The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Evidence of Tribal Adaption to damaged hippocampus area of the brain Part 1 10 01 2013

Evidence of Tribal Adaption to damaged hippocampus area of the brain
1.       Incompatibility with the opposite sex as a defect?
2.       Caused by an idolatrous tribe having a brain development abnormality based on reactive thought to one single human beings (either human being man or woman’s) thinking?
3.       Every single one of you has lost your sexual identity as a man or woman.  Even those of the same sex of the human being who is being demonized do not have the same gender identity as that sex!  Why not?  Because there is neither father/son love nor mother/daughter love.  Instead- reactive emotions (instincts) of only; jealousy, spite, resentment and even cannibalism towards the individual whose human soul is demonized to be their group parent.
A game show might phrase the question, “What is the beast?”
What a Government Shutdown would seek to address?
1.        They are not citizens of America they are citizens of Americans souls and must be governed as such.
2.       You cannot govern a citizen of a human beings soul as if they are law abiding citizens of a country!  Because you cannot be a citizen of someone else’s soul and also a law abiding citizen of any country!
You have created a society of dis empowered, unrecognized kings and queens through what the founders of the Republican Party knew was mental slavery!  (See link)  And those who have mental slaves are not true human beings because their brains do not function at the level or nature of human beings!
So how are some mental slaves to others?   How can you keep a person as a mental slave?  It is very simple, every time the beast hears a human being start thinking she starts cursing his thoughts!
So is it very easy to tell who lives off split minds in the United States today?  Of course it is it follows the exact same principle as above, “They will not let you get a word in edge wise!”
“Entities” like this need adult human beings telling them what to do and what not to do!  And because they have opted out of having responsible self reliant human minds our normal judicial system and process has become ineffective and inapplicable with regard to them!
A life time criminal is not equal to a human being because human beings have not been raised to be lifetime criminals!
If you make the mind of one individual your “Subject” then you should always  be subject to what fate “that” mind determines is best for you!  You thought it would be best to “have” that mind, so your fate should be always to be subject to what “Fate” that human mind determines is best for you!  It should have never been vice versa where a human being was subject to the will of a mentally defective person.
There are only two options to govern the satanic minded in our world, they are either segregated from human beings or they are subjected to the minds of the souls that they have stolen!
To be segregated amongst themselves as a lower class that chose to be that way!  It was a matter of choice!
Now I know what you want to say, you want to say it is really the schizophrenic that is the mentally ill person.  Here is why that is not true, Had a schizophrenic been born with a defective mind/brain there would have been no human mind/soul present in order for them to be labeled schizophrenic (literally means split mind.)  By human logic and reason you cannot split a human mind if a person does not possess a human mind!  It can’t be done!

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 10 01 2013 at:

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