The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela and a storm 12 06 2013

Nelson Mandela and a storm 12 06 2013

After I heard Nelson Mandela died I said under my breath, "There is going to be a storm coming."

I put the time frame at within 3 days but sometimes it can be within two weeks!

I believe there was a storm when Jesus died.  And also that there was a storm when Lots seed was lost on the ground might make one believe that Lot really died on the ground too?

Nelson Mandela worked to fight Apartheid.  It was really a system of segregation and class structure put in place by Great Briton rule??

And what do I read in the paper today?  That yesterday, I will use the terminology at or near the time of death, storm XAVER rolled through the eastern coast of Great Briton (England it really is to me) with 140 mile an hour winds and it killed 2 people.

I actually believed that there would be greater storms than that.  But lets wait and see.

Can it be scientifically explained?  The human soul being part of the energy of the world?  A void therefore created when a man of principle dies? And that is indeed what a storm is, a difference in pressures!  Mandela was a great force of pressure wasn't he!!! It is part of science that we can't explain and I would even state that many people would want to ignore metaphysical because it conflicts with their unsound life's belief system?  And maybe that should be a belief for many that do not fear God in our World!  You had no fear for being a bad person because you did not fear God, some of you might look at your flooded basements and as you try and answer the question, "Why did this have to happen?"  Well it was a natural disaster right?  Maybe you would be better off believing, "I must think of the instances in my life where I refused to believe in God or good when I should have!"

The God fearing man see's his sump pump is 12 years old and just swaps it out for another one at a cost of $80 and the labor is done with his own God fearing hands directed by his own God fearing mind.  The God fearing man abstains from alcohol so that his child is not born mentally retarded!  You needed some explanation and I gave it to you!  In order to be a God fearing man you have to answer to something called a human conscience!  And if you don't know what that is, it means that you attempt to be self reliant while respecting the rights of others?  In other words you don't drain our economy of wealth and then attempt to legislate the legality of cannibalism because you are not smart enough to grow your own food and need your protein so that you can be genetically superior?  Kind of rhymes with taking a steroid synthesized from part of a dead mans brain doesn't it? (In order to make enough millions to feed your family or assert your rights as a homosexual to marry?)  Sounds like you got a dead man as part of your brain already.  So what would happen if we derived a steroid through synthesis from a dead man who was also a homosexual?  And then we of course say that all men are to be injected with it in order to create a genetically superior University of Wisconsin Madison Charles Van Hise type of race?  The CVH race?

Like I said, we got more storms coming!!!!

And this belief system is not mysticism nor paganism.  What will you all say when the concrete of the world nuclear power plants corrodes from the radioactivity and poisons the entire water supply?  "Why did this happen?"  Let me answer it for you already.  Because Solar powered energy was a viable alternative that you did not want the population to believe in.

I read an opinion in the local newspaper how men should no longer hunt and we should instead sterilize deer with poisoned salt licks and also sterilize men that want to deer hunt?

Steroids have indeed been prescribed for a variety of ailments.  And I do indeed wonder how peoples thinking has been influenced by them?  The female becomes more aggressive while at the same time not having the ability to recognize inconsistent and faulted logic?

And indeed that will be the next person they hire to mock us from the television set in our dens!  That TV turns on and it is like, none of these people should have ever been allowed into my home!  I don't want them here!  But they are such good friends with my mother that I can't say too many bad things about them?  And indeed isn't that how we are propagandized with bad ideas?  We are led to believe that the person on television is the most knowledgeable and informative, when the reality is far more dark and disturbing than that! I do not appreciate televised opinions!  And neither should you!

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Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 12 06 2013 at:
Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy 

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