The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Explaining U.S. Government Structure is like 03 24 2015

Explaining U.S. Government Structure is like  03 24 2015

Asking someone to explain how something that doesn't function properly works.  It is a betrayal of personal beliefs to answer or indoctrinate it as knowledge?

If it were a design invention it would never get off the ground.  It is a case where it initially functioned great but was ruined by later versions of management?  Conceptually this is how it should work.  But then we ask ourselves why it doesn't work like it should.  And that scratches at the root of the problem doesn't it?  When you get a smattering of people who are resentful of how it should work staffing it and choosing it as a career!  It is like telling someone that doesn't want to work in life to work and watching them screw everything up because their road of intentions is paved with not wanting to work but control?  So here indeed we have a dichotomy!  They were not put there to control; they were put there to comply!  They don't want to comply so they seek to control so that they do not have to comply.  Spoiled isn't it!

It's like this, "Here now this is a copy of the United States Constitution, now you read this.  Complying with this and how it relates to United States history and not how you say it does is your job.  Okay now you read this.  Will you please just read this?"

And also this,

"You see we hired ________to do the job and he is not doing a good job at it."
"What can we do about it?"
"There is nothing we can do about it.  We can't fire him.  And it seems that when every next election comes... he for some reason... becomes very popular again on television and in the papers."

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 03 24 2015 :

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