The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, January 5, 2014

On Tom Boys and Lesbians 01 05 2014

On Tom Boys and Lesbians

I will make a man out of her.  That is what Jesus said in the Bible of a woman apostle?


I have heard that many times, boy’s are easy to raise but girls are a problem.
Are they sodomized so that they think they are boys?  And hence they are easier to raise?  The theory being that semen has the power of life and therefore change in it?

But what boys do they end up thinking they are?

An Italian girl whose name was Thomasita told me that her father told her the name means twin!  A Tom Boy is a girl that thinks she is a boy.  But it is not just any boy is it?  No it is a specific boy!
Now they haven’t been truthful to you with regard to the real nature of Lesbians and also the real nature of the medical fraud termed schizophrenia!

Okay so lets say that she is a Tom Boy that isn’t gay and she has children?  We will also say that she is a single mother because the man she originally married doesn’t compare in any way to the vision of herself that she likes to believe?  What do her children end up being like when they are imprinted from a mind like hers?  Kind of an odd machoness or psychosis?  Not really having a good image of what a man is supposed to be, but rather a reactive image of what a man is supposed to be from her mind.  And that son will also have therefore a dislike for the sons of men.  And hence the term from the Bible with regard to Jesus Christ being, “The Son of Man!”  It means the concept was that rare!!!!
And of the sons?  They see out of the eyes of others rather than their own and become very frustrated at viewing the learning and achievement of other boys!  Hence out of frustration and inflated sense of self they believe that there is some magical way to impart the ability to achieve to one another; and that is pederasty; or sodomy between them!  Whether it is what created the woman to be what she is or not I cannot say.  But ancient scriptures did indeed tell of demonic sex.  And what happens is that there is an odd life factor or hormonal factor by which they must be being influenced.
And since the son is seeing out of the fathers eyes who sees out of a Son of Mans eyes, the son also see’s out of those eyes.  Then the daughter has to learn how to too.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 01 05 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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