The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Recreational Marijuana became legal in Colorado 01 01 2014

Recreational Marijuana became legal in Colorado 01 01 2014

And how long will it be before those using Marijuana recreation-ally will ask their doctor to give them a prescription for it and bill it to the Federal Government as health care is expanded?

The taxpayer should never have to pay for that.  And indeed it lessens the quality of healthcare for the rest of us as it illigetimizes (Google spell checker doesn't recognize the word I say it is!)  the healthcare system.  Narcotic delivery to those who want to get high is not the same as health care.  And indeed people have had their lives ruined because sham Doctors gave the prescriptions for heroin like drugs.  But the parents act like that child is just going through some issues.  What type of parent is that?

Commercial Break.  You are sure to like my Song that I played using my hand made Cigar Box Guitar!!!!  Give it a listen and a buyin' for a 99 cents! At the following link.

End of Commercial break.


And that stuff grows like a weed, so who is making the profit from it?  I know it grows like a weed because I have relatives that own a farm in Iowa and when I was a boy they told me it grows like a weed on the sides of farm fields.  That makes it a Government give away to some business and that should not happen either!

And I am told that it delays personal development worse that alcohol does!  Alcohol causes a symptom called alcohol psychosis.  It does this by destroying the hippo campus area of the brain responsible for memory and learning.  The point being that if you have delayed development it has a lot to do with a defective hippo campus, the part of our brains that makes us human!  If pot causes a worse delayed development than alcohol it means that it also can cause psychosis!  And indeed scientists say it worsens the symptoms of those that already can not think their way out of the difference between fantasy and reality.  Psychosis being a break from reality.  It is a drug of escapism which means that those who take it can not handle the reality that they did not achieve.

And where does everyone get the money to buy drugs?  I don't get it!

I would have to believe that parents rights groups would be up in arms in Colorado!

And what of the 2012 Aurora Shooting and James Eagen Holmes.  He was either a pot head himself or shooting potheads?  Had to be one of the two if not both!  Does pot distort ones sense of reality?  Yes!  And they have a hard enough time with that as it is!  Do we even know the kinds of birth defects it causes?  Does it cause Autism?

So it will no longer be illegal to use marijuana?  Your teenage daughter is at a party. Some adults are getting high.  She gets high right there with them and is gang raped because she is "high and submissive" and sterile for the rest of her life?

You will still have Mothers Against Drunk Drivers but you will also have new groups forming, "Mothers Against Pot Smoking Drivers!"  Pot screws up a persons depth perception!!! Those accidents are going to happen!  And the percent of disabled persons is going to skyrocket.

Not only that it is illegal per our Constitution to give a person an addictive substance because they are not at LIBERTY to stop using it because it is addictive; hence their guarantied right to LIBERTY has been violated!

So how will contract law work?  "I am not party to that contract because I was high when I signed the forms?"  And we are going to have a new class of negligent homicide by motor vehicle!  These people will be getting off from homicide in the same way that drunken drivers are not prosecuted the way that they should be and get off!

What parent would ever okay this?  This is one of those things you want to sit down with me and try and calmly explain via your false persona based on getting high?  It is also something that I know I can never be made to understand which means that I am right!  Anyone ever figure that one out?  If no matter how hard you try and understand something and you know every point someone is making in their side of the still can't understand it- that means that you are right!  {Well maybe that concept isn't a good one for you.}

And they were going to Colorado and buying in bulk to bring back to their home states?  Are we going to have registered users?

Now I am not a hum drum type of person!  I like to take risks and have adventures but I know very well that drugs are never going to be a part of my life!  There is a great difference between the drug user and the person that doesn't in terms of intelligence and responsibility!


There were some other interesting laws that came into effect today.  I was listening to public radio as I was doing something.  I heard that Elton John didn't know much about sex.  He did not have sex until he came to the United States.  And when he did he had it with and English Man who was here also.  He also said that he doesn't write his own songs.  And they mentioned that Liberace was accused of being gay and said that he wasn't and sued and won.  I still think Liberace was gay, he died of aides! But I also didn't know that Carry Grant was gay until my mom told me.  When a guy hears a man like that is gay he thinks, "I ain't so ugly after all in terms of the pool of straight men."  Same goes with Rock Hudson.  But I have recently speculated that some people become gay because adults of the same sex suck em off when they are children.  And then after that starts they have a person on a string and can and do do whatever they want to them in terms of abuse.

I would also be interested to know the percentage of gay people that use drugs like pot.  I bet it is a higher percent.

We have $17.2 trillion in national debt.  Are you trying to tell me that pot smoking is going to help reduce that?  And you very well know what it going to happen it is going to spread from state to state.  Not only that can you sense that a predator country might see that and try and sweep in on us and conquer us?  And with our foreign policy that does not discriminate against countries that do not value human rights like our Constitution states it is a given that empowered countries are going to come after us.  And if we do not have the backbone on issues like marijuana we are not going to have the backbone to defend our nation either when they attack us on our homeland.  And what is the instance of all these already; it is an ATTACK ON OUR HOMELAND!  Are there Americans that hate the freedom of other people?  You bet there are!  And foreign countries have always hated that; and some of those that hated it we are told are our allies today- Great Britain.  So they are here and ransacking ever concept of freedom that we should stand for!  Very simply they are Druids that worship the monkey!  They are those who settled in the land of Canaanite and believe that if you brother is successful you knock him dead over the head and you become all that he was!  The quote from the Bible is "We will lead the life he lead for us." Cane was marked for that!  Don't ever forget that!  Not only were the laws in foreign lands different but the people were far different than you could have ever realized because of those criminal standards.

There were also new laws with regard to gun control that went into effect today.  The first thing that Hitler did was to make everyone register guns so that he could come and take them away.  Good Jews of the U.S. they do not have a right to take them no matter how they try and change our laws away from the Constitution!  Your right to bear arms may not be infringed.  It doesn't say that your right to take drugs that are addictive may not be infringed!

And a person who chooses to abandon themselves being party to a contract because of narcotics use probably should not have guns!  And do you know who always has the most guns?  The drug dealers!  But what just happened with regard to them?  They have legalized themselves.  It is like, if I give you a substance that makes you happy you too are going to want it to be legalized.  What of the human beings that still live in the United States that seek happiness through personal achievement?  What will happen next- equal rights for those who are high all day?  Pot smokers will lobby for what?  That no one should have to go to school?  Do you see where it is going?  Human beings will face attacks because of this and their right to normal lives will be jeopardized even further than it is today!

Schizophrenia is medical fraud.  The symptoms are indeed a great horror to the victim but it is medical fraud.  Read the above again to figure out who would perpetrate it and why.

Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 01 01 2014 at:

Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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