The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Primate Logic 12 01 2013

Primate Logic 12 01 2013
“I’ll feel better as soon as I can participate some more in a humans life by ruining it today!”
It is not, “The ones we love we hurt the most,” it is really, “The ones we are most envious of we hurt the most!”  Honest to God you grow up thinking the latter and you find yourself constantly being corrected with the former!!!
Here is an offshoot of the principle; “A mother is jealous of her own child’s youth and/or innocence of youth!”
A mother adopts a child thinking it will make her more of a happy and complete adult human being like other women;  and she finds out she is really envious of that child’s youth like she was of other children all her life!  (ALL HER LIFE!)
And her children learn that same envy and grow up to live in envy just as she did!  They learn it by seeing what she thinks and believes in and being imprinted with those same negative emotions of envy.
They would like to diagnose his belief in myself of, “Everything I write here you’ll be glad I did,” as being a delusion that I have of myself!!!  That is what makes psychiatry subjectively based medical fraud! It amounts to, “I can’t stand his belief in himself or what he thinks about me that I know is true!  So we will diagnose him as having a delusion so that I can feel happy about myself again!”  It is really self empowerment of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome League!  And indeed that is what FDR believed in!
Have you ever known a drug dealer to be very unhappy because they could not push their drugs on you!!!  There was one in High School like this that ended up killing himself!  You wouldn’t take them because you had no reason to; you were naturally happy!  You were happy to be born of your parents and you knew that they loved you as a child!  You interacted with them and grew up with them in a mutually loving and respectful home!  But the nature of the drug dealer, who wears every color of clothe in the United States society today is that, “Nothing makes them more miserable then when you won’t take the drugs they’re pushing!  (Or recommend that you take!)  That is not human nature!

 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

No one should ever feel that they are at risk for prosecution by directly quoting Bible Verse! But yet that Bible verse of a Jewish Priest is technically illegal today!  Congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of religion!  It means that they cannot make a law against that belief above.  Establishment of religion can be more or less thought of by Thomas Jefferson to be based on the Bible?  Thomas Jefferson a very wise man indeed realized that the Constitution he was writing was to be the religion of human rights and America?  Then we get into how men and human beings can be defined to be so and not be so!  We can all agree that that thing that eats people isn't one of us?  But what of the person that eats sperm, menstrual fluid and licks feces off the butt of another or licks feces off the penis of another?

If Leviticus were alive today he would also likely make the same claim with regard to drug dealers?  Oops another delusional belief of mine.  Just do a Bible search regarding the Bible and homosexuality.  You will find anything but the true interpretation of what Leviticus said in 20:13!
Can you see how the Roman’s who had “Field battlemates” they slept with, would be threatened by this Israelite!  Greeks would be threatened by the indoctrination of this JEWISH belief system too!  Not me!
So let me give you an idea of what the true nature of a drug dealer is from a quote by Horace Greeley an Abolitionist (means he openly expressed his view to free the slaves publicly and risked his life doing so!)  Wait, this quote is from Robert G. Ingersoll, “Mental slavery is mental death, and every man who has given up his intellectual freedom is the living coffin of his dead soul.”
The reason I use that quote is because it is what the drug dealer wants to create out of you!  The drug dealer was likely born that way or raised per the above new psychological phenomenon initially articulated in this article to be that way! Here is another false philosophy they would like to believe to discourage independent human thought, “There is nothing new under the sun!”  It really means “they” don’t want you to realize and learn for yourself, when indeed that is the track of education you are on!!!!
These ideas that drug dealers have are so contrary to human nature that they can be stated to be one step below human nature!
There might come a time in the very near future where the principle of resistance to taking drugs is a sign of mental illness; that is already today isn’t it!!!  They would also like to apply the principle of one being too sick not to take their drugs; to the administration of street drugs by the street drug dealer?  Just wait and watch; do you see how they are advocating marijuana use and how it should be legalized?  Is not that pot smoker really what Ingersoll describes above?  What do we know about the marijuana dealer?  It is never enough that they take the drugs themselves they have to get you to take them too!  Why because they can’t make a living any other way in life because they are already a living coffin of a dead human soul; as stated above! I just revert to Robert G. Ingersoll’s (son of an Abolishonist) definition, “A living coffin of a dead soul!”
Charles Van Hise was the President of the University of Wisconsin Madison and he was a Eugenicist that believed that people he chose should surrender their individuality for the benefit of others.  It goes against every fiber of our Constitution.  And it makes me wonder what connection he had to the German beer industry.  But anyhow he is said to be the main influence behind FDR’s new deal program.  They believed that bigger men had more of an ability to survive in the long term.  What we know today some 80 years later is it isn’t true!  When the star high school athlete enters the military what we are told is that they are the biggest sissies there ever was!  They flunk out!  To me it means you did not create bigger better men; you created closet queers!  And they have indeed gained white collar power in the United States and every action that they have made can be said to be consistent with a male not being of the integrity to serve in the United States Military!  What did their macho Eugenics give us?  So many homosexuals that they are lobbying for equal rights!  Is that not irony?  They set about believing in larger men and ended up giving us larger men that are homosexuals and lobbying for equal rights in marriage?  Now I find this to be extremely funny!  They would like to label me as being mentally ill for having that belief!
They say that the word of God has been tested over 7 times over!  The word of God is in the Bible and you should have known by now not to put it to the test!  So what does the Bible say about drugs?  Alcohol was the drug of choice and you have to have the capability to read above the collegiate level to understand what it means!
As I listen to a Bishop speaking on the television in the background I would make the assertion that some people are not qualified to interpret Bible verse!  When the only ones who have money and will contribute to the hat you pass around have odd children that becomes your business interpretation?  He has to change his religion in order to afford room and board?  Someone paid by unhappy people to make them feel happy?  Sounds like it is analogous to the oldest profession in the world!!!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 12 01 2013 at:
Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy

By the way, I see why the Jews might not believe in the New Testament of Matthew and I might share that not believing in the Testament of Matthew.  Matthew might have indeed been Satanic!  I don't have time to give you the well articulated analysis, but I have enough psychological constructs and see enough covered tracks in that Gospel to make that statement too!

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