The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

CIA Project Artichoke was Pure Satanic Witchcraft 03 10 2015

CIA Project Artichoke was Pure Satanic Witchcraft 03 10 2015

So perhaps our very hard working CIA would like to identify the national or world victims of this program?  What happened to the people you experimented on?  Did you end up killing them? Did they end up killing other people?  How many lives did you ruin?  How many American families did you break up?  How much misery did you create?

It involved Army, Navy, Air Force and the FBI.  Are United States citizens targeted while in High School for indoctrination in the military, to unknowingly be given drugs, and have their lives and minds ruined?  The evidence of exactly that effect happening is very convincing isn't it.

"No he wasn't doped in any way, that is just something wrong with his mind."  What a crooked alibi.

Had a problem with the proud and the brave normal American men didn't you.

The project included doping people with opiates as is heroin.  I have always asked how did heroin become available to United States soldiers serving in Vietnam? 

Here was part of the goal of the project;  "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?"

Put that together with what I have been saying about mass shooters being demonically possessed to commit the crimes that they do and we have proof that our United States media is dumbstruck to admit to.  If they experimented with the goal of doing that in 1951 what is the likelihood that many of the mass shootings today are a result of actions highly refined and made undetectable from those experiments?

If you wonder why nations of men would hate the United States you just found ample reason in the reality of Project Artichoke didn't you.

Do you know how the project got its name?  Peeling away the lobes of an artichoke in order to get to the heart as a metaphor for picking away at someone's mind and brain. Have you found that to be the real nature of unconstitutional Corporate America today?  If so sign my petition.
That is how they think of a human being?  The mentally defective controlling the normal so that they are empowered and no longer feel mentally defective or dependent minded?

Anyone else who hears voices also feel like layers of their mind are being peeled and plucked away.

I believe that families that profited from such activities in any way should be deported.  That wealth doesn't belong to them.  For money is only a valid concept in trade between two humans and not monster lineage?

Anyhow, none of that will ever happen, so don't worry and enjoy your wealth and happiness from it.

 There is a passage in the Dead Sea Scrolls of the ancient Essene Jews wanting to "Examine" someone's mind.

We might need help from the United Nations to come in here and root out that problem and disempower it; for it is a violation of the United States Constitution as well as a crime against humanity.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 03 10 2015 at:

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