extremely bothers me!

I don't really write for an audience. I just write what I am thinking and what I would like to read (if I was me in different shoes?)  The people I know don't get it; but I don't care!  I have to be me!  Perhaps that is a great exercise to have, the principle of "You have to be you!"  After a while of that do you still like yourself?**


One more point with regard to the law and the concept of "Due Process"  I believe that in cases where their is video evidence that is indisputable "Due Process" can indeed be thought to be accelerated!  And we are going to see the issue come into play with regard to criminal actions by Police Officers wearing video cameras.   The primary question to ask someone when caught on tape is, "What were you thinking?" or "What possessed you to behave in that way?"  Most people don't know!  It is a bunch of odd constructs they see in the movies solidified in their brains with oxygen deprivation brain cell death from alcohol!  It is really a lot worse than you think, but most people can't discern it!

Now if you really wanted to get a few levels up in hiring police officers you would bait them with questions to see how easily the respond with well known phrases and colloquialisms from movies and television!  What am I getting it?  The overuse of them as being proof the person is not operating based on their own thinking and mind but rather bad imprints?  But that is likely 100 years into the future; if the human race gets there.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 24 2015 at:

Friday, January 23, 2015

Schizophrenic Witticisms 01 23 2015

Schizophrenic Witticisms

“My son is a lawyer.”

“My son is his god!”


“A younger and less mature version of yourself is with yourself right now and you don't realize it,” what to say to a snotty person.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 23 2015 at:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Reverend Al Sharpton 01 22 2015

The Reverend Al Sharpton 01 22 2015

I heard him say one of the most beautiful things that I have ever heard or read anywhere in my life!  He is the only other person that I know of who is of the belief system of what it means.  And I am paraphrasing this from memory.

"Argue based on what I said.  Don't try and change what I said and argue based on that.  If you can't do that you can't argue based on the point."

What does it mean?

It means that the person you are talking to thinks that you are so stupid that you don't know what you said!  It means the person you are talking to thinks you don't know that they changed the argument.  It means the reality of the point you made with them is unbearable to them!  It means that they believe they have the verbal power to manipulate reason and human conscience basically anything, and that they don't believe they can be caught!  Being that confident in that manner, isn't that really a mental defect?  It is pure wishful thinking isn't it!  (That is how delusion is defined.)  And yet how many in the public eye attempt to dismiss logic and reason by doing just that immediately attempting to reinterpret what you said so that it fits the contrary of their point.

Now I articulated this a while back with an article with a title that had the word "snake" in it or in the text of it.

Often when they don't want to argue your point you will also experience insult coupled with high strung tension in the voice.  That is regressive instinct response to fear isn't it?

What you need to realize is that if you conquer the racism against those who hear voices you might just be able to conquer all forms of racism, based on natural birth!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 22 2015 at:


A consumer should never pay a higher interest rate than the lowest corporate/business rate 01 22 2015

Diabetes The medical terminology used does not lead to responsible behavior 01 22 2015

Type 1

They always say the body's failure to produce enough insulin.  When it should always be stated the Pancreas.t  So why doesn't the pancreas produce enough?  Organ failure from having to spike produce too much in response to unnatural sugar diet.

Type 2

Cells don't respond properly to insulin!  The cause is excessive body weight and not enough exercise.

What does that really mean?  It is a distribution issue isn't it!  All that body fat and poor circulation and the insulin cannot make it to the cells it needs to go to!

The body stops producing insulin.  It has to be caused by pancreatic organ failure do to alcohol or some signal mechanism in the body whereby it is saying I have energy in fat that already needs to be converted to energy ahead of the sugar you ate!  When you first get the warning signs you might have the opportunity to change in conjunction with the warning symptoms.

All in my humble point of view.

And there is an inherited factor too!

Pancreatitis is a deadly inflammation of the pancreas caused by alcohol; I believe it is exacerbated by sugar too!.  So alcohol harms the pancreas.  What happens when a mother with a compromised pancreas gets pregnant?  Immediately you have a insulin/ blood sugar transfer issue to the fetus don't you!  And if she drinks while pregnant and eats a high sugar diet can the pancreas of the fetus be harmed to be prone to diabetes?

Perhaps we need to do something about refined sugar!

This is a lot more scary than public awareness has made it!  Very odd that when we have something so dangerous that knowledge of it doesn't foster change and regulation!  Believe it or not our Constitution is designed to protect us against those who would profit by causing sickness!

Thomas Paul Murphy
copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 22 2015 at:

What is Radon 01 22 2015

What is Radon 01 22 2015

Radon is the decay product of highly radioactive Radium, which is the decay product of  highly radioactive Thorium and Uranium.

Radium was found in Waukesha water, it is the reason they wanted water from Lake Michigan?

Are Radium deposits dislodged and loosened so that they leach into the underground water table by fracking and other percussions to the ground such as road construction and high rise building?

You cannot tell me it isn't the case!

Copyright 2015
Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 22 2015 at:

Schizophrenia is Pseudo Science and Scientific Racism just as Drapetomania was 01 22 2015

Schizophrenia is Pseudo Science and Scientific Racism just as Drapetomania was  01 22 2015

Business Idea 01 22 2015

Business Idea 01 22 2015

That will still do it! Even though it is likely one of the best beers that you can have; because of the liquified iron content and believe it not the distribution of that cell oxegnating factor to the cells. I have actually found Irish Stout to have what I called lewy body clearing effect. But the risk outweighs the reward and their are non alcohol ways to achieve that same effect!

