The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why Black Power Will Rule the World 10 13 2013

Why Black Power Will Rule the World 10 13 2013

Today I listened to the Minister Farrakhan on the radio.  I do this every so often just because I find points of view of a non-traditional opinion very refreshing!
He made some very interesting points.  For example the belief is that white people originated from a man named Yakub who bread them on the island of Patmos, and that this occurred some 6600 years ago.  He also stated that black people and I am using the term black people and Muslims interchangeably where predicted by Yakub or someone else to only be ruled for 6600 years by white at which time someone the Bible referred to as the Son of Man would come and set things straight.  This son of man is also referred to as the Great McDee (sp?)in the Quran?) I will have to look that one up and also just exactly how Yakub is said to have bread white people with blue eyes.
Their belief or how it is stated is that white people are the grafted seed.  But I don’t know the details.  All well and good to me.  Science has seemed to confirm that belief that we are all descended from blacks in that region for quite some time.
The interesting statistics that he gave were that people of the Muslim faith are indeed going to be the majority in Germany in some 20 years, Europe and the United States.  And these are indeed based on projections of births per white versus births per Muslims.  The Muslim birth rate is higher.
He stated that he population of Europe that is currently white moved in between 5000 and 6000 years ago.
He called that gene for blue eyes the OCA gene!
He stated with arbitrary use of the word greatest that, “The greatest thing to happen is the death of the white race.”
He also stated that his people are peaceful and nonviolent people and in no way seek wars.  And that Islam mosques are open every week and everyone is free to come.  I would like to attend. 
*****’  Have we indeed heard Muslims condemn terrorist actions and hand over fellow Muslim terrorists to authorities?  Would be my question regard peaceability!
He also stated that Blacks are the real children of Israel.
Okay more or less this is the point where I separate my commentary and what he said.
Blacks the real children of Israel?  You are there already aren’t you?  If blacks were the only people before 6,600 years ago and Jews are said to be a 30,000 year old religion it means you are in Israel today!  I would indeed challenge both the blacks claim and the Jews claim as well as the Canaanites claim in favor of my Irish Claim!
If black people were the only people around before 6,600 years ago what does it imply?  The Jews have claimed to be the world’s oldest religion dating back 30,000 years I have heard.  So two very disturbing things are implied here!  From my memory the pyramids are said to have been built dating back 10,000 years.  That means that black Jews were whipping and enslaving other black Jews to build the pyramids?  It also means that Jews that existed before 6,600 years ago were all black!
I take issue with the Kingdom of Israel issue but will not elaborate on it right now other than to say what was loved about Israel was the system of laws that were in place and the responsible lives they lead.  For example recent excavations reveal that those in Israel or what is the West bank or near Jerusalem where Jesus is said to have been from did not eat any pork whatsoever.  What this and other evidence implies is that the Kingdom of Israel has really nothing to do with location but about how people behaved and treated each other.  Now to give you a clue into what other people outside of the original place of Israel believed in, and this time I will not make the distinction between the two separate countries of Israel and Judah but of Israelites and Canaanites.  A Canaanite had to indeed been a follower of Cain just as Jews are a follower of Judah!  There is some quote in the Bible where it is said that, “Whatever you do don’t marry a Canaanite!” And who was Cain?  He was the son who was jealous of his brother and his natural ability and killed him.  Cain built a house with a faulty foundation and it eventually killed him.  What is implied there is that he did not actually have the skills to build that house himself.  For some reason he was not as good as his brother.  Now if we translate from the Parable of the Talents to the belief in Cain we see that the Canaanite belief system had to be like Cain and the suffix nite means that they clubbed or caned people in the night so that they could steal their skills and build structures that fell in on them?  Well you get the idea, it was a society based on murdering your more successful sibling!
What did Jesus Christ tell us in the Bible?  “Protect your crown until I return.”  The crown being the top of your head.  And that is likely the reason that the Jews where Yamulkes to keep themselves separate from God.  What is the Bible in the first place?  The whole book can be thought of from the very beginning how man evades or deals with those who would mentally enslave him for his human soul.  In the very beginning we hear how the voice of God mocks a working man by saying to him, “You are a stiff necked people.”  Everyone who hears voices in their head and tries to concentrate through them experiences that same mocking and neck pain!  It is indeed a matter of maintaining your eye focus while a beast superimposes your soul and pretends it is doing your work right along with you.  And it is indeed accompanied by a mocking voice that facilitates your mind and soul dislocation!
