The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, October 28, 2013

Gangrene Queen A Song about the bad of religion 10 28 2013

Gangrene Queen A Song about the bad of religion 10 28 2013

Where in the Bible leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ does it say, “This is it, this is the last crucifixion?”  Or “We have been waiting a very long time to crucify a good man for our purposes?”  (The Gospel of Nicodemus alludes to those concepts though.)
Do you know what the act really implies?  It implies that when you crucify bad people (not like Jesus) you make the bad people who are already alive worse people!  Instead of the flawed idea “He died for our sins,” you get another flawed idea, “He died to bring sin to our minds and hearts!”  In other words, “Please don’t kill my criminal son!”  Do you get it?  We can’t punish bad people because we become worse people because of it!
With the resurrection of Christ there is implied a take up of his good human soul in ordinary men (really implies less than normal or ordinary men.)  What do I base this belief on?  Many people claimed to be him after he was sacrificed.  How do we know this?  Because it is said that only the third person that claimed to be him actually looked like him and therefore was him!
It is really the principle of, I have a ordinary (actually less than ordinary) very late model Chevy car and I am going to put a Chevy big block motor in it.  To do this I am going to find a good ole Chevy car out there with a V8 in it and steal it!  Actually I have a whole fleet of cars that I want to put that same stolen motor in!
I like to relate most of what I write to the concept of schizophrenia as a medical fraud, and this is the standpoint of that from the point of view as the fraudsters owning less than ordinary cars?
So if we prevent so and so from using his human soul to think, then our fur eared adult satanic children can more easily believe they are him?  They can talk like him at the podium without getting their wires crossed by having to listen to him think at the same time?  Do you see a great many among us that would never have space in their noggins for that Chevy Big Block motor?  And what happens when you put that motor in there?  It does not make them better people!  That is called a mixed metaphor for you crossed eyed thinkers that can’t understand literary technique.  Cross eyed thinkers is another mixed metaphor too!  Sometimes a mixed metaphor can also be an oxymoron.
This is dialog,
“A person that can’t think unless they cross their eyes?”
“No their eyes are usually crossed.”
This is the start of dialog that could form a short story like you watch on television.
“Here ye, here ye, here ye.  This is the day we have all been waiting for in the history of the world!  A good man is going to die for all our sins!”
Funny thing is that after this religious idealism there is plenty of sin in the world today!  It didn’t work did it!   And we don’t forgive sins, like murder, in our new modern world today do we!  Do you know what happens for committing sins today?  You go to jail for them!  Do you get it yet?
In fact some people receive capital punishment and are executed for sins that are crimes!  And I am making a distinction between those and sinning in our minds.   Sinning in our minds might indeed be a part of the formation of human consciousness and human reason!  As in if I do this (oops I just sinned in my mind) this will happen as punishment to me!  Jesus warned us about this not because he was a sinner himself, he wasn’t, but because there were those who crucified him that believed that if someone thought bad things about them it was a sin!  How did they know?  How does someone at a distance know when you are for sure thinking bad things about them?  Because they are defined to be black satanic stupid!  Not only that they know when you are thinking bad things about them because they harmed you in some way to facilitate the anger towards them?  And why do they do this?  Because of a defective hippo campus they are not able to learn and form memories from their own point of view!  Those had to be the children of drunks!  We would, could or should call them mentally retarded spectrum (MRS) today.  Has a funny ring to it doesn’t it, “Misses today.”  Feel free to say it to whomever it accurately applies to!
I look at the facial expression of a Politician on a new book and say, “That unconfident smile tells me he doesn’t belong there!  The eyes are squinting and the cheeks look like they want to cry!”
Someone else's engine does not belong in his noggin!  He should not have been allowed to be powered to success by it!  That is the start of a song isn’t it?
“Somebody else's big block does not belong in your noggin.
Give it back
Give it back
Who did you drive nails through in order to get it?
Who did you give a mental heart attack
Your overpowered
And don’t know how to steer
My little honey deer
You fill a nation full of undue fear
With your mind that you fuel with deadening escapism beer
Ain’t it  queer?
That you’re my pier
What are you still doing here

Seriously if there is one nation on earth where a multitude of people like that don’t belong it is in the United States!  The concept violates every single principle of human rights!
Ask yourself of the religious belief system that is the equivalent of, “I have been waiting for a good man to die for quite some time?”  What is the nature of someone that believes in that?
Here is another way that type of person thinks, “His big block motor was so heavy for his feet that we had to put him in a wheel chair because of you!”  Very hard to debate somebody that is draining your fuel for power as you are talking to them!
Contrast that to this sentence, “I can’t think when he thinks or speaks.”  Women say stuff like that, don’t they!  As they are chewing the cud or curd!  Shame on me I have sinned again in my thoughts.  But a song is continuing to be formed.
“What happened to her?”
She is chewing the invisible curd.
She’s chewing the invisible curd and chomping up my every thought and word.
All that fur ears heard
All that fur ears herd.” (intentional homonym use, for those illiterate English professors.)
And I put those pieces together and I get a another song that no-one want to listen to!  (Mrs. Today, doesn’t like that.  Do borrow from my new sinful thought created above.)
More lyrics
“Get that ambition out of you!
Heave it for us Tom!
Do you like my King Solomon Sword
I’ll sell you a King Solomon Sword
Gang green queen
Please remain sight herd unseen!
She’s chewing on the invisible curd or cud
And begging please don’t let the world know my son is a mental dud.
Sorry Mrs. Today you can’t have this one
Because my life would be over and done.

So here would be the full song that no one would understand after all that!
“Somebody else’s big block does not belong in your noggin.
Give it back
Give it back
Who did you drive nails through in order to get it?
Who did you give a mental heart attack
Your overpowered
And don’t know how to steer
My little honey deer
You fill a nation full of undue fear
With your mind that you fuel with deadening escapism beer
Ain’t it  queer?
That you’re my pier
What are you still doing here
I have been waiting for a good man to die for quite some time
Your big block motor was so heavy for his feet that we had to put him in a wheel chair because of you! 
I can’t think when he thinks or speaks
“What happened to her?”
She is chewing the invisible curd.
She’s chewing the invisible curd and chomping up my every thought and word.
All that fur ears heard
All that fur ears herd.”
“Get that ambition out of you!
Heave it for us Tom!
Do you like my King Solomon Sword
I’ll sell you A King Solomon Sword
Gangrene queen
Please remain sight, herd, unseen!
She’s chewing on the invisible curd or cud
And begging please don’t let the world know my son is a mental dud.
Sorry Mrs. Today you can’t have this one
Because my life would be over and done.

So there is a song.  A lot of modern songs read like that one does.  And of course some of the lyrics would be repeated in reframe such as “Gangrene Queen, please remain sight, herd, unseen!”

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 10 28 2013 at:

And for the cross eyed thinking English Professors a lot of that above and what is in my novel "The Voyage of the Cauldron Skipper" is called literary vernacular.  It is written in the way the common man thinks and talks.  Rather than a monarchy type text that is designed to prevent a lower class from learning how to read and write? Both have their merits.  I tend to use literary vernacular in dialog and proper English in description and non dialog.  It is characteristic of Irish Literature that the English burned, probably about the same time they took Ireland's food supply away for themselves.  The reason they burnt those books was because they did not like being described in accurate terms with wit!  They were greatly 'ashamed' from the satire the Irish wrote about them!  The way that handle that shame today is to have you medicated so that your hippo campus function is voided.  For those cross eyed English Professors...

And indeed many today are Irish in name and English in heart?

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