The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Genocide resulting from the defective minded establishing mono theism 01 04 2014 Update # 2

Genocide resulting from the defective minded establishing mono theism 01 04 2014

That monotheism theme keeps playing in my mind.

Jesus said, "Know yeah not that yeah are Gods," to the people.  That means, "Don't you know that you are Gods?"

3. Jesus might have meant in that sense talking to a defective minded person that, "All you have to really do to learn skills is admire a person that has them and think of those skills and a connection is made?"  Have you ever noticed that if you indeed think of a person who has good skills sometimes they impart to you.  And I mean think and not curse.

When Hitler applied to the Art Institute they told him he was a Voyeur.  I take that to mean he was the type to have a third eye whereby others were demonized with his third eye so that he could see through them?  Monotheism on the other hand being only one person in a world of many that the Voyeur's seek to see through the eyes of?

So is the drive to genocide really created by those who are in a state of mental chaos because they have a defective hippo campus responsible for memory and learning and therefore their mind is in chaos and they seek to latch on to just one mind in the world.

Imagine if you will an animal among us that could not think for itself walking or being among a group of human beings that could think for themselves and where highly capable?  His eyes would be nervous and darting, and what would he seek to do?  Victimize a human being in order to survive.  In effect he just wants to hear the thoughts of one human being!  So if indeed there was a group of human beings that was highly capable an had mutual respect for one another as in paragraph 3, out of envy for what he could not be he would seek to exterminate all of them out of frustration for not being one of them.  And you look at Hitlers beady German eyes and you can't tell me they are not the eye's of a monkey just like that photograph of Adam Lanza's are!

But in your modern drive to monotheism would you seek to be able to turn off the minds of men in order to satisfy your own sense of self esteem?  Is that not the nature of psychiatry of medicating those who hear voices.  They hear the voices out of frustration by the voyeur as exampled above because that voyeur wants to defeat that mind through attrition and turn it off?

It happened by Hitler to the Jews.  But the English also resented the Irish so much that they did it to them also!  Not only that they burnt all their literature which was written in the language of the people (called vernacular).  The language of the vernacular is written so that everyone who reads it understands it and therefore we don't have problems created like fish full of mercury that no one can eat.

Hitlers father was indeed a Customs Agent so if indeed Nikolas Tesla were coming to Germany to market his particle beam weapon as history told us he did Hitlers father might have confiscated it!  At the Nuremberg trials the Nazi's admitted that they used "Radio type" technology to create a nation of 80 million dependent minded; is that not also admitting to creating monotheism?  If 80 million are made to be dependent minded to one something then that is also monotheism! Fascist Italy was on the same Axis side as Nazi Germany and indeed Marconi told the Pope that he had harnessed the power of God!

But why indeed was Jesus Christ Crucified?  He was crucified because the Jews or Sanhedrin said that he made himself into a God!  Hence they are stating that they too seek monotheism.  Jesus response was we are all Gods as per paragraph 3 above.  And the Sandhedrin would have thereby fit the archetype of the voyeur as defined by me but also under the wikipedia article on Vampyr's to soak up the energy of human beings by demonically possessing them.

Now I have never in my life seen out of the eyes of another person!  And I had what I consider a normal childhood.  But what of those who might be born with a birth defect to the hippo campus that causes a problem with their personal identity?  Might they walk into a room full of people and not have a sense of self?  God's, Scapegoats, Martyrs, Saints, Lords, Fathers, Patriarchs, Good Men are all synonymous terms as is the phrase Founding Fathers.  Does that bother you that we are constantly referring back to the founding fathers as if we are searching for a way to justify a belief in monotheism today and bad principles that follow from it?  Monotheism is really a desire to control the masses through no separation of Church and State!  And indeed that was Jesus Argument to the horrific and barbaric Romans that called themselves Gods!!!  Jesus is saying, "Hey look they are calling themselves Gods.  You and I are no different from them!"  Think of these concepts as you hear of Politicians not wanting to answer questions or up to things done in secret they don't want you to know about?  What are they really claiming when they say it is a matter of national security; that is making a statement as if they are Gods!  Now my experience with the descendants of Romans is that they are borderline mentally retarded.  Not only that look at how they become what they are by sexually molesting boys in the Church as priests?  That boy in effect becomes their God or someone that they can drain the energy from to death.  And how many of you have worked in Corporate America and had your energy drained by that same archetype of person?  Hitler did everything in secret too just like what our Government has been up to and Snowden revealed?  Would the American People ever give the Government power to tap all their phone lines and those in foreign countries?  Of course not it could be considered an act of war.  And I would be willing to bet those phone lines were tapped a long time before they are admitting it~ maybe back to Watergate?  Right, that is when it started and that is where it grew from.  And Watergate was not too long after JFK was assassinated.