So indeed the Kingdom of Israel was different than both Canaanite and Judah societies.  And the Jews always say how they want to return there, even today!  What does that imply?  They too abhor the mocking voice that sees through the eyes of man?
So if indeed black people are to rule the world what are they going to revert to?  Do they want to revert to their primitive cultures?  Those included cannibalism didn’t they!  Before they were indeed enslaved and brought to the United States did they not indeed engage in Cannibalism.  What is the point?  Who wants to live next door to a nation of Jeffery Dahmners?  There are plenty of cultures that reverted to cannibalism when they could not feed themselves or read a book to learn how to?  And it can indeed be said to separate man from beast.  It is a crime against humanity to kill and eat someone!  It is that horrific.  Not only that it likely leads to brain defects from prions and human viral dna?
The Irish were far different than any other race in the entire world, in that they starved to death rather than eating other fellow human beings en mass or as tradition or religion!
Requesting a place to be segregated and food supplied for 20 years.  Also said that the U.S. can’t feed everyone today.   So if we can’t feed everyone today how are we to feed them for 20 years?  The truth is that we have more food than we need.  The truth is also that we will not be able to produce our own food at some point in the near future because of a contaminated waters supply and other environmental conditions that were left unabated.  So indeed black people might very well be the saviors of the world if they were taught to grow organic food.  Will you sell some back to us white folks?  To tell you the truth I too would like to go with you Muslims if you leave.  White people do not like me either and I am all white!  They don’t like me because some of them do not have their own human soul and I do!   What do we also know of some of those African religions?  They engaged in Voodoo!  The act of making a person seem like they are dead burying them and then digging them up in the middle of the night so that they could roam the earth brain dead.  And that indeed is the exact nature of psychiatry.  The clue hear into stealing a soul is why didn’t they just kill the person?  To hate a human being that much implies by comparison that you are not one!
The Minister Farrakhan said that Black people need to be segregated from white people because whites are indeed the grafted seed and they are incompatible to live with each other.  He asked that they be feed for 20 years and given a place for them to live by themselves.  So if we are supposed to feed them doesn’t that imply that they are not the superior race?  
Those teachings also say there is going to come someone who will teach them?  A superior race does not need a independent teacher from itself right?
Okay now back to the very beginning and why I chose the title for this article that I did, “Why black power will rule the world.”
It is very simple, “Muslims do not believe in drinking alcohol!!!!”  Everything Farrakhan said about low birth weights and white people can indeed be substantiated by the scientific knowledge the Alcohol causes birth defects.  If it causes birth defects it also causes low birth rate!  Why?  They both are in the same direction concerning human health- alcohol is detrimental to human health!
I have heard a man on the radio say that those who drink alcohol have less heart disease and stroke than those who do.  There is a very simple reason for this, people who drink alcohol are less responsible and therefore very stressful to live with!  And human beings have to resort to not drinking alcohol in order to deal with the stress of someone who does!
So indeed the Muslim’s or black power will end up ruling the world.  What would be the directive to white people so that black power does not end up ruling the world?  To kill any white person that were to stand in the way of a new amendment to the Constitution for Prohibition?  Okay I did not tell you to do anything but I am stating if there were a new Constitutional amendment for Prohibition that it would have to be that strictly enforced!
And statistics and projections from statistics do confirm that Muslim’s will indeed rule the world.  What makes them different is that they do not believe in alcohol.
And what you might know about Allah is that at first he thought people could drink alcohol.  Then for some reason I have not researched he said that people should never drink alcohol!  You only change your mind with regard to an issue like that if you have had to deal with people who have been compromised by the use of alcohol!  And when you do make that realization you wholeheartedly agree with it!  The Bible is anti-alcohol too, but you have to dig through it to find out how and why!  Jesus Christ himself was anti-alcohol!  Satan was pro alcohol and likely a creation of alcohols influence on human conception!

And isn't that above comment that is on the edge what the Muslim Jihad and Holy War really amounts to!  That is also my religion- it is called Tea totaling. My father was this way too!   It is also a Catholic belief because they believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible.  However it is not  a Catholic belief because they willfully ignore the significance of it!
Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 10 13 2013 at:

One more valid point I heard or read the fact that their is little mention of the Kingdom of Israel before 1100 BC or something like that, don't know the exact fact.  But it means that the concept is more separate and distinct as I implied above!

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