The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, March 25, 2013

Here is a Gun Law We Need 03 25 2013

Here is a Gun Law We Need 03 25 2013

English is the official language of the United States.  If you can't speak English you should not be able to own a gun in the United States!!!!

History has proven that as soon as a country tries to adopt a dual language structure that countries government fails.  Why?  Because it destroys the Unity or a better word for it is UNION!

That is all there is to it!!!!

I also want to say if you have the IQ level the equivalent of a Down Syndrome patient and it is not a temporary IQ or an IQ created through the use of Non-lethal weapons on you then you should not be able to own a gun in the United States either.

What becomes the issue with that is who is really intelligent and who isn't.  The only way to figure that out for certain is to give two test subjects problems to solve and see who can actually solve them.  For instance, if you gave a politician a series of problems to solve and they evaded the issue of solving them then you have proved that they are not intelligent?  "We gave you a problem to solve and you took the cowards way out,"  or "You were given responsibility over the people of this city, state or country and you took the cowards way out?"

In serving your public duty did the solution you implemented not address the issue and create a future liability of more problems?

What should the language of the United States be?  English.  But not only that the language of the United States should be pragmatism and the ability to solve problems without creating a future liability of more problems.

And here is the one you are all going to hate.

If you are the citizen of someone else's soul and deny it to the country then you are not a citizen of the country and therefore can not own a gun in the United States, for you cannot be a citizen of someone else's soul and also a citizen of a country in this manner.

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 25 2013 at:

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