The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Creative Genius pure human whenever you masterbate the Goon race is 03 04 2015

Creative Genius pure human whenever you masturbate the Goon race is masturbating right along with you somewhere.  They do it because they have a husky mother that raised them to be that way.  It has to do with them wanting to synchronize themselves to what you do.  It could be said to be either witchcraft or a necessary adaptation to either mental retardation from fetal alcohol syndrome or inbreeding/downbreeding.

It also reinforces them to be dependent minded to you.

This indeed is another way to prove that schizophrenia is medical fraud through double blind tests with likely suspects of being dependent minded to the person who is labeled schizophrenic in medical fraud.

You can test this for yourself by being somewhere in public and having arousing thoughts and then looking around and see who is getting aroused along with you and attempting to hide it in shame or not believing you see they are dependent minded.

The behavior comes from a woman dominated society and the Constitution is the exact opposite of that.  The woman domination wanting empowerment through this occult.  It could also fall under the category of using sex as a weapon in a newly described way!  But I believe it to be out of necessity to the male for some kind of defect. 

It may have its origins in ancient history; one race of birth defect degenerates kicked out of a village attempting to be like those who maintained human civilization?  What is the word for that type of person; pardon me if my vocabulary is distracted from full potential.

One might say that if they had a capable and responsible father that occult activity would never take place because it would not be necessitated.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 03 03 2015 at:

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