The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, January 19, 2015

On Gay Marriage 01 19 2015

On Gay Marriage 01 19 2015

It is in the interest of National Security that the Supreme Court Vote no!  But they are not going to do that, so just stand back and don't get involved when the sparks start to fly.  They have been inciting civil unrest for quite some time and have not got the civil unrest they are looking for!  And for starters the proper terminology is "Homosexual Marriage" and not "Gay Marriage!"  That is how we already know they are going to make it legal, they have already propagandized it with incorrect terminology!


Do you see how they are sucking us into Communism?  What father would ever send his son to fight Russia because of Gay Marriage!  That in effect brings the fight to our homeland!  At which point those who have the same gay gene and are Governors send out the troops to blow your head off because you are labeled a terrorist, extremist, or that you have in effect denounced your citizenship!  So when they do that they are looking for it to be a climax point whereby they can act in further genocide against Americans.  Don't get drawn into it!


You likely don't get the issue!  But no foreigner wants to get sodomized raped by some American Freak homosexual!  Acting consistently with pederasty or spoiled and defective will.  Instead of building integrity for the United States Barrack is bringing horror to us in ways unimaginable!  When an enemy is up against a homosexual army they fight a lot harder, they take no prisoners, they kill quickly!  Get it yet?  That is all coming here!  ISIS is the first of it!

Homosexual marriage will never be Constitutional!  First of all the scientific evidence is that it is caused by a defect in the serotonin regulation gene.  Alcohol causes genetic birth defects.  A chemical that works by causing oxygen deprivation cell death is not gene specific.  Alcohol is propagandized at every Christian and Catholic mass.  In contrast to well over 75 passages in the Bible that have nothing good to say about alcohol!  Hence it would be a violation of congress to make any law with respect to religion!  So it will always be a violation of the Constitution!  You cannot normalize inequality that is based on birth defects due to addictive drug use!  It will come to a head at some point in the future as that next generation will be in conflict with its parents and not be able to raise or provide for their own children.  That isn't equality and it isn't what equality means!  Equality means you respect the rights of other people because we assume that you are a man created equal like us, otherwise commit a crime and you are punished!  We do not break the standard of equality so that a faction of our population can get away with criminal conduct!  There is a reason death is the only way out of organized crime; it is because of the dependent mindset they are all born and raised with.  Again same as the defective serotonin regulation gene.  Cannot find happiness through personal achievement!

So you think, what is the big deal if communism rolls into the United States?  They will kill all the women that they don't like and gang rape the rest just like when Russia rolled into Germany!  You didn't think it through did you!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 01 19 2015 at:


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