The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, November 4, 2013

In Response to "Charged Officer Seeks disability pay"

My Commentary In Response to "Charged Officer Seeks disability pay" written by Gina Barton and John Diedrich for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Both Gomez and Mucha were the cause of their own disability!  Contrast this to any disability caused by those whom they traumatized!  In effect what they are claiming is that their own actions traumatized themselves!  But it only happened to them because of the public’s knowledge of what they did and the shame, otherwise they would not be disabled!  Look’s like the tide is starting to turn on the satanic minded in our society!  There could be an epidemic of people just like them who come out of the closet! 
But the question is should a Police Officer who was hired and entrusted with public safety who was found to act criminally while on the Milwaukee Police force receive a full pension type disability at a level  of that job! On what grounds?  Because he subverted law and legal authority in the United States as a Police Officer; that is the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do!  They betrayed the public trust!
Do we give anyone a pension for being a criminal in our society!  We shouldn’t!  There should be no precedent that we should!  We can indeed give them 3 light meals a day and a managed place to live.  But then the question becomes are there even human beings that can be trusted to manage such places!
And what are the causes of their disability?  Shame over their bad behavior!  That is far different than disability being caused by harassment and attrition in Corporate America!  So should everyone who was made to hear voices in their heads as part of a bad sect of a Jewish religion grafted unto our legal system also receive full disability?  No!  Why not?  Because it was a Constitutional violation of Church and State by FDR to indoctrinate the principle of a person who has had their soul split being the cause of their own disability!  Okay, do you see what side of the equation Mucha and Gomez fall on?  They never belonged where they did in the first place!  And what does Mucha say?  He doesn’t know right from wrong!  Neither of these two characters ever did and should have never been hired!  And no doubt there condition was caused in part by alcohols influence on the hippo campus!  Why?  Because people develop their conscience and human reason through this part of the brain that recalls one’s own memories into a person’s mind and that becomes the basis of human thought and learning!  Defects to the hippo campus are caused by alcohol in Fetal Alcohol syndrome, youths that are pushed drugs on to level their potential down and also Alzheimer's!  And defects to the hippo campus are also caused by inbreeding!  And that is indeed what the Bible tells us that those of the Kingdom of Judah believed in!  The Jewish religion was named after the man Judah!  The first five books of the Bible are indeed the core of the Jewish religion!  And what do they tell us?  That Judah engaged in inbreeding activities!  Judah and the Kingdom of Israel were separate Kingdoms before Judah invaded with Wine Presses!  Not only that the great origin of your German beer was part of the black Egyptians performing a Eugenics experiment on humans!  The slave workers who built the pyramids were indeed fed on beer and bread!  And that beer was likely fermented with both saliva strains of human DNA as well as animal DNA!  The Sphinx being the depiction of an oriental looking man who is also a Cat?  They lopped most of the face of that one off so we wouldn’t know who was depicted there!  And also your red headed Irish and German race (Roth and Rothschild (means red)) might have indeed been sired through Orangutang saliva being used to ferment that beer!  Sounds crazy but there it fits!  The earliest humans had to have differentiated themselves from the Primates!  And hence this might have indeed been part of that effort?  Or indeed it might have indeed been a reverse goal of human genetics!  To make a weaker race out of the human being in order to make a slave labor force?  But what I am getting at here is that zombifying a human soul through an action consistent with Haitian voodoo called psychiatry does not benefit humanity!  It does convert lesser races back to humans!  Instead it allows the lesser races to victimize human beings!  It happened in the United States under the FDR administration!  He took his research from Wisconsin Eugenicists that pried their way into the University of Wisconsin system!  The conclusion should have been that alcohol causes defects!  And we know that alcohol influences the human genome by causing cancer!  The Egyptians knew this too and attempted to genetically modify human beings by influencing DNA in the presence of alcohol!  The reason it works is because alcohol causes oxidative cell stress and sometimes death.  This in turn triggers the immediate cell regeneration cycle!  And that when that cell regeneration cycle is commenced in the presence of external DNA that DNA can influence the human cell just as alcohol by itself causes cancer, some cancers are indeed caused by viruses; Ovarian is the one they most accurately give attribution to!  But a virus is indeed a DNA bit that is not part of the person’s genome; it could be from another person, another race or even an animal!  There is also a quote in the Bible that states that Egypt and Israel were one!  Israel was indeed a separate Kingdom before Judah brought over the wine presses!
