The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, March 12, 2015

High School and Grade School Drug Testing 03 12 2015

High School and Grade School Drug Testing 03 12 2015

I was not a drug user in High School or Grade School so would I have minded submitting to a blood test for drugs such as pot or heroin?   Likely no.  But why not 100%?  Because in todays corrupt world who knows what they would use the DNA evidence that they could attain from it for?  Would they create a biological weapon that only killed certain races?  People have already attempted to do that.

But what did they find?  That the race that they wanted to kill was genetically the same as they were.  Which tells you what?  They really hate themselves and can't get along with themselves.

So they can take a police dog and go around the school grounds sniffing out drugs.  Isn't the real problem the drugs that are in the teenagers systems already?  It would seem to me that if you wanted to solve the drug problem it would mean mandatory drug testing in grade school and high school!  And you could clean up the drugs from the United States very quickly doing that!  Also you would know who has a propensity to use them.  You would know who would likely always be trouble.  But what if people know about those types of people already and cave into them and they become a networked instrument of wealth for them?

And when we compare alcohol to pot in terms of causing mental retardation pot is said to be worse, but alcohol is pretty bad too.  But we never have drug testing for alcohol.  It would seem that there would be some common liver metabolite that could easily detect it.  Perhaps it is a pre cirrhosis metabolite.

Is it illegal to drug test someone?  What is worse is the illegality and threat of someone wired on drugs.  And the drug testing isn't really an invasion is it.  I have stated before that perhaps all bathrooms should have a drug testing device in the basin of the urinal.  The President or the Governor has pot metabolites perhaps they should be banging the drum of war and sending those who love their country off to war to loose their lives or limbs.  Do you see why I am saying we need a higher standard of Government officials?  That drinker and smoker wants to send your child that you love off to War?  What a horror.


The ultimate wanting something for nothing would be a race of people that sought to be one with a persons mind and then wanted credit for everything they thought of; the ultimate wanting something for nothing.

Now Government seems to be a lot about being conservative with costs.  Wouldn't we get more for our education dollars in drug free classrooms?  Perhaps I am the only one who comprehends how it would raise the standard?

So they are not really conservatives.  They are only conservatives in the sense that the spend as little money as possible so the very wealthy don't have to pay more in, and the less they spend the more they can keep as a salary?  In effect bra strapping civic leadership?  And what happens is that when something is necessitated to be done it costs an awful lot more than if those who really belonged in the positions of authority were not elbowed in the temple or punched in the kidney out.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally  published on 03 12 2015 at:

There is a scene in a science fiction movie where we send our atom bomb at some heckle and jeckle type aliens, it explodes in front of there spacecraft and they get out a pot pipe and suck that nuclear fallout in and get a high from it.  It is the Greek philosophical principle of Fury.

How much do we pay to live in our neighborhoods?  For what we are paying don't we have the right to live in drug free neighborhoods.  The Real Estate agent just likes to sell houses for customers and buy houses for other customers at the same time?

Last time I went to the dollar store a marijuana drug testing kit cost one dollar.  Should a parent that can't keep their adolescent off of pot or cigarettes etc pay more school costs than one that can or really has little trouble doing so?  They don't want to get at the root of the problem do they; a lot of shame there?

In the year end accountability model does a drug user earn revenue fairly?  I say no.  Not only that they have no human conscience with regard to what they are tempting your children to become.

Perhaps we should look at it this what how can the intent of the motivation not be out of envy with the desire to destroy our democracy?

And what if an adult or parent can't comply with drug laws or control their child's behavior?  Perhaps they need to go to an elsewhere country?

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