The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Smoking Alcohol and Drugs are Unconstitutional 03 05 2013

Before you enlist in the military 03 05 2013

In spite of how the Constitution of the United States has been interpreted Smoking Alcohol and Drugs are Unconstitutional.

The argument has always been that you have the right to do whatever you want to your own body up to the point that you are not allowed to kill yourself. 

Isn't that nice?  They will let you abuse yourself to pain and misery up to the point of killing yourself and it is somehow legal because of the Constitution?

It is hard to argue that you have the right to do what you want to.  I believe you have every right to take natural medicines all you want!

But forming a habitual use of a substance like tobacco, drugs and alcohol is not good for you and indeed they are addictive.  So apparently you have the right to become an ADDICT?

I don't believe that you have the right to become an addict nor do I believe that you have any right to create one!

But here is the point that trumps the whole thing!  You do not have the right to create a child of birth defects from your abuse that will indeed live in misery.  Yes it will!  It will compare itself to every healthy child and resent them just as the mindless Satanic of the Roman Empire and Israel resented Jesus Christ.  And do you know who those same two factions resent today?  The person who can think for themselves- they label them schizophrenics and put them on medicine.  Why?  Because they themselves were these children who were born without the capacity for higher mind capability and they were indeed dependent minded to those who were all their lives in secrecy.

I think that must be a terrible way to have to live.  To have to coordinate your thinking with someone who can think for themselves.  And to have to hide this fact to the whole of the world out of shame!   Is this what they mean when they say the bully is more afraid of you than you are of it? 

You can make that choice for yourself but not for someone else.  And because you cannot make that choice for someone ie a potential child, it also means that you cannot make that choice for yourself because it could potentially affect someone else.  Right?

It really starts to make sense when you consider that these items are poisons!  You do not have the right to poison me.  Should you even have the right to tempt me to poison?  Should you have the right to tempt someone who is not as smart or strong as you to poison?  Should you have the right to tempt those younger than you to poison?  You don't have the right to poison someone that is a felony!

But indeed Alcohol, Tobacco and drugs are poisons.  So indeed you do have the right to kill yourself- but only in a slow and drawn out manner?  You have the right to kill yourself but only if you do it very slowly over a period of many years.  And you also have the right to commit murder if you do it very slowly over a period of many years!  NO YOU DON'T!  But that is how the Constitution has been interpreted!  That is not the spirit of how it was written nor the spirit of the meaning of the words and sentences that are written in it.  Nor is it the meaning of the words and sentences that are written in it.  What we have had is a Satanic interpretation of the Constitution.  And that interpretation has been sold to us as if it were indeed fact!  We have been lied to by the Judicial profession just like Bernie Madoff lied to investors in his Ponzie Scheme that almost bankrupted the country.  The legal profession assumes that it can fool you with an air of superiority.  My father went to Marquette Law School and I passed the CPA exam the first time that I took it out of college and it is 25% law!

You can not rule on prior case precedent if it is indeed against the spirit of the Constitution.  I know what the right wingers are saying: this clears the way to overturn the right of a woman to have an abortion.  Quite to the contrary it supports the right to have an abortion in favor of not giving birth to what could very well turn out to be a mean case of adaptive mental retardation (Satan)!  Nope that super sharp mind that you torment and label schizophrenic is not going to help your evil agenda.  You are not going to be able to keep going on raising the mortality rate of women to be much greater than men until you legitmize raping them as a means to ensure what you would say is humanity.

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 03 05 2013 at:

And do some of you like creating those mentally retarded children because they are not much different than your state of consciousness and you can also get $80,000.00 a head for taking care of them?  I know you do!  And you cannot take care of them yourselves can you!  What do you do with them?  You give them the microphone to a marconis telsa directed energy telepathy weapon in order to destroy the race that is just one step above the human being race mentioned in the Bible don't you!  Yes that is right Jesus Christ was at least one small step above the human being race and he knew it! The Bible proves it but I don't have time for the logic array right now!

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