Now what if a health care system were allowed to be established by the mentally defective archetype of a voyeur?  We would be about where we are today wouldn't we?  People too sick to work.  Those responsible for human health and therefore public education not revealing or fighting for what makes humans born mentally retarded.  Or just giving up on educating children also creating negative expectations for children that they envy!!!!  I believe that would have indeed been George Bush's proactive approach to treating mental illness and it is consistent with monotheism isn't it!

"Thou shall not worship false idols?"  That is what God said in the Bible.  What does it really mean?  It means don't worship a human being!  It means monotheism is baloney!  It means monotheism like believing in a self declared Roman God like Emperor Caligula who bit off the live testicles of men as his favorite form of entertainment and execution is bad for you!  You shouldn't worship someone like that, a human being, because you don't know what he really does behind closed doors!  Caligula also raped his sister on the heathen dinner table.  We all have our faults because we are human!  Not only that one must learn that what is right for one person might not be right for the next; hence you cannot have a monotheistic belief!  And what happens with a monotheistic belief system of the feeble minded?  After awhile they realize they could have been that something all along and seek to martyr their monotheistic Gods, and every one labeled schizophrenic has indeed been martyred by them in that fashion.  Think of it as a baby in its high chair raised by an evil mother deciding that it will grow up and determine whose thoughts it wants to hear and whose it doesn't?  And that is indeed how Satan is described in the Bible, "It can read the thoughts of men!"  (hippo campus defect!)

A person does not live their whole life to adulthood thinking for themself all that time only to have their brain go haywire and hear voices inside their own heads from themselves!  Those voices are from those that do not have their own human souls!  And like Jesus said look it ain't my fault! "Know yeah not yeah are Gods?"  Means you had the obligation to be responsible human beings that taught your children to think for themselves.

They were ruled by fear of persecution.  Just like many of our politicians and media are ruling us today!  "We are going to come and get you and medicate you and take away your guns."  Well no you aren't!  We have that right per the founding of this country!  The Constitution was based on the Principle of Jesus Christ "Know Yeah not yeah are Gods?"  is indeed the equivalent of "All men are created equal!"  And don't misinterpret that to mean because you are born a male you will be a man!  There is a little bit of interpretation you need to understand what that really means!  And that is why our Constitution guaranties all of our rights, to prevent the rise to power of the defective minded who believe in a principle called monotheism!  And the rise of monotheism is something that is very hard to guard against.  All it takes is one Kooko like Caligula victimzing human beings and therefore creating fear in the public.  Scott Walker has  gotten off to a pretty good start with his B5417 didn't he in that direction.  And Barrack is that way too in that if he did not have something to hide he would be speaking to the American people more, on a daily basis and using terms that actually mean something positive.

Dictatorships are in effect monotheism, no separation of church and state, self declared Gods, goof head English Lords piratizing our nation by what amounts to Corporate Vandalism of us!

We have Gun Control because under FDR those who made the alcohol profits were being mowed down?  Because someone shot Ronald Reagan after he gave arms to who we declare one of our national enemies today is Iran and that indeed won him the election even though he did not have authority to give those guns to Iran.  We are told that Carter didn't know?  I don't believe it!  Carter had to have been part of that too, complacent with it.  But maybe not.  There was a lot of gun trading to Cuba from Texas that preceded Kennedy being shot.   Because their are people who are demonized and then go on shooting sprees?  Because we have the mentally defective voyeurs who rebel when they can't see through others eyes or realize what they are?

To sum it up that criminal mind and that communist mind are what desires monotheism.  And the criminal mind is the defective mind that creates the mentally ill in our society!  Someone has a drug slipped in their cola like my mother who was valedictorian of her High School class did and comes down with a sickness and then if it were a young man they would say that he could not have a gun because he was counseled for psychiatric treatment.  And those psychiatric drugs that are used to treat split minds have one thing in common they limit the persons higher thinking capability!  So right there you see the motivation!  Junior can't keep up!  They have already sold you foods that make you sick and their is indeed a strong mind body connection.

Now in Wisconsin there is a man that wants to allow E cigarettes to be smoked in restaurants?  In turns out that a Corporation in his district makes the goo that goes in them.  He has a German name.  I want him to leave our State!  What animal wants to eat their dinner and have to smell that smoke?  Do you know why someone would want that?  Because they are so nervous that they cannot eat with a room full of human beings without puffing away and making them all sick!  They can't verbally express or articulate their opinions but they can sure give you a whiff of cancerous skunk!  We need to address a lot of these issues on the Federal Level and they then need to be enforced.  However our rights to own Guns are gaurantied by our Constitution and any President who seeks to limit those rights has indeed created an impeachable offense!  Why because they take an oath when they become President to support our Constitution, the right to own guns is part of that Constitution!  Barrack has just violated his Presidential oath!  It is the same thing as if a Doctor had violated the oath, "First do no harm!"  We don't want Doctors or Politicians like that in the United States!  And is undermining a current President like Reagan did to Carter and acting without authority to trade guns for hostages with Iran really inciting Civil unrest and therefore an impeachable offense?  Sure it is.  So indeed Reagan should have known better than to mock our Constitution and are laws.  You do something like that and maybe you should wear a bullet proof vest wherever you go so that when someone shoots you, the man who was for some reason prone to the mental defect of Alzheimer's, so that when someone shoots you that it can't be used as a pry bar to get the gun control debate going.

