The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Voting and Citizen Rights Issue 02 26 2013

Voting and Citizen Rights Issue 02 26 2013

"How can you be a Citizen entitled to vote in a country while being a Citizen of someone else's mind?"

The truth is that if you are a Citizen of someone else's mind you cannot also be a Citizen of a country and entitled to vote.

Not only that if you are a Citizen of someone else's mind what right do you have to influence public policy with regard to the influence of campaign donations or lobby money?  None.  Why not?  Because you have instead chosen to be the Citizen of someone else's mind rather than the Citizen of a Country!

You can either have it one way or the other but you can't have it both ways.  And if it means that you denounce a religious belief and practice the sooner you do it the better to retain your rights in a country, as a citizen, entitled to vote.

This has more widespread, worldwide implications, than you could ever imagine!

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 26 2013 at:

PS. Most great minds think best with minds that think like them, are respectful of them and also know the value of cooperation and when to listen, when to offer an idea or new point.  No man is an island.  And likely the best a brightest people to work with are those who are of like mind.

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