The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mandatory Police Duty 01 04 2014

Mandatory Police Duty 01 04 2014

As I am reading in the paper about how military veterans retire after 20 years and seek a full retirement pension I see that it makes a comparison to Police Officers and Firefighters.

We are not supposed to have a military in times of peace per our Constitution.

But would we have the crime issues in our country today if citizens were required to serve mandatory Police Duty as they are required to serve Mandatory Jury Duty?

Here the impetus would change from reducing guns, to putting criminality to an end?

When a tiny woman confronted with Mandatory police duty has to arrest a murderer or serial rapist or drug dealer or pimp weighing 250 pounds she is no longer going to be an advocate of gun control!  She would change her tune in a heart beat and be going in that drug house raid "trigger happy."

So Barrack wants to change the gun laws so that anyone who has voluntarily received psychiatric treatment can not buy a gun? While at the same time he is not putting his federal foot down on the spread of marijuana in the United States which does indeed cause a whole array of mental health problems?  Some forms of mental stupor can indeed be misdiagnosed as mental illness.  Candida can indeed mimics the symptoms and severity of mental illness.

It was meant to be a nation of men and not mommas boy's whose fathers ran out of the home because they could not live with the mother, and hence the boy is imprinted with the mommas brain wave and not the good father.  And perhaps this is Barracks mental defect all along?

Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 01 04 2014 at:

Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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