We have both Gun Control and Alcohol because of FDR!  FDR was a monotheist!  Why else does someone like that's family money come from the narcotic trade with China?  They were screwing people up in monotheism.  And alcohol does that in many ways, it is the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western Hemisphere!  Can you see why a mentally retarded person would believe in monotheism?  20% of Americans have dyslexia, it means that they cannot read, do you see why they would believe in monotheism!  They would look at someone like Jesus Christ and see that he could read and say, "He made himself a God," because he had the power to read.

Thomas Paul Murphy
originally published on 01 04 2014 at:

Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

Hitler had African ancestry!

So if the English were druids they brought the black to England because they are said to have a fascination with them as well as the monkey?  And then the blacks conquered Europe as the Moors.  And the Moors being African believed in the religion of Vondoon.  And Adolf Hitler has black genes and likely Jewish too.  But he hated the Orthodox Jews and killed them the most.  And from my recent research they are the ones involved in the Cabala occult.  And I have speculated that many have the black genes in them.  The English also had trouble with the Irish.  But did they bring the blacks to England in order to conquer the Irish and create a better bread of English/black.  And hence we have Adolf Hitler as the best case example in world History why miscegenation should be illegal.  And all the white supremacists in the United States worshiped a black man who killed whites.  But those whites were also likely of the black/white bread.  They all look pale faced and also have the kinked hair.  And Adolf Hitler initiated gun control and registration just like Barrack Obama is attempting to do even though he took an oath to protect the Constitution which the rights to bear guns are part of.  But indeed Farrakhan believed that the white man was bread on the Greek Island of Pat mos.  I don't believe that is true of all white people.  But the English were always trying to beat the U.S.  It was their mean streak that supported the Confederate South to try and maintain slavery in the United States.  And also Hitlers greatest idol was Napoleon Bonaparte of France who killed as many blacks as he could in horrific ways, and Hitler himself was black white.  Now we get to an article I wrote a few weeks back about how the human soul might be an element to not form properly in genetic sequencing because black/white mix is harder to make and therefore confuses the genetic recombinant sequencing upon development after conception.  And indeed virologists were killed after 911 and this might indeed be the reason why, they know something about aides, genetics and the formation of the human soul.  And that would be that the aides virus is not just lack of human immunity but also lack of the ability to form a human conscience and human reason; and I am speculating but I believe it is true.  And the fact that Hitler had the black gene also explains why I thought he was part English?  And as I watch television what do you see?  Blacks making millions playing professional sports (a game of children) and in music along (gang lyrics) with Jews dominating television while 46 million Americans are on food stamps?  And I might as well say it.  I read that the Orthodox Jews were the ones involved in the Cabala or the Jewish Occult.  It was the ancient Jewish Rabbis that were said to be able to create a Golemn.  A monster out of a man that does their own will.  Indeed after Jesus met up with John the Baptist he then wandered through the dessert mindlessly for 40 days and 40 nights.  Sounds like they tried to make a Golemn out of him?  But more to the point, what is everyone of these mass gunmen in the United States if not a Golem?  And that Cabala or Kabbalah Jewish occult secret was so horrific that it remained hidden for 2500 years because the knowledge was so dangerous that it posed a threat to all of humanity when used.  And we really don't know what it is today.  But we do know that after the Berlin Wall came down there has been a large increase in symptoms of citizens all over the world hearing voices?  Did not Hitler act like he himself was a Golem, created out of Kabbalah Occult?  Mona Lisa was one too.  Hitler was one.  It is in the eyes.  And the Rabi's were said to be able to cure cases of Demonic possession.  So how did they do it?  Why hasn't that secret been revealed in order to prevent people from going on golem like shooting sprees?  Because the only reason that they cured them was that they caused them through the Kabbalah Occult!  Hence all they had to do was cease and desist the practice and the person was healed.  And the same thing can indeed happen to everyone labeled schizophrenia in the United States today!  But indeed there is a little more to it.  The Koch brothers might be related to Robert Koch who was the bacteriologist in Germany prior to WWI?  Who were they goofing up over there?  And George Herbert WALKER Bush's daughter is married to a Koch.  And they are indeed trying to influence Politics all over the country in order to put Scott WALKER into the Presidency while at the same time they are using those demonically possessed through the Kabbalah practice that go on mass shooting sprees as a motivation to take away our guns?  Hitler had the Black gene and looked mostly white but not to me!  You can see that his flesh is pale as if a black man had tried to rip his face of and wear it for himself; Hitler likely despised his own kind Orthodox Jews.  And Barrack Obama too has the mixed white black genes, so does Barrack also despise his own Irish Roots?  England had a long history of hating the Irish too.  What would a Kabbalah practice be?  Using radio like technology like scalar magnetic waves that the Serbian American Tesla invented and tried to market in Europe pre WWI?  Hitlers father being a customs agent would have been all over that.  And indeed the Nazi's admitted to using radio type technology to create a nation of 80 million dependent minded and that is monotheism, with the miscegenation gene line Adolf Hitler as its genocidal self declared God?  And what of the Nazi Germans?  They were indeed so fat that they were not shown in the television footage?  Where they cross breads of Gorilla humans?  And one more thing, if you look in your 1969 copy of the world book encyclopedia entry on Gorilla you will see what a Gorillas hand and fingers look like.  I once knew a German woman who told me that when she was born and a little girl there was something wrong with her and they did not know what it was?  They gave her liver because it had iron in it.  But I always noticed her fingers!  They are exactly like those of the Gorilla in that picture!  The nail is claw like and tight and dome rounded and it is buried in raised skin around it more prominently!  Like that picture!  And I could tell you how she gave her daughter a book of witchcraft to read in high school and how her high school boyfriend burnt a cross on their front lawn.  And I have indeed known some Orthodox Jews in my lifetime and they have a oddness to their speech.  Kind of a mute sound to the voice?  And I am still not an antisemite because I know that Jews are victims of soul theft too!  I believe it to be Kabbalah based or similar and practiced by different religions.

