The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How can we tell the difference between a paid advertisement for Scott Walker and 03 25 2015

How can we tell the difference between a paid advertisement for Scott Walker and   03 25 2015

How can we tell the difference between a paid advertisement for Scott Walker and a media appearance or article that isn't?  They both seem about the same to me.

It is all paid for isn't it!  The ones that aren't paid for really are because of larger payments for ones that are paid for.  That is a siphon of our countries money and freedom.

It isn't advertising it is propaganda.  We might need a Constitutional Amendment with regard to propaganda.

In effect it has been all one sided so therefore all propaganda!  Any liberal person was labeled as weak which makes it all propaganda.  So to right the issue how do we need to label what is termed conservative?

Thomas Paul Murphy
copyright 2015
Originally published on 03 25 2015 at:

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