The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 22, 2015

I think that Property tax should be higher for a marijuana user, an alcohol user a smoker and a drug user 03 22 2015

I think that Property tax should be higher for a marijuana user, an alcohol user a smoker and a drug user  03 22 2015

Also the mentally defective.

Why?  Property Tax is said to pay for school.  Do not all of the above greatly increase the cost of education?  Yes they do.

One kid costs nothing to educate because they can sit still and listen while another is the son of a drinker who has ADD and or Dyslexia?

Taxes have to be fair.  Fair means you pay your fair share!

Did a person at that house receive a prescription for medical marijuana?  I suppose my house where their are no drug users should have to pay the increased tax while the pot smoker gets a break?

What about the owner of tavern, brewery or store that sells alcohol the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western Hemisphere?  Are they ever going to even pay their fair share of anything?  Unlikely!  Add up their costs to communities and not only did they never earn a Lincoln penny; they owe us!  Including the church that distributes alcohol!

So you look at this site about what the word of God has to say about alcohol and then you ask yourself what it would ever be doing in a church? How much of this nations liability is the church responsible for? Again they could never pay their debt to our society!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 08 22 2015 at:


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