Gomez is a Hispanic name.  Did indeed Roman Catholic missionaries, or monks, seek to genetically modify people in remote Catholic missionaries?  So is everyone going to claim that alcohol was the great facilitator of the human race!  That is untrue!  Those with human conscience and human reason are the great facilitators of the human race.  And people that don’t meet the standard of humanity because they torture others might be considered to be of detriment to the standard of the human race!  But FDR he brought back alcohol!  He had German beer money and Irish bootleggers such as the Kennedy family as his Campaign finance minister!  And that same money influenced what defined Eugenics transitioned into psychiatry!  In effect it is medical fraud!  The symptoms are real but they are not created by the individual they are created so that the individual surrenders his individuality!  It is supposed to make people like Mucha and Gomez responsible adults in the process!  People cannot be made in that way, it is a long process of responsible parenting and the love bond between father and son that fosters the human race!  A man thinks of his children as an extension of himself.  Contrast this to the bar bastard who gets as many women pregnant as he can!  That is how ape tribes are formed!  There is no man to raise the children so they are all raised by the same coven of women apes!  And how can a son pass on what he learned from his father is he never had a father?  And what happens when a father drinks alcohol and attempts to create a human being?  In the worst cases they come out looking like apes and are mentally retarded!  Yeah I will make the comparison of what my eyes see and in contrast to what a hairy eye sitting in a circle of apes learns through its mind’s eye! And indeed science can prove that the distances between the eyes and facial features of a fetal alcohol syndrome child more closely resemble an ape than a human being!
Sure I might be getting on the edge with this but it is meant to expose what has been a crime against humanity fostered by the United States.  FDR would claim no knowledge of the stock market crash? Just as Bernie Madoff and those that rigged the London Interbank Offer Rate that caused a mortgage crisis that almost caused another great depression would make the same claim?  I am not buying that! FDR’s family wealth came from the opium trade with China!  What does that mean?  It means that in his family there was a history of manipulating human lives through the sale of narcotics!  We know that one hit of heroin and a person’s life is ruined!  Their ambitions are cast out in favor of the escapism brought to them by the drug!  And repealing Prohibition and bring back alcohol creates the same effect!  It puts one on the path of escapism as a matter of an adjunct to a bad nationalized religion!  The United States was founded by real men who believed in pragmatism and honest creation.  And sure they did back things to the Native Americans with alcohol.  But you know what, some of them were cannibals just like the Romans, Pacific Island tribes, China (human baby parts in powdered baby form for sale; likely taken from children of those labeled political prisoners and executed for the crime and had their body parts sold), and many African tribes were cannibalistic too!  And indeed FDR embraced the offshoot of that religion Voodoo as psychiatry!  If your hippo campus is screwed up it is not the fault of a human being in the United States and it is a violation of every fiber of the Constitution to harass, demonize until they surrender their individuality to you, in the form of seeking psychiatry!  We don’t sell drugs, alcohol, tobacco for great profit and then say that so and so is so much better that he must surrender his individuality and be called a schizophrenic!
When you look at their history and their belief system do you come to the conclusion that both Mucha and Gomez were always likely to be the way they are?  They always thought that way?  Why?  Was their thinking leveled down through alcohol use in adult life?  Were they taught to become violent like they saw on television, through oxidative stress of alcohol triggering the immediate cell and memory regeneration cycle in the presence of violence as a standard of Police behavior as seen on crime television?   And what is television all about today?  It is about glamorizing criminal behavior!  And it has been this way since Prohibition was repealed.  The stories are all about drug dealers versus cops.  The Irish and Italian mafias were the original drug dealers in the United States.  It became legitimized by FDR at the same time he ill-legitimatized (word origin might have translated meaning in metaphor that the human soul becomes illegible and therefore non-present?) the human soul as the individuals humanity is to be surrendered to them!  That is the exact wording!  Surrender of individuality!  The real reason it is done is because they did not want to give up the source of their wealth while also being a victim of the source of that wealth themselves; it is very hard for them to learn and teach!

Schizophrenia is medical fraud that is actively facilitated to the benefit of others (façade of humanity) in the name of money only!  A façade of humanity with a funnel of money (wealth) to it!

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 11 04 2013 at:

Oops, I forgot to use the explanatory terminology that the beer was fermented with mouth yeast and mouth DNA.

Egyptian Eugenics would seem to be a religion that's main belief was in Alcohol to facilitate it? That is the first instance I know of alcohol in history; aside from the fermented apple of the Garden of Eden.  Hence the sale of alcohol is also unconstitutional because it violates the separation of Church and State.  In the least interpretation of this is means that anyone who drinks alcohol may not serve in public office because it is a violation of the Separation of Church and State in our Constitution!

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