One might say one can only know how to heal something if they know the cause of it; in terms of healing Demonic possession?  So where is that Kabbalah knowledge today?  When are you going to come forth and instantly heal human beings of demonic possession again????  And waterboarding them so that their human soul is tortured from them in shock is not how it was done was it!  Nor are those the kinds of ways that Autistic children are helped; as appears to be what was attempted with that recent news item of a man headbutting and kicking a child with autism.

But one more point.  I once heard a girl on television state that she was of the Wiccan religion because it was the only religion to recognize Lesbians.  And I did indeed read that the Kabbalah is the equivalent of witchcraft and that Israel is open to gays as well as the Jewish Federation.  Now I don't have a problem with that other than the fact that I believe they have an identity problem.  Funny they have an identity problem and some of us who hear voices have our identity compromised by them!  Anyone make the connection?

I spent a year in Chicago and thought it was blood money based on soul theft in 1991.  A man I talked to told me that it has degraded.  I don't want that blood money moving to Wisconsin!  You have to stay down there in Illinois in your separate state until you solve the problems you caused!  Don't bring that mess to Wisconsin!

A little off topic hear but a man could get up to 18 years in prison for biting the forehead of another man?  You know there I was many years ago watching Mike Tyson bite the ear off Evander Hollyfield and I couldn't understand why he was not put in prison for that?  I can hear the Italian community singing their favorite Frank Sinatra song New York New York.

And some of those Nazi's were not executed but kept in white collar prison in England?  And Jews from Germany fled to England too?  Why wasn't the Nazi Albert Spear killed by trial or Jews after the War?  What am I getting at?  What happened in Nazi Germany was Occult!

And what am I really getting at?  All this crime element should not be in the United States today!  I just find all of the things that happen unfathomable!  I think it is all caused by and supported by the mentally defective!
And one more point, the Nazi's were gay too!  The party formed in a gay bar.  Hitler stayed in a Gay hotel flop house for three years.  He also had a butt or suck buddy in the War. And indeed Obama is pushing this on us as are the Jews???  We are a heterosexual species not one that believes in asexual reproduction which is impossible.  Homosexuality can start with pederasty!  And the empires that believed in that were the worst to the Jews in world history; Roman and indeed Nazi Germany!  It doesn't add up.  I don't want homosexuality to be normalized in marriage because then it normalized the sexual molestation of children!  Indeed in Yemen girls 8 years old are forced to marry men!  If the marriage of homosexuals is normalized might certain countries see that boys marry men too?  You can't get much sicker in the head than that!  But that is indeed an extension of your belief system!  Nor do I believe that boys should have their minds imprinted by that of homosexual or lesbian parents!  Anyone get it?  The next thing you will want to do is burn all the books that support the science behind my beliefs!

And I have to wonder if the original blacks in the United States were not brought over to defeat puritanism?  Seems to be a lot of U.S. history that is glossed over, before the Revolutionary War!!!!

I know it reads like paranoia to most people but I typed it anyhow!  So there!

Thomas Paul Murphy

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