And right there is a new business idea! A Roasted Barley powdered addictive to breakfast oatmeal! You can buy a sack of it at a home brewer but per my memory it is hard and can take a tooth out.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 22 2015 at:

The Top Goal of Health Scientist around the world should be the study of pre birth brain damage immunity to alcohol

The Top Goal of Health Scientist around the world should be the study of pre birth brain damage immunity to alcohol; that results in adaptive strong verbal ability without knowing the depth of meaning of words, coupled with low IQ.

That right there is the greatest threat to mankind there has ever been!

And what is the point?  If the parts of the brain that are responsible for higher reason are damaged and birth and no one is able to tell because of strong manipulative verbal ability, that person has a motivation to screw up the brains and lives of those without the defect!  And that is alcohol propaganda by the mentally defective!  Can't get any worse than that!  Their brain will never be what yours is!  And alcohol can not hurt their brain much further than it is because it is pre-deformed at birth!  We need to identify any and all such people in the human race!  And in order to prevent them from ruining human lives we are going to have to make it illegal for them to use and enjoy the very chemical that deformed their brain at birth!

And you cannot tell me that a deformed brain at birth is more likely to be an alcoholic than one that isn't!  The best thing you could do for them would be deprivation enforced with deadly force!  Sober them up and let them enjoy normal human life like the rest of us do!  And if they cannot when they are sober then they will be prevented from harming those who can!

And we need draconian justice at all ages in order to keep the human race drug free!  In other words that drug defective bully is not going to be allowed to push drugs and alcohol on your child in order to sell them happiness in place of abuse from them!  No bad apples; meaning meanness!  And meanness isn't subjectively determined; there is physical abuse present or the threat of it!

Sign this petition if you believe in peace!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 22 2015 at:

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

On Gay Marriage 01 21 2015

On Gay Marriage 01 21 2015

If there was a race of people born with an odd genetic strain whereby their unchangeable belief system was that they were meant to have sex with donkey's because it is what they are, should we allow them to marry donkey's?

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 21 2015 at:

The Christian Faiths are Communist Asian Propaganda 01 21 2015 Scrambled Comprehension

The Christian Faiths are Communist Asian Propaganda 01 21 2015

Look at Leon Panetta's face and compare it to a Native American or Japanese leader; it is very similar! Rome was said to be founded by wandering farmers. They had to have been Asian's because the Italian face bears those characteristics along with the dark hair, the round head and often sunken eyes!

What do I see in that face? Meanness looking for opportunity! Learn to spot that and what it looks like! It is like it only stopped being miserable and is temporarily holding a posture for a photo and it can't wait to get back to doing evil where it will not be seen doing it! For media appearances you can see that it is twisted like a spring away from it natural contortion of cursing everything it looks at in life; because it isn't one of us. The Puritans would have called people like that witches and warlocks.

What proof do we have of Rome being founded by Asians other than that? The leading proponent of the Christian Churches was Saul! The name is translated to Paul in the Bible! Saul was an Asian who killed all the followers of Jesus Christ in genocide! Israel was much different than the rest of the middle east back then! There are no pig bones found there! Which means they knew to avoid what they would have thought of as mental illness back then and labeled Satan; a victim of trichinosis!

There are over 75 passages in the Bible that make derogatory commentary on Alcohol and yet it is served at every mass!  That is a fraudulent contradiction!  Snake eyes caused by fetal alcohol syndrome? Look at the pictures on the internet of a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome child and it is undeniable!

We don't think of Italy or Rome being that way however!

Remember this was a horrific force that conquered and hethenized the Jews of Israel as well as propagandizing mental retardation causing alcohol at every Sunday Mass!

So an Asian formed the Christian religion and therefore also influenced the horror of Rome and Great Britain as England was founded by Rome.

But why is this important? Because all of those peoples degraded to the Communist form of Government that isn't freedom! Also the Italians of that strain formed organized crime in the United States that plagues our freedom more than anything else. And the Native Americans of that same Asian strain were complete savages, and today in order to fit in with us we allow them to sell tobacco and run gambling operations! It is a crying shame!

We are not going to get leadership in this country or the world until a Jug Head is more stigmatized and on the lower end of the human spectrum than someone who hears voices and is labeled schizophrenic.

Should we really have pity on those born genetically mentally defective or should we stigmatize them so that people know not to do what caused them; and also so that they know never to seek leadership positions? You already know what I believe and you know why it should be!

We see the results of that failed leadership everywhere the world over! Failed leadership is the cause of every single problem in the world!

Would they ever listen to someone who was made to hear voices in their heads by them? Only if they faced the threat of death for crimes that should be punishable by death! Then it starts to change!

What was the origins of the Catholic Faith really like? It was either you attend Mass on Sunday and respect my mentally retarded son who has the reed hole voice that is the priest and drink this mental retardation causing wine or we burn you alive or have wild dogs chase you and render you!

Homosexuality caused by alcohol?  That is exactly what new research in 2014 tells us!  Normalization of children from drug birth defects threatens the standard of equality we hold so dear!  It lessens the meaning and the rights that are based on equality!  Human rights are based on a standard of equality!  Get it?  It is like I am trying to explain something to people who have scrambled comprehension!  Good God don't you just want to say that to some Jug Head, "Your problem is that you have SCRAMBLED COMPREHENSION!"
That is why China wants the Bible burnt!  It reveals exactly what they are!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 21 2015 at: