The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, June 27, 2014

Equal rights should only be granted if they do not compromise the rights of the NORMAL

Equal rights should only be granted if they do not compromise the rights of the NORMAL

Otherwise the risk is that the normal can be defined to be unequal or labeled in some manner whereby their rights are compromised!

Who we grant rights to determine what our individual rights are and may become!

When the Founding Fathers talked about equal rights they were referring to income inequality.  And the rights they were shedding blood for were that of the normal!  That is who they were fighting for!

Granting equal rights to those who are not equal means that you have to bend over economically to have their rights met and that violates the rights of the normal!  Now I am not talking about wheel chair ramps and hand railings.

When equal rights means we have to spend disproportionating for those we have had to grant equality to it means that our own rights have been violated!  The money that could have been allocated to help the norm went in support of the unequal!

And they were not equal or they would not have had to lobby for equal rights!

And what happens when those who are granted equal rights abuse the rights of the norm?

Whose voices do you think a person who is diagnosed as having a mental illness and hearing are of?  Do you believe that those voices people like me hear come from the norm?  No, I don't!  And nor do they come from me!

Granting equal rights to those who are not equal makes victims of those who are the norm!

Schizophrenia is medical fraud, the symptoms are real and horrific however the origin and cause of thee affliction make it a medical fraud!

Why did you need to lobby for any more rights and wants than are in the Constitution?  Because you can only live among us by being granted criminal favoritism?

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 06 27 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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