The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 8, 2015

How Quickly can lung cancer transform into blood cancer 03 08 2015

How Quickly can lung cancer transform into blood cancer 03 08 2015

I was reading this mornings obituaries as I always do and taking note of the young people who died.

One was a painter at 42 years of age.

Another apparently died of Leukemia at age 33 years.

We know that lung cancer is caused by Cigarette smoking. We know that.  And we also know that second hand smoke is vey bad for you too!

But what do the lungs do?  They transfer oxygen from the air directly to your blood.  In effect the oxygen makes the iron in the blue blood in your veins oxygen donor red like the color of rust in your arteries; in the lungs.  Could a person get blood cancer without even getting lung cancer from cigarette smoke.  Perhaps it is even listed as a cause of Leukemia and I don't know it.  What we know is that they have worked very hard to deny it caused lung cancer.  The way it works is they create defensive layer after defensive layer of lies and then defeat the attackers of the first layer from ever penetrating deeper into what is a threat to not only their great wealth but also their mechanisms of genocide for money.

I am saying if it causes lung cancer then it also likely causes blood cancer as the blood in the lungs is exposed to what we know is a human cell carcinogen.  And perhaps that is the next greatest lie, that cancer types and causes are only tissue specific!  A woman's breasts are fairly close to her lungs receiving the most oxygenated air first as a matter of human species survival? 

But I created some petitions to address the issue.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 08 2015 at:

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