The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

National Security 11 13 2012

When they say that something must be kept secret because of national security it means that they have already compromised our national security!

They have done something so horrible that it would bring wrath to our nation!

That does not mean that they have compromised our national security it really means that they did not belong in the job in the first place and have done something so terrible that not only would they lose their position or career but they also would likely be imprisoned!

They are using this act to protect themselves from prison; not our national security.

And they do not believe anyone will figure it out.

We could not have hired a less responsible government than that if we tried to.  It reads like situational comedy based on the incompetent.

It reads like I committed a great crime while in office but you can't know about it because I labeled it as something that would compromise national security rather than my own personal security!

Can't get any worse than that can we?

© 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy

If you love my writings you will love my novel it is a science fiction adventure story titled, “The Voyage of the Cauldron Skipper” by Thomas Paul Murphy
My first novel “The Voyage of the Cauldron Skipper” can be found at the link below, virtually everywhere online and at select Milwaukee area Booksellers.
My music CD’s “Fading Fall Expressions” and “Plantation Songs by Thomas Paul Murphy” can be found here:

The Artwork of Thomas Paul Murphy can be found here:

I also have a new CD at the above address titled “Fading Fall Expressions” it is my Native American Flute